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Update: Oyun Subat 25'e ertelendi. 22 Ocakta Sinirli Slotlu Trial Baslayacak[Status Tartisma Topic'i]

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
hedefe kitlenme olmadan o kadar zor olucagini dusunmuyorum hatta kisinin pvp yetenegini ortaya cikaricak olan bu olucak bence.
morrowind veya oblivion'da magelik asiri zor degildi.
Mesaj tarihi:
A new patch has been released.

Fixes and updates in this patch include:

* A bug where the clan vault would not open for some people has been fixed
* Skill gain when invulnerability (respawn) shield is up has been disabled
* Timers for how often you can change armor has been tweaked
* Any item you delete from your backpack will stay in limbo for at least 5 minutes, and can be looted from your body. This is to prevent people from deleting items from their backpack just as they are about to die.
* Mount health has been increased by 35%
* Mounted combat damage has been increased by up to 250%
* You can now properly identify a character riding a mount
* Emotes can no longer be spammed
* Small loading screen bugfix
* When a player ends up in gank mode (incapacitated on the ground) his weapon will automatically be sheathed. If he gets revived, he will have a short period of invulnerability (of course broken if he unsheathes or tries to use something)
* Chat system fixes
* Players in the same clan will now have a visual marker to identify each other. This can be toggled by /clan_toggle_display
* Players in the same party will now have a visual marker to identify each other. This can be toggled by /party_toggle_display
* Skinning and some other skills can now be canceled by clicking a cancel button
* Alignment Rogue handling has been tweaked:
o If you have positive alignment and attack another player with positive alignment, you will go rogue for 10 seconds
o Every subsequent attack towards a good player while on the 10 second rogue mode will make you go rogue for at least 2 minutes
* Clan Stones and Clan Hamlets can no longer be damaged by arrows, melee or magic
* Clan Blacksmith will now sell the armor they are supposed to sell
* Melee stamina drain has been modified to better correlate with attack speed of different weapons
* Melee skills have been tweaked to gain skill level faster
* Crafting skills have been tweaked to gain skill level faster
* More skills have been enabled and tweaked:
o Diving : Increases lung capacity
o Maintenance : Reduces your equipments durability loss in combat
o Veteran Archer: Reduces your stamina cost for archery
o Spirited Archer: Decreases load time for archery
o Veteran Mage: Reduces your stamina cost for all spells
o Survivalist: Increases duration for nourishments
o Muscular: Increases your max strength
o Clever: Increases your max intelligence
o Sturdy: Increases your max vitality
o Nimble: Increases your max dexterity
o Fleet: Increases your max quickness
o Ingenious: Increases your max wisdom
o Trueforge Armor: Increases durability of your crafted armor by up to 50%
o Trueforge Weapon: Increases durability of your crafted weapon by up to 50%
* Ranks for high-ranked weapons have been updated
* Monster loot has been tweaked for these monsters:
o Hill Giant Clobberer
o Hill Giant Slugger
o Lava Golem
o Menhir Aelder
o Menhir Stoneguard
o Minotaur Brute
o Minotaur Shaman
o Greater Mummy
o Elder Nalaed
o Oathliege
o Obsidian Golem
o Raven Veteran
o Sandstone Golem
o Seidbound
o Selentine Golem
o Serpentine
o Shadow Knight
o Iklit
o Nightscarab
o Infernal
* Some monsters have gained new skills and spells:
o Minotaur Brute
o Minotaur Shaman
o Greater Mummy
o Elder Nalaed
o Oathliege
o Raven Standard Veteran
o Sandstone Golem
o Selentine Golem
o Shadow Knight
* Blightmaul (Great Club) has been tweaked
* Legbreaker (Great Club) has been tweaked
* Silverbranch (Bow) has been tweaked
* Hill Giant/Cairn Giant Club (Kre'as) has been added
* New skill and weapon added: Siege Hammer
* Misc. rare client side crashes fixed
* A.I. tweaks
* Updates to the world


The rules for conquest have been finalized.

Here is the real deal straight from the horse's mouth:


All Cities and Hamlets have CityPoints associated with them.
This is calculated by the potential of the City or Hamlet; e.g. a City with a potential Wonder will have a high CityPoint score while a small Hamlet will have a small CityPoint score.

A City or Hamlet is either owned by a Clan or it is Neutral.
All Cities and Hamlets start out as Neutral.

