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Chemical karakalem yaptıı!


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Ya sıkıldım bende yapayım dedim
esası aylardır elime kalem alıp bişi çizmemiştim ilk sayılır bu en son boru çizmiştim:)
açtım desktoptan random bi vaşak resmini örnek alarak çizdim
nası olmuş yorum isterem
kamera ile çekip birleştirdim yannız
ühü kötü çiziyom:(
[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...

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yannız kamera ile 2 resim çekip psp de orantılarını düzelttim sonra ışık farkınıda biraz koyulaştırdım bağlama yeri heç belli olmuyor bakınca[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

yaşicekmiyim dohtor bey?[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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ühü:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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esası baktım ceket gibi duruyo tam bi ceket papyon çizicektim:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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tüy çizmek zormuş yeni anladım:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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ya bak param yok git dövecem yazıyo
öyle bakıyo napim[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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adam vaşak ne bilmez inek der herşeye öyle[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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alla alla?:P[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
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Bunu yaparken emek harcadıysan güzel olmuş.

''Uğrunda ter dökülmemiş iş'' = ''çiş''
--Sadist'den Özlü Sözler. Sayfa: 231--[signature][hline]Yazılarımın hepsi SADİST01 a.ş ne aitdir.
İzin almadan kopyalayanlar hakkında hukuksal işleme başvurulacaktır.
Başvuru için; İcq:236537112 (Anlayışınız için teşekkürler.)
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