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Update: Oyun Subat 25'e ertelendi. 22 Ocakta Sinirli Slotlu Trial Baslayacak[Status Tartisma Topic'i]

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
beta'da oynayıp ve belli bir mantık çerçevesinde yazabilen insanlar arasında "güzel oyun" diyene rastlamadım henüz... ha darkfall forumlarında güzel oyun kesin pre-order edin diyen troll'lere bakmıyorum ama. gerek burada gerek başka forumlarda post'larında belli bir seviye olanları kaale alıyorum.

çoğu kişi de böle yapıyodur muhtemelen, bu forumda senden başka pre-order edecek yoktur heralde :)
Mesaj tarihi:
bizim clanda yaklaşık bi 27 28 pre order yapıldı açılınca bi 20 daha net yapıcak bildiğim kadarıyla ve oyunla ilgili çok güzel yorumlar var ama internal olduğu için koyamıyorum ama emin ol çok seviyeli insanlardan çok dzgün yorumlar var ma sonuçda herşey şurada bitiyor: Senin beklentin neydi,beklentini karşılamasada bu oyun ve developerlaramı destek olucaksın yoksa başka bir oyunu bekleyip tahminen gene beklentini karşılamayan bir oyuna mı. Bu benim kendi görüşüm ama bence oyun burada bitiyor bu sorunun cevabını bulan zaten alıp almıycagını anlar.
Mesaj tarihi:
D@rkwish said:
bizim clanda yaklaşık bi 27 28 pre order yapıldı açılınca bi 20 daha net yapıcak bildiğim kadarıyla ve oyunla ilgili çok güzel yorumlar var ama internal olduğu için koyamıyorum ama emin ol çok seviyeli insanlardan çok dzgün yorumlar var ma sonuçda herşey şurada bitiyor: Senin beklentin neydi,beklentini karşılamasada bu oyun ve developerlaramı destek olucaksın yoksa başka bir oyunu bekleyip tahminen gene beklentini karşılamayan bir oyuna mı. Bu benim kendi görüşüm ama bence oyun burada bitiyor bu sorunun cevabını bulan zaten alıp almıycagını anlar.

yahu internal olsa nolucak buyur koy. sanki buradan birileri yetiştiricek bakın darkwish koymuş bunları yuuuuuu atın bunu guild'den diye :D hakkaten koysana 3-5 tane yazı, okuyalım bilgilenelim ;)
Mesaj tarihi:
Birkaç yorum ekliyim baktımda genelde eleştiri ve öneri postları mevcut altlarında bir kaç satırlık cevap vs var ve birçoğu eski tarihli ama elimden geldiğince biraz yorum ekliycem tarih de veririm çünki bazı eleştirilerdeki sorunlar patchlerlen düzeltildi.

Daha düzgün postlar vardı okuduğum ama bulamadım çok yoğun şu an forum kusra bakma özellikle son postu oku derim eğer tamamını okumayı düşünmüyorsan.

9 Şubatta:
Weapskills, Magicspells, balancing everything is something they will have to do alot of after release as people progress in the game. I'm not bothered at all about theese things, it'll come. As long as the game and server runs smooth, and you don't find any gamebreaking flaws in the design, I'd say this game has the potential to be beyond awsome.

We're at the moment beta testing the start game, and we have no clue how much is turned on or off, since they don't tell us anything. Too many people complaining about stuff, we have no clue of hows working or even if the stuff we're complaining about is running in debugmode.

Relax, enjoy the beta, and lets see what happens. I'm sure the devs are working hard to fix it all.

Alot of people are complining about magic sucking. They unlock greater magic, it sucks. They unlock witchcraft it sucks. Well... whooptido!! your bloody main damage modifier INT is 25! what did you expect? People are too focused on skills, and forget the main modifyers, STR, VIT, DEX, INT, WIS. Theese gain very slow and will take some time to get to max. Edit: I just passed 31 INT now and my Greatermagic Rend spell is starting to do some damage now. From what I see the skill has not changed it's damage at all, but it has changed the spell from 8 bleeds to 9 bleeds, and i belive it's cast time is alot faster now than when it was rank 1. I used it in pvp against a guy, hit him in the back with it, and it bled him 9 times for 2.8 dmg and did alot of stam dmg too. That's over 25 pure damage... I'd say that's abit better than manamissile?

They already said that they'll fix sprint after the release, and thats the biggest issue in melee atm. I doubt that adding skills ( and hopefully different ones for each weapon type ) will be a big problem, I'm just surprised that they didn't do it yet. said:

There is nothing in the game that cannot be fixed and make most of the whine going on atm completely dissapear within a month or two. That said at the rate they are going with basic stuff like gewtting goblins to spawn in starter towns, having only 4 melee atacks, mob AI being more like Artifical Runaround with head up own arse and magic being less than enjoyable out of the gate its not looking promising in the short term. said:

14 şubat:

