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roket adam

Öne çıkan mesajlar

You: hi stranger
You: :)
Stranger: hi..
Stranger: :)
You: how re u
Stranger: im fine, thanks
Stranger: you?
You: thanks good
You: where re u from
Stranger: finland
Stranger: you?
You: turkey
You: i like girls from finland :))
Stranger: nice. (:
You: re u living in finland ?
Stranger: Why?
You: they look like great :))
You: im living in cyprus now
You: do you know ?
Stranger: yes :D
You: have you ever been ?
Stranger: no, but I would like to.
You: :))
You: re u male or female ?
You: critical question :D
Stranger: female. (:
You: :)
Stranger: :D
Stranger: you?
You: male (:
You: im boring
You: what re u doing
You: offer somethink for me :)
Stranger: I listen to music.
You: what kind ?
Stranger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfKHXOvFc60&feature=related
You: i ll look
Stranger: (:
Stranger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyYAv59QoL4&feature=channel_page
Stranger: :''DDD
You: http://ccorpse3.mybrute.com/
You: :)))
You: do you like anime ?
Stranger: yes!
Stranger: :D
Stranger: and manga. (:
You: i dont :))
Stranger: höh.
Stranger: :(
You: how old are yöu :D
Stranger: 14.
Stranger: ^^'
You: :))
Stranger: you?
You: 21 :)
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keklendim. 19 m bi danimarkaliyla almanca konusuyorduk yarim saattir. msn istedi neese ya vereyim iyi cocuk, ne kaybetcem ki ehehehe dedim.
msn resminde yasli bi herif var ve oymus.ahaha
utaniyorum sübyancilarin kurbani oldum =((
mail atti blocklayinca, ahsdfudf
i´m sending you pictures of me as soon as i´m at my own computer just to proof that its is me... please i don´t wan´t to end it now.
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You: alooo
You: aşkım susmaaa
You: alloo
Stranger: :D
Stranger: selam
You: ahah
You: :D
Stranger: nerden
Stranger: dh??
You: kıbrıs
You: sen ?
Stranger: ank
Stranger: site olarak sordum
Stranger: dh den misin
You: yok ya
You: paticik .d
Stranger: genelde dh de hep :D
You: :D
You: kız değilsin dimi :D
Stranger: yok :D
You: bende :D
You: neyse çıkalım :P
Stranger: tahmin ettim
Stranger: evet
You: eheh :D
Stranger: hadi
Stranger: :D
You: görüşürz :D
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Stranger: hello
You: naber
Stranger: naber?
You: i mean how re you :)
Stranger: cumcumber in my bottom
Stranger: i mean fine
Stranger: you?
You: great ty :)
You: where re u from
Stranger: i dont care
Stranger: oh
Stranger: england
You: i just wanna be you
Stranger: i am really fat and smelly, are you sure?
You: yup
You: i like bıngıl bıngıl et
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl u?
You: 22 f finland u?
Stranger: 21 m turkey
Stranger: nice
Stranger: :)
You: I have been to turkey once
You: =)
Stranger: yaa :)
Stranger: good
Stranger: :)
You: what yaa stands for?
Stranger: :)
Stranger: msn u?
Stranger: i like msn
You: İ don't
Stranger: why
You: hangi siteden bebişim?
You: lkjf
Stranger: :D:D
You: dh?
Stranger: hea :D
You: ahahhahah geçmiş olsun
You: you've been rickrolled
You: =P
Stranger: cok mu belli oluyor :D:D:D
You: evet =P
Stranger: neyse artk :D
You: hadi bb=P
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abi çok salakça muhabbet ediliyor yalnız

