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Legendary Mace - Val'anyr stats revealed!!

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Mesaj tarihi:
Devilmanta said:
Sadece rengi turuncu yoksa epicten farkı yokmuş hakkaten.
Zaten healerlar hep ezik karakterler olduğu için legendarysi de ezik olmuş ^^
(Birileri üstüne alınmasa bari:D)

Valla healer olan herkes gayet alınabilir. Kimin ezik oldugunu su mesajdan sonra anlamıstır zaten herkes.
Mesaj tarihi:
Gangren said:
Aket-Atum said:
bi an gaza geldim oha oha unique değil ! diye ama sonra main hand olduğunu farkettim :D

Questle alınıyor zaten :p

abi unique olmayan one hand olsa eminim kasan çıkardı :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Gangren "Questle alınıyor" derken; "O questi 1 kere yapabilirsin. tekrar alamayacağın için 2'yide alamassın" anlamında söylemiş zaten.

Yani one hande olsa kimse 2 tane alamazdı.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aket-Atum said:
Gangren said:
Aket-Atum said:
bi an gaza geldim oha oha unique değil ! diye ama sonra main hand olduğunu farkettim :D

Questle alınıyor zaten :p

abi unique olmayan one hand olsa eminim kasan çıkardı :D

+sp olan one hand silah yok
zaten olsa shaman olarak
enhancementa dual wielda kadar gider sirf silahtan 1000 sp alir restsuda elementalide


yane 4 tane +15 sp veren war sadece
  • 1 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
We have received many questions about how the proc works on Val’anyr, the Hammer of the Ancient Kings. While we originally intended for this effect to be a mystery, we realize that guilds now know what the tooltip on the proc says without necessarily knowing the details on how it works. This leads to situations where a healer may not know if assembling the hammer is worth it for them (hint: it is), and perhaps even worse, a misinformed leader may not think you deserve the hammer (hint: you do).

Players also wonder if the proc makes the item deserving of its legendary status given that the stat allocation is normal for items of its item level (Hint: it does).

The effect reads “Your healing spells have a chance to cause Blessing of Ancient Kings for 15 seconds allowing your heals to shield the target absorbing damage equal to 15% of the amount healed.”

The way this works is that when the proc happens (which is a 10% chance whenever a hot or direct spell heals, with a 45 sec internal cooldown) you gain a buff (the Blessing) on yourself. Now all of your heals for the next 15 sec cause an 8 sec damage shield. The shield stacks with itself. It includes healing done by subsequent ticks of existing hots on the target. Note that the spell has to actually heal, so hots ticking on a fully-healed target cannot cause the proc. However the shield is based on the size of the heal itself, not the amount healed – i.e. 100% overhealing will not proc the Blessing on the healer, but the shield itself includes overhealing once the Blessing is active. The shield can grow to a maximum size of 20,000 damage absorbed.

Example 1: A paladin casts Holy Light for 10K on the tank, which partially heals her. The Blessing procs, so the paladin’s Holy Light immediately causes a shield on the tank which will now absorb 1500 damage. The tank dodges the next two hits, so no damage is absorbed. The paladin then casts another heal for 8K, but only heals the tank for 600 before she is at full health. The shield is now at 2700 damage absorbed (1500 + 1200) for 8 sec.

Example 2: A druid casts Rejuv on the tank, healing her. The Blessing procs on the druid on the second tick. A shield is applied to the tank which absorbs 15% of the amount healed by that tick and each remaining tick of the Rejuv. If the druid also gets Lifebloom and Regrowth on the tank while the Blessing is up, then those ticks also contribute to the shield. If the shield goes down because the 8 sec duration expires or it absorbs that much damage, it can go up again as long as the Blessing lasts, which is 15 sec.
Mesaj tarihi:
To answer some questions:

1) If you are lucky enough to have two hammers in your group, then they will both contribute to the same bubble.