I think the main problem is we moved away from noob areas fast to build a city and bind there. Around the noob area you could pretty much solo farm the same amount of gold it takes 3-4 guys at our town. With more developed chars I'm sure you'll be able to solo alot of the mobs around our city, but that'll probably take quite some time. About the first person magic/bow etc. I love it!!! it's just awsome. As old CS vet it's the perfect combo of mmorpg and fps for me. But I can understand others need some time to get used to it. I'm gonna buy it 100%, and i'll be there when it goes live for sure. Still it needs alot of work after release, but I'm 100% ok with that. Things that needs changes: (IMO) - Siege system, needs to be changed. - Weapon types needs different specials and abilities. - More customizable towns (not the static wow scenary it is now) - Wildlife (random animals roaming the areas) said:

I think the game has all the potential we were hoping for. Of course it's not perfect atm. I concur with Beliar about the engine, it seems very, very good. The needed changes are just tweaks and stuff, which is just awesome. I like the feeling of the game. It's not really too fast, but perhaps if its tuned down a bit, it'd be better for everyone. I don't know what I'm saying keke. Does anyone have a lil video spike from time to time? Well, my main complain is against macros and the grindingfest. It does suck that I have raised most of my skills at our bank, hitting afks. Mobs AI's is stupid, that's not AI, imo. They run away stupidly and makes it... stupid. They have 99% hit chance like someone said. The "power" gain also seems non-existant. It's like you never reach a thing. Perhaps like someone said, if we would have stayed at noob island, we would have not cared and not noticed, or dunno. Would the stats thing they need to add fix this? I'll buy the game for sure on release :P said:

19 şubat

I love the feel of the world theres some epic moments to be had for sure , sneaking about the world , rushing enemy citys , going undercover when u get out numbered its realy fun , I logged in when i got my Beta key ran out of town with drenaii maybe 5-10 mins later we had some fools gear and i knew i was hooked . The alignment system is a crock of shit they should remove it alltogether we will have to play that stupid system for a while untill we get our city . I like it a lot mele combat is maybe too fast but I dont mind that , there are powers like knock back and also a power that pulls people in for each wepon its not a lot but you could lock someone down with a small bunch of mele using the pull back power the debuffs for wepons are all in some magic school or other . It seemed like we didnt gain much from stats but again we raised them very little and tests with some enchated jewels showed int at least does effect the more advanced magery lines a decent amount . we roamed around the orc lands a day or so ago and mobs it took 3-4 of us to kill with newb chars in 3-4 hits from zonack to kill the whole spawn . said:


theses 2 weeks, i earned 8 strength, 7 vitality, 2,2 dexterity, 18 quickness, 10 intelligence, and 6 wisdom. And we had a LOT of down time. said:

I've seen a number of people say things similar to "You've been in development for how long? And this is what you've got to show me?!?!"

We need to remember a few things here:

1. They built their own engine...and you'd better believe it's more stable than anything I've played...ever.

2. They say their world is hand-built and for those of you that have had the pleasure of being in there you can tell that while there are obvious tiles to the mapping, there's no "cut and paste copy-cat zones" like SB.

3. DF is a living, breathing creature. As we get further and further into the life cycle of the game we'll see things get improved upon, implemented or removed altogether.

4. They are a small company and IMHO that should get them a LITTLE lee-way (and I do mean very little but still some none-the-less.)

Now I do understand the frustrations for those of you who thought DF would be something different than what we've been presented. Aventurine certainly laid out some pretty high expectations and there are some things that are missing.

HOWEVER...a game, at least for me, is as much about the people that I play with as it is the game itself. Personally, I can "pay for beta" for a while to watch a brand new company work towards bringing me the game that I hope DF will be.

Oh, and while I'm at it...there is absolutely no one holding a gun to anyone's head when it comes to macroing. Do I write macros for repetitive keyclicks? I do. But I also will sit there and happily click away myself while chatting in /clan chat or talk in Vent.

Again, ANY gaming experience is as much your responsibility to make it what you want it to be as it the game itself that you are playing. After all, many of us played Shadowbane from March '03 until just recently...and there's NO WAY that DF is as broken as SB.

Anyway, I don't begrudge anyone for their personal opinions. We all see things in a slightly different light.

I'll be in DF on the 25th...hope to see as many of you there as possible, too.

Not:quote yerine kimden olduğu kısma yazdım textleri paragraflar saçmaladı kusra bakmayın :(
Mesaj tarihi:
Bende henüz izlemedim ama duyduğuma göre çok iyi bir 9 vs 20+ şehir savunma videosuymuş HD izleyin.


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Mesaj tarihi:
Hakkaten bu topic'i takip eder oldum offical forumalrdan önce uçuyo haber buraya darkwish sağolsun.Bare buranın moderatör'ü olsun.Mevcut moderatörler oyun çıkmadan bıraktı nasıl olsa.
Mesaj tarihi:
feiticiera said:
Hakkaten bu topic'i takip eder oldum offical forumalrdan önce uçuyo haber buraya darkwish sağolsun.Bare buranın moderatör'ü olsun.Mevcut moderatörler oyun çıkmadan bıraktı nasıl olsa.

azmodaı bıraktı ben pre order ettım
Mesaj tarihi:
bırayn kötü kötü diye zaten başımızın etini yedin... adam daha oyunn çıkmasına 3 ay kala komünite kurdu, guild lideri oldu. sonra üstüe oyun çıkmadan "daha da darkfall'a gelmem" dedi.
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