A-TEAM vs Boobies

You: hey
Stranger: Hi there..
You: how are you?
Stranger: Good, thanks
Stranger: you?
You: fine
You: asl?
Stranger: 19,f, The Netherlands
You: oh holland must be great place to live
Stranger: Hahaha..
Stranger: Because of the weed?
You: yup cos of that..
You: and you have nice girls i guess.
Stranger: Hmm. Well, I'm a girl myself
You: oh..
Stranger: So cannot really say.. =P
You: but you are taller than average europeans..
Stranger: Yeah, I know
Stranger: Dutch men are the tallest men in the world, I believe
You: ehe im not that tall
Stranger: And the average height for women is about 1.72 or something..
Stranger: What is not tall? =P
You: im 171
You: but i am middle eastern
Stranger: ur tiny =P
You: well i m kinda big in other parts
You: :P
Stranger: Hahaha. Sure ;)
You: its cos of geographic location i guess..
You: in cold country tall people and in hot country we are all short
Stranger: Yeah, guess you're right..
Stranger: Never thought of it that way..
Stranger: just doesn't make sense..
Stranger: If it's cold, it's more convenient to be short
Stranger: less body to keep warm
You: my be cos of that
You: but dutch girls are not skinny i guess
Stranger: Hahaha, well dunno
Stranger: ofcourse we have skinny girls
Stranger: we have all shapes and sizes
You: i see. i thought women are more inclined to have big hooter
You: s
You: ofcourse one big hooter would be so instable
You: i mean you can fall down on one side and can not get up, because of the weight
Stranger: Hahaha =P
You: that would be bad
Stranger: It's really not that bad, believe me
Stranger: they're not that heavy XD
You: sure but you know..
You: you dont wanna miss one of them
Stranger: No, not really
You: they are kind of a team
You: which works together
You: like a team but not 4 people!
Stranger: Hahahaha..=P
You: http://yepyep.gibbs12.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/bruce-willis-a-team-2.jpg
You: africans have much more bigger boobies cos Mr T is big, angry, jewelery guy!
Stranger: Hahaha =P

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You: http://ccorpse3.mybrute.com/
Stranger: http://www.noelshack.com/voir/130309/1240940099809044366033030.jpg
You: lol
Stranger: mybrute --"
You: :D
You: be my pupil pls
You: :))
Stranger: ok im a nice guy
You: ty bro :)
You: where re u from
Stranger: france
Stranger: This game existes since many time in France

1 experience point gained..
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello
You: hello, I'm male.
Stranger: sorry!
You: bb
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello, and no I'm a male
Stranger: So am I :D
You: great
You: soo
You: asl ?
Stranger: nigger
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello, and no I'm a male.
Stranger: asl
Stranger: oh fuck
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

dişi rpsi yapıyorum bu yüzden ama fransa diyince kaçıyorlar lan niyeyse
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You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 20 female antartica you
Stranger: 22 m australia
You: cool
You: your name is?
Stranger: adam
Stranger: you?
You: abdülrezzak
Stranger: p.ç,
Stranger: :D
You: forumdan mı giriyosun
Stranger: amına koyyim ya
Stranger: evet donanım
You: hangi foruma kayıtlısın
You: p ile mi başlıyo
Stranger: yok ya donanımhaber
Stranger: forum
You: ha
You: neyse kolay gelisn
Stranger: ok sanasaa
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

forum adı vermeyeyim diye kastım dfgfd
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site pazar günümü yedi yeminle. şimdi yine başlicam.
bi de şunu internete açaydım da postlarımız sayılaydı bari sdlfks

Ardeth said:

Stranger: age sex location?
You: 24 YES BED
Stranger: omg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Kane&Lynch said:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: do u stand or sit to pee?