A Clan can be in only one Conquest Challenge at a time.

A Clan owned city is conquered when the Clan Stone or Clan Hamlet is destroyed.

You get CityPoints by destroying Clan Stones.

Claiming a Neutral City

In order to claim a neutral city you need to:

1. Be in a Clan
2. Have the rank of General or higher
3. Be within the city/hamlet limits (You will get a message that you are crossing the city boundary)
4. Not be in a Conquest Challenge with another clan
5. Have a Clan Shard in your backpack (These can be bought from various vendors)
6. Double click the Clan Shard in your back pack
7. Congratulations your Clan is now the new owner

Note: A Clan can claim only 1 Neutral City every 24 hours.

Conquering a Clan owned City/Hamlet when your Clan also owns Cities/Hamlets

In order to start a challenge against a Clan owned City/Hamlet, these preconditions has to hold true:

1. You must be in a Clan
2. You must formally declare WAR against the city owners (Or they must have done so against you)
3. You must have the rank of General or higher
4. You must be within the city/hamlets limits
5. You must have a Clan Shard in your backpack
6. The Clan you are about to challenge must not be in another Conquest Challenge
7. Your Clan must not be in a Conquest Challenge
8. Double click the Clan Shard in your back pack
9. Congratulations you have now initiated a Conquest Challenge

A City vs City conquest consist of 2 Stages:


Stage 1 lasts 4 hours.

The City that was issued a challenge against is invulnerable for these 4 hours.

All cities and hamlets belonging to the attackers will be vulnerable in this period.
Anyone (including Mercenary clans, allies etc.) can help the defenders by attacking the attacker's Clan Cities/Hamlet Stones.
If a Clan City/Hamlet Stone of one of the attackers Cities is destroyed during this time, ownership is transferred to the defenders.

A Conquest Challenge can end during this period if:

1. The total sum of CityPoints lost by the attackers exceed the CityPoints of the Defender's Challenged City. Defenders WIN.
2. The attackers have lost their last City/Hamlet. Defenders WIN.
3. A formal Peace Treaty between the Attacker and the Defender is negotiated. It's a DRAW.

If none of these conditions have been met during the 4 hour period then Stage 2 of the Conquest will commence.


Stage 2 lasts 2 hours.

During this stage the challenged City/Hamlet will become vulnerable.

All the Attacker's Cities/Hamlets will remain vulnerable.

A Conquest Challenge will end during this period if:

1. The total sum of CityPoints lost by the attackers exceed the CityPoints of the Defender's Challenged City. Defenders WIN.
2. The attackers have lost their last City/Hamlet. Defenders WIN.
3. A formal Peace Treaty between the Attacker and the Defender is negotiated. It's a DRAW.
4. The attackers destroy the Defender's City Clan Stone. Attackers WIN.

If, after 2 hours, there is no outcome the Conquest Challenge will result in a timeout. This means it's a draw.

Conquering a Clan owned City/Hamlet when your Clan does NOT own any Cities/Hamlets

When you do NOT own any Clan Cities/Hamlets you have to put up a “wager” in Gold for the Clan who owns the city. The exact amount has to do with the number of CityPoints of the City/Hamlet you are about to challenge.
You will get the “wager” back only if you WIN the Conquest Challenge.
If you do NOT win the challenge this amount of Gold will be transferred to the Clan that owns the City when the Challenge is over. This also happens in a DRAW.

In order to initiate a challenge against a Clan owned City/Hamlet while your Clan does NOT own any Cities/Hamlets, these preconditions have to hold true:

1. You have to be in a Clan
2. WAR must be formally declared between the two parties.
3. You must hold the rank of General or higher
4. You must be within the city/hamlets limits
5. You must have a Clan Shard in your backpack
6. The Clan you are about to challenge must not be involved in another Conquest Challenge
7. Your Clan must not be in a Conquest Challenge
8. Your Clan must have enough Gold in the Clan Vault to Challenge the City/Hamlet
9. Double click the Clan Shard in your back pack
10. Congratulations you have now initiated a Conquest Challenge
11. The person who initiated the Challenge is now the Challenger

The Challenger becomes a target for the Defending Clan.
His location will show up on all the Defender's members world and mini maps.
The Challenger is incapable to teleport, and if he logs out for whatever reason the Challenge is lost.

A No City vs City Conquest Challenge consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1

Stage 1 lasts 4 hours.

