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Mesaj tarihi:
Bi suru adam sorardı Ninjalar fighterınmı yoksa rogueun alt sınıflarından bırımıdır yada ney based bır prestıge classtır dıyee..eh icqdan gelen x bir baska mesaj daha bunu sorunca bende buraya bi acıklama koyma hıssıyetı ıcerısınde buldum sahsıyetımı(!)afiyet olsun(vizelerr beni bozuyor)

Ha bunlar wotc den bu sırada haklarını yemeyelım...

To the Empire, ninja do not exist. They are simply peasant superstition passed down from generation to generation in farmer villages and old women’s tales. Though tales of shadow-walking ninja persist to this day, noble samurai dismiss them as the result of paranoia or as lazy guards’ excuses. Those who still walk in shadow would have it no other way. Adventures: Invariably, ninja are spies, assassins, or both. Like rogues, they are masters of subterfuge, stealth, thievery, and lies. Unlike rogues, they understand the deeper mysteries of the shadows, and are far better at misdirection and murder. Because of this, and the Empire’s view of ninja, they generally fit into a samurai party under false pretenses, or into a party of ninja. When a ninja ventures forth, it will always be to cause disorder and confusion among his lord’s enemies. This can range from simple assassination to a more prolonged campaign to disrupt activities in an area. Some ninja are not assassins at all, but merely serve as spies for their lord. These spies are generally more honorable than their assassin brethren. Most non-Scorpion ninja in service to a lord fill the role of a spy, and use their skills for little else than simple information gathering, thievery, and causing confusion.
Characteristics: Ninja are impossible to classify as a group by personality. Because every Rokugani publicly despises them, a ninja must keep his actions secret, or face execution — one of the lowest forms of dishonor. Many ninja in service to a daimyo adopt a public face to hide their activities behind, and are accepted among the samurai caste. Being able to adapt different personas, anticipate the movements of their enemy, and acquit themselves well enough in a fight to survive are the skills that separate the ninja that are feared from the ninja that are dead.
Honor/Alignment: The motivations for a ninja’s actions can be anywhere from serving the wishes of his lord to simply working for his own gain. A ninja can be of any non-lawful alignment, though they are generally evil. The actions of a ninja, however, are nothing short of dishonorable, no matter who their lord is or why they do their tasks.
Background: Ninja are usually without clan affiliation, except students of the Shosuro Dojo in the Scorpion lands. Though the Scorpion take great pains to train their ninja well, Non-Scorpion ninja are generally as effective as the Shosuro. This usually is due to natural talent more than effective training — there are many more Scorpion ninja than ronin ninja. However, every Clan has at least one minor lord who employs the shadowy services of the ninja.
Races: Ninja are strictly human. Naga and Ratlings practice stealth on a daily basis, with the Ratlings stealing from humans as much as they speak with them. However, neither race cares enough about assassination and sabotage to ever put their efforts into training ninja.
Other Classes: Ninja must be cautious in their associations with other classes, as one false step could lead to their execution. Ninja also have rather skewed views of honor, though that is no reason they cannot find a place within an adventuring party. Those ninja with a samurai lord see themselves as the daimyo’s worthiest servants, willing to give up their own honor for that of their lord. In any case, ninja tend to multi-class in order to create more complete false identities, or in rare cases become ninja after being dishon-ored as a samurai. Many Scorpion “samurai” are actually ninja (or multi-class fighter-ninja) in order to further the goals of their clan. A Scorpion is not above the law of Rokugan, however, should he be caught walking the dishonorable path of the ninja.
Examples of Ninja in Legend of the Five Rings:
Shosuro Nishiko, Matsu Hiroru, Mamoru, Bayushi Aramoro,
Shosuro Chian, Bayushi Yokuan, Hirariko, Hoseki.
Ninja have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dexterity and Intelligence are the most important scores for ninja, who are almost constantly in a position where they must stay on their toes mentally and physically. Extra skill points foster a ninja’s adaptability to any given situation, and a high Dexterity will aid the ninja in a fight and when the time to run comes.
Honor/Alignment: Any non-lawful, dishonorable.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Skills: A ninja’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, Exclusive Skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuend
Mesaj tarihi