2) It should work as you would expect with PW:Shield and similar effects. Specifically, the damage should work through one shield and then the other. I don't know off the top of my head which one is used first. Sometimes we have edge cases with multiple absorbs like this that we will need to solve as they arise. (To be clear, PW:Shield will not proc the blessing or the bubble though, because it does not heal.)

3) If you have the blessing (i.e. you caused healing and the proc occured) then overhealing will count towards the bubble. Hots that tick on a target will still contribute to the bubble. You can also choose to switch to a direct heal if you don't have enough GCDs available to get all of your hots up before the blessing fades. The confusing part here is that hots that don't heal won't cause the blessing (we didn't want you fishing for the bubble before a pull by constantly healing the tank, though I suppose you could if your tank was injured). But once the blessing is active, then all of your healing spells will contribute to the bubble even if they do no actual healing.

We'll leave it to you guys to theorycraft out if you think the hammer is marginally better for one class than another. Some players were speculating before this announcement that the bubble only applied to one spell, which would definitely favor Holy Light. We implemented it the way we did to make sure the other healing classes could still get juicy bubbles while the blessing was active (which is 15 sec).
Mesaj tarihi:
ozetle suna yariyo alet
overhealla imba bubble yapilabiliyo

yane healladin procladi
sonra pumpliyosun heallari
shieldi buyutuyosun
%15 %15
guzel kismi surda olur bence
mesela enragei olan boslarda
enrage oncei bubble patlatir enrage girerken 20 k lik bi shield olusturursan ilac gibi olur
Mesaj tarihi:
BonePART said:

ozetle suna yariyo alet
overhealla imba bubble yapilabiliyo

yane healladin procladi
sonra pumpliyosun heallari
shieldi buyutuyosun
%15 %15
guzel kismi surda olur bence
mesela enragei olan boslarda
enrage oncei bubble patlatir enrage girerken 20 k lik bi shield olusturursan ilac gibi olur

overheal dan aliyorsa bildigin paladin mace i olmus bu
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi simdi itemi sole ozetleyelim. 2 adet proc var aslinda.

1) blessingin acilmasi
2) bubblein biikmesi

Blessingin acilmasi icin efektif healing sart. Yane 1 de heallasaniz 21000de blessing acilma sansi ayni 45 saniye hidden cdli felan falan.

Bubblein birikmesi icinse efektif heala gerek yok yane blessingi bi kez proclattin mi eger mana efektif overhealin varsa abanip sheild buffi dusene kadar shieldi pumplamak en mantiklisi.

Bu arada solede bi durum var shield patlarsa blessing uzerinde oldugu surece tekrar tekrar sisirilebiliyo.
Mesaj tarihi:
_catastrope_ said:

Hotlar overheal sayılmaz, açıklandığı üzere hotun effective

Overheallar sayilcak hot overheallarida. Yukarda acikladim blessing proclatmak icin sadece efektif healing gerekli.

Ama solede bi durum var tankin ustunde surekli 3 4 hot tutuyosa druid yane bilmiyorum vanilladan beri druid healer oynamadim, o zaman en iyi proclatma sansi druidde gorunuyor. Ama zaten 45 saniye hiddenli 15 saniye suren bi buffta ole cok ahim sahim zor durmuyo acmak icin.
Mesaj tarihi:
blessing acılıp heallenen target ta bubble'ın aktif olmasından sonra, bubble'ı şişirmek üzere atılan heal'in boss un attack speed in den daha az bir cast time'a sahip olması ve yine atılan heal'ın boss'un melee ya da spell dmg ından daha yüksek olması gerekir ki bubble ın biriktirilip büyütülmesi mümkün olsun. Bu da nasıl olabilir bilemedim.

Belki CD larla ilk saniyelerde uğraşılıp 20 k ya kadar bbubble şişirilebilir ama 20 k lık shield icin değer mi bu kadar kasmaya?
Mesaj tarihi:
bubbleın buyume ihtimali cok fazla, sonucta butun tanklarda %50'ye yakın hatta gecen avoidence var.

benı korkutan üst üste avoidlerden sonra bide iki attağı bubble yerse, benım rage nasıl dolucak?
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