The Challenged City is invulnerable in these 4 hours.

A Conquest Challenge can end during this period if:

1. The Defenders KILL the Challenger. Defenders WIN.
2. A formal Peace Treaty between the Attacker and the Defender is negotiated. This means a draw.

If none of these conditions have been met during the 4 hour period then Stage 2 of the Conquest will commence.


Stage 2 lasts for 2 hours.

During this stage the challenged City/Hamlet becomes vulnerable.

A Conquest Challenge will end during this period if:

1. The Defenders KILL the Challenger. Defenders WIN.
2. A formal Peace Treaty between the Attacker and the Defender is negotiated. This means a draw.
3. The attackers destroy the Clan Stone of the Defender's City. Attackers WIN.

If, after 2 hours, there is no outcome the Conquest Challenge will result in a timeout. This means a draw.

NOTE: The Gold deposited by the Attackers will always go to the defenders unless the Attackers win.

Destroying a Clan Stone

A Clan Stone can be destroyed using this equipment:

* Siege Hammers (2 Handed Weapon)
* Different types of Battle Spikes (thrown weapons)
* Dynamically deployable Cannons
* Warhulk Weapons
* Ship cannons

When a City has changed ownership:

* If a bank is present, it's automatically destroyed, and the new owner will have to haul new building modules across the land to build it. These modules are heavy and if you overload, you can not use runestones or other means of teleportation.
* All members of the previous Clan currently bound to the City will be booted out
* The record of this Challenge will live forever.

Other information regarding cities

* You can only destroy one building per day. The only things exempt from this rule are:
1. Walls
2. Palisades
3. Decorations
4. Clan City Cannons
* You can disable buildings at all times.
* Disabling a building that has a local bonus (Gives attribute bonuses to all Clan Members when they are within the city limits) associated with it, will cause the Clan Members to lose the bonuses
* Disabling a Wonder will cause the global bonus to be removed
* Disabling Houses and Barracks will decrease the number of people able to bind at the city.
* All buildings can be repaired using repair shards and a repair hammer
* Different Cities have different abilities:
* There are 9 unique Wonders located in 9 different cities. These give Global bonuses to all members of the Clan that own it.
* Warhulks can be crafted only in certain cities.
* Coastal cities and hamlets may have harbors you can build Ships at.
* Mines producing a variety of resources can be found in various cities.
* Every city is laid out and strategically positioned for warfare

Yeni patch
Mesaj tarihi:
alignment rogue sistemini ve ölürken item deleteleme sistemini fixlemişler güzel olmuşda siege sistemi nedir yarabbim NA guildleri her türlü gecenin bir yarısı alaiblir şehrimizi :S

Edit:Clan ve party deki insanları görmek için sistemde vermişler güzel :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Tasos dan update

Today a substantial patch was applied to the game. We’ve also opened up the beta information forums where you can read the newly released patch notes.

These patch notes, among other things, explain the basics of the conquest system. We’ve been working hard on the game as you can see by the volume of this update, we’ve already spoken of our commitment to supporting the game and that’s what we’ll continue doing. Things are looking good for launch; the game has been very stable, even though server and client are still in debug mode.

We feel we should explain what’s happening with the pre-ordering even though it hasn’t been officially opened yet: Yesterday we gave the beta testers some lead time to the pre-order. This was offered not only as a courtesy but also in order to get reports on any problems before releasing to the public. Since the pre-order link leaked out, our system has been overrun by players from all over the world trying to pre-order at the same time.

Even though areas like Asia are excluded from this release, they remain major contributors to the heavy server load. This load is many times above our highest estimate and as a result the system has been very slow. We’ve been correcting the few issues that have surfaced while in the process of increasing our web server capacity-yet again.

We apologize for these problems, we have people working on this around the clock and should have it fixed by tomorrow. We're disabling the pre-orders until then. Even though many persistent people have managed to pre-order successfully, it's just not a good user experience. We’ll post the pre-order information and resume taking pre-orders as soon as we're back up tomorrow.

Clarification: I just noticed it's after 5 am here. By tomorrow I guess I mean later today Saturday, Feb 21.
Mesaj tarihi:
Earthrise forumlarını okurken rastladım, beta oynayanlardan biri yazmış:

I just want to say that i was in the DF beta and i didnt like the game because it was not fun at all. Im not a carebear, i dont cry for losing gear or anything, but DF is a level base game if you didnt know it. Il explain you.