what the heck

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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Stranger: pleased you could make it
You: Yeah me
You: too
You: It was hard to find
Stranger: it's a struggle, isn't it
You: Well yeah, but lets get to the point
Stranger: frankly i don't know why we bother
You: Do you have it?
Stranger: yeah, i have
You: Let me see
Stranger: whoa whoa whoa
Stranger: the ducks?
You: Yeah, isn't that our deal?
Stranger: i need to see them first
You: Hmm
You: Ok
You: =o=
Stranger: i'd like to avoid the complications that happened last time
You: That's a part of it
You: Now we're cool?
Stranger: no....no no no!
Stranger: these are mallards!
Stranger: what kind of chump do you take me for?
You: Look
You: Do you want it or not?
Stranger: these aren't the ducks!
Stranger: you said you had the paradis shelducks
Stranger: *paradise
You: I didn't said it will be ducks
You: I said it'll look like ducks
Stranger: that was the agreement!
Stranger: sorry, no deal
You: Well if you don't want them
You: I can find others
Stranger: good! i'm glad
Stranger: but you won't be getting the million dollar reward
Stranger: for my lose paradise shelducks
You: I don't want the money
Stranger: that you claim to have found
You: I want glory
Stranger: well...
Stranger: ...then find the right fucking ducks
You: These are the ducks!
Stranger: yes, they ARE ducks
You: No they're not ducks
Stranger: but you seem to be missing the point
You: They are THE ducks
You: You're hurting them
You: Really
Stranger: you can't just grab some mallards and pass them off as my ducks
You: They don't want you anymore
Stranger: i'm not a fool
You: Well, apparently you're not
You: But they are sensitivite ducks
Stranger: i don't give a flying toss about their personal problems
Stranger: i have my own ducks to worry about
You: Do NOT use that words about them!
Stranger: incidentally, i almost thought my worrying was over
You: You are being rude
You: They'll hunt you down you know
Stranger: hey, *I* didn't bring them here!
You: And they are everywhere
You: They'll find you
You: And tell cuss words to you
Stranger: fucking mallards..
You: They'll piss on your rug too
Stranger: couple of skanky mallards by the look of it
You: You can't avoid them
You: This deal is OVER
You: Even if I don't end it
You: They won't come with you
You: Steve will want them
You: He's good guy
Stranger: steve?
Stranger: who the fuck is steve
You: He can take care of them
You: Don't you Steve?
You: THE Steve?
Stranger: good for him
You: The duck guy?
Stranger: i know plenty of steves
Stranger: noooooooo
Stranger: not THAT duck guy?
You: Yes he is!
Stranger: how could you?!
You: You made me to
You: I don't want that either
You: But you leave me no choice
Stranger: he doesn't just "take care" of them....
Stranger: he....he...
You: That's not my problem
Stranger: oh god, i think i'm going to be sick...
Stranger: oh, i don't know...
You: Well do you want any monkeys?
Stranger: once you get involved with steve...
You: They can cook too
Stranger: sure, i'll take some monkeys
You: Let me check my stuff
You: AHA
Stranger: what?
You: What do you thing about that one?
You: It's green but whatever
Stranger: that one's okay...
You: Still a monkey right?
Stranger: i don't get why you put them all in those dresses
You: Presentation
You: It's important
Stranger: that one has a corset...!
Stranger: where do you even FIND that?
You: My mom made it
You: Isn't that nice ^^
Stranger: i...i...
Stranger: i dunno, this is kinda weird
You: You have to see it with his hat
Stranger: really, i'm a little freaked out
Stranger: this one's throwing shit at me
You: He does that sometimes
You: Just ignore him
Stranger: yeah, but...
Stranger: look at me
You: Well you are a duck guy
You: You have to learn living with it
You: Ducks are worse
Stranger: a duck guy covered in monkey shit
You: It looks good on you
You: Really
Stranger: i'm heading straight to a duck convention
Stranger: if arrive all covered in monkey shit, i'm finished
You: Well I gotta go
Stranger: that's it for me
You: Here's your monkey
Stranger: no more duck grantd
Stranger: *grants
You: You want the mallards as well?
Stranger: fuck your monkeys!
Stranger: i want nothing to do with you!
You: Well
You: Steve will
Stranger: nooooooooooo
You: Yes
You: Sorry
Stranger: it's......it's out of my hands now
You: Life is not fair
You: You'll get over it
You: Now I've gotta go
Stranger: i wish i never met you! (sob)
You: Hmph
You: Nice to meet you too buddy
You: Ducky days to you
You have disconnected.

Lan keşke MSN falan isteseydim ehah.
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