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Mesaj tarihi:
When the next major content patch launches we will be introducing epic quality gems and updating the perks for each profession. Please keep in mind that any of this information may see further changes before the patch launches.

The design recipes for cutting epic gems will be made available for purchase with Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Tokens and there are several ways to obtain raw epic gems:

Prospecting Titanium Ore
Alchemy transmutations
Purchased with Honor
Purchased with Emblems of Heroism

Coinciding with the implementation of epic gems and the gain that Blacksmiths will receive through their perk from these new gems, we have gone through all of the perks in every profession and increased their values to match up accordingly.


The Mixology benefits from Northrend elixirs and flasks have been increased
Added a new pattern for Flask of the North, usable by players with a high alchemy skill. The recipe is purchased from the honor potion vendor. The Flask of the North increases your spell power, attack power, or Strength for 1 hour, and is usable in arenas. It is not consumed when used.
Endless Healing Potion and Endless Mana Potion no longer usable in arenas. Amount of health and mana has been increased, and the cooldown reduced. They are still usable everywhere else.


No changes will be made to this profession; it will continue to have the 2 additional prismatic sockets (which can hold the new epic gems)


Values on Northrend ring enchants increased


Increased benefits from Hyperspeed Accelerators, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket, and Reticulated Armor Webbing glove modifications


Increased healing from Lifeblood (Rank 6)
Lifeblood now scales slightly with maximum health
Lifeblood no longer affected by global cooldown


Master's Inscriptions increased


Dragon's Eye gems stat bonuses increased


Fur Lining values increased


Toughness (Rank 6) provides more Stamina


Master of Anatomy (Rank 6) provides more critical strike rating


Embroideries improved
Mesaj tarihi:
bs, yeni patchin professionı olacak deniyordu ama gerekli düzeltmeyi yapmış adamlar.. yalnız, flask of the north ilginçmiş.. ne kadar olacak verdiği statların değeri bilmem ama eğer çok düşük değilse bayağı coşacak alchemistler..
Mesaj tarihi:
have enchants on rings and they can make money easily

have chance to use 3 really great gems regardless of slot color.

have special enchants on wrist slot.

add additional sockets to gloves and bracers.

have special cloak enchants.

gain additional bonus from their flasks/elixirs.

have binoculars.
Mesaj tarihi:
axedice said:

BS'ye ne düzeltmesi yapmışlar? JCde meta gem olayı bitiyor onu niye yazmamışlar?

bs'ye bir düzeltme yok aslında.. bs dışındaki tüm professionların bonusunu yükseltmişler.. epic gemlerle kazanılacak avantajı indirgemişler böylece bs için..
Mesaj tarihi:
sayin noob arkadasim çons

ringde enchant var, oyunun en kral enchantina 3g tip oneren adamlarla ugrasiyorlar, herkes amtlarini getirip "I HAF THE MATS SO NO MONEY FEFESE" olayini gectim profession i levellamak icin harcanan para ile 2 profession sifirdan 400 e cok rahat kasilir

nerflenicek bu patchle o aga, prismatic filan olmicak normal renkli yapicaklar jewelcrafter gemlerin

glove a zimbirti bas aga ama haklisin engineer degmez, sil JC kas mine filan varsa ben sildim alchemy kastim memnunum

alchemy yeni flaski PvE icin degil yanliz PvP icin

butun profflarin aldigi stat bonuslar geara atilirken alchemy sadece flask icince yararlaniyordu, consumable olmiyan bir flask yapiyorlar iste mal gibi profession bonusundan pvp de faydalanmak icin millet malzeme kasmak zorunda kalmasin diye

cokda ahim sahim bisey olmaz ama 35-40str civari bisey olur olsa olsa
Mesaj tarihi:
abi genel olarak ne kasarsam kasiyim
class olsun race olsun
prof olsun
hep ya hic patch note gelmiyo yada gelenler kisa

Values on Northrend ring enchants increased


bu arada abi enchante 3 gold ffs diyen adama go fuck youself diyosun olay bitiyor

lfw enchanting - 10g fee
will you do 2 for 15?
no. cant you multiply 2*10= 20
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