There are 4 or 5 ranks for each skills in total.(i dont really remember because i quit after 3 weeks and i ended at skill 25 on my greasword.

Rank 1: 1-25
Rank 2: 25-50
Rank 3: 50-75
Rank 4: 75-100

At the end, its a grinding game because you are not free to buy any skills even if you have a rich friend that will give you a lot of golds to help you raise your skills and cross ranks very fast. You will have to kill goblins and troll to get 1 to 25 skills, and trust me, if you play 4 hours a day, you will reach 25-30 skills after 3 weeks only. For only one skill. Thats mean, raising a weapon, a bow, a magic, blocking, parry, and many other combat skill to mix a great strategy would cost you more then a year maybe. Maybe i gone too far, but to get to a good cap to stay competitive will take you more then 6 months i think.

I am very good in a game when i want to. In war 3, america's army, CS, halo or any other games, i can be very good after 3 days only. Anyway,

When i was at rank 1,(thats mean 25 skill) I killed an afk player with ***ing good full armory and i had a big number of def point and a very strong sword. I come a cross a naked player outlaw. That meean a player in red. He was ***ing naked with the starter weapon and he was far stronger then me. I was forced to run away and i survive. In faq, DF is a trading blow game, no human skills require,you only need to grind to be very good and its boring as hell.

Anyway, if you preorder the game or if you played the beta, you will see what i mean.
Mesaj tarihi:
clanımdaki 40 a yakın beta testerın neden acaba skilleri 40 üstünde hemde birden fazla merak ettim ki birçoğu 3 haftadan az oynadı betada lol bu bence bilmiyormuş pek kasmayı yada çok erken başlamış betaya ve hızlı bırakmış skill gain yavaştı belki. 1 crafter arkadaş var şahsen 70 fishing 60 mining vs vs gidiyor skilleri statlarıda baya arttırmış(duydugum en cok statlara ship insanlardan biri).

Bende tam bir video linki koymak için geldim cevap da yazdım sabonis elemana burdan :P


Bir guildin beta pvp videosu ilk yarısı biraz bayık ama 2. yarısında aksiyon var hd izlenemiyor şu anda, benim hoşuma gitti paylaşmak istedim. Mountlu elemanın kılıcı elemana savurusu cok hosuma gitti hemde :P
Mesaj tarihi:
adam zırhlıyken çıplak birine ölmüş bumu olay? Valla pek detay vermemiş bilemiyorum nolmuş belki kendisi noob belki karşısındaki zırhsız olmasına rağmen skilleri çok daha yüksekti vs vs detay olmadan bilemeyiz.Da sonuçta şu var adamın skilli 25 yani elimde çok iyi bir silah var demesi bir işe yaramıyor çünki skiller şöyle işliyor(%100 emin değilim ama yakın :P) Her silahın maximum damage ı belli ve kullandığın rank silaha göre verdiğin hasar artıyor ve yanlış bilmiyorsam atıyorum rank 40 bir silah kullanıyorsun ama skill in daha 20 ozaman silahı kullandığında çok daha fazla durability gidiyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu zamanda bu kadar kotu grafikler ve animasyon yapabilmek icin insanin ozellikle ugrasmis olmasi gerekli.
Oyunu hic denemedim sadece videolari izledim. Bir sey dikkatimi cekti. Her video'da birileri 10 dakika ya kaciyor ya da kovaliyor. Kacan adami yavaslatan falan bir skill buyu yok mu? Bu oyunda boyle skiller yok gercekci, derseniz de, adamin bacaklarina dogru ok atsan yada kilicla vursan yavaslamasi gerekmez mi?
Mesaj tarihi:
Genelde çoğu videoda 1 vs 5 olduğundan adamlar anına kaçmaya başlıyor e zaten full stamina iken de rahat kaçabiliyorlar çünki sprint bence gereğinden fazla hızlandırıyor. duyduğuma göre kısa bir mesafeden kendine çekme var adamı melee skill i olarak ama yavaşlatma büyüsü vs duymadım ama bu yok demek değil daha ileriki seviye büyüleri pek kullanan olmamış sanırım
Mesaj tarihi:
Grafiklerede güzel diyemem ama videolardaki(youtube en azından)grafikler çok leş bir aralar birisi megauploada koyuyordu videolarını adam gibi grafikleri görebiliyordun güzel olmasalarda kötü değiller genelde sorun karakter çizimlerinde bence enviorenment çok güzel bana kalırsa.
Mesaj tarihi:
şu ana kadar videolarda 5 6 büyünün efektini gördüm ve iyi oldukları söylenemez. Seslere gelince duyduğuma göre son halleri serverlara eklenmemiş henüz.KO oynamadım ama cafelerde oynayan çok kişi gördüm enviorement olarak katlar direk(DF) ama büyü çapında pek bir yorumda bulunamıycam; fakat grafiklerin oyunu oynamak isteyen kitleye pek bir önemi yok.

Edit:2. yarıyı izle bence biraz daha güzel aksiyon var ok kullanıyor genelde.
Mesaj tarihi:
Oyunu kendimde pek beğenmiyorum açık açık söyledim zaten ama milletin abarttığı kadar da kötü olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Birçok insan 2-3 yazı okuyup bu böyle şu şöyle yada youtube videosuna bakıp la bu ne grafik lulz deyip saçmalıyor sıktı yani adam gibi araştırsınlar cevaplarımı okursan ben hep bilgi veriyorum bu böyle güzel bu şöyle süper dediğim yok zaten.

Edit:Koca firmaların saçma oyunlarını oynamakdan sıkıldım.Hiçbiri zaten temiz bir release sahibi olmadı hepsinin bir dolu sorunu oldu ufak ve ilk MMO sunu yapan bir şirketten abartı birşey beklemek yanlış olur; fakat en azından adamlar benim oyun zevkime yaklaşan bir oyun yaratmaya çalışmış ve halen uğraşıyorlar çıkan patchler kanıtıdır iyi kötü her konuda bir çalışma var PR hariç(:mad:) ben bu adamlara helaliyle paramı verir oyunumu oynarım ha olur daha iyisini bulurum yada çok sıkılırım bayarım ozaman iptal ederim sub. ı olur biter.
Mesaj tarihi:
D@rkwish said:
KO oynamadım ama cafelerde oynayan çok kişi gördüm enviorement olarak katlar direk(DF) ama büyü çapında pek bir yorumda bulunamıycam

KOyu ben de oynamadım, ama bikaç sefer gördüm ve tabii şanını da biliyorum herkes kadar:P
eğer DF onunlan tek bir yönde dahi katlama yapacak kadar bile mukayese edilebiliyosa. yani aralarında bi bağ varsa bu kadarcık bile, vah ki vah DFye ve onu 10 sene bekleyenlere:D
kaldıki videoları gördükten sonra bu bağ rahatça kurulabilir zaten,
cünkü bu oyun...>:D<
Mesaj tarihi:
Merak edenler linkden indirebilir SUN adlı guildin son çıkardığı pvp videosu ağırlıklı kovalamaca vs var sanırım 22 inç monitor ve sağlam grafik kartlı bir makina grafikleri detaylı görebilirsiniz widescreen bir monitor için pvpninde 1 vs 5 kovalamaca kısmını görürsünüz :)

SUN PK Video
Mesaj tarihi:
Evreka! Evreka!1!
tamam çözdüm darkwish seni(tu)
bu firma sana kesin bir çekilişle falan, Collectors edition box + Lifetime membership verdi.
yoksa bu derece pazarlama müdürü gibi sabah akşam çalışmanın başka bir açıklaması olamaz:D
Mesaj tarihi:
Developer grubundayımda çaktırmıyorum sabır ver ya... Okul bu hafta başlıyor okul yokken genelde evde forumlarda dolanıyorum ve öğrendiğim bilgileri paylaşıyorum istemiyorsanız yazmam ne abartıldı görende oyunu pazarlıyorum sanıcak, bu arada oyunun hard copy si olmayacağına parasına iddaya girerim.
Mesaj tarihi:
bu arada 6 senedir falan mmorpg'lerle alakam var. forumlarında bu kadar troll olan bir oyun görmedim. oyun içinde serverdaki ortamın da buna benzer olması bir hayli boktan olacaktır.
Mesaj tarihi:
sabonis said:
bu arada 6 senedir falan mmorpg'lerle alakam var. forumlarında bu kadar troll olan bir oyun görmedim. oyun içinde serverdaki ortamın da buna benzer olması bir hayli boktan olacaktır.

Valla gördüğümüzü kesecez, local chatleri kapayıp takılıcaz sanırım bende öyle seziyorum :P
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