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Mesaj tarihi:
asinanyavuz said:
benim için özel bir yere sahip özellikle Ballade No.1 .

Initially, it was a calm child at the beginning, however, it became a frothing dragon. Seconds after, piece became a blending and a peaceful piece. It was such intense emotional transitions. Like the life line of a human being, from childhood’s peace to an adolescent’s undulating life, and to an old man’s calmness. Or, a journey of love. Peaceful love period, fights of couples, and the peak of the blending and melting love. Followed by a more romantic part, which was a star of starless night. Piece continued with a higher tempo and strong-willed tones, like resembling of a loss of lover. Just after that, a peaceful passage took our soul to a peaceful memory of that lover. Gradually, memories became vanished. And at last, the tragic farewell of lover. The piece had an alive ending, like a living lover tries to tell “I’ll live for both of us!" It was such a romantic piece that humanly words are verily deficient to tell.
Mesaj tarihi:
gerge hepsini dinledim.

ama benim klasik müzikte genellikle aradığım şey karamsarlık,hüzün vs. ve ortaçağ ezgileri çok hoşuma gider genel olarak.bunlar hareketli kaçıyor biraz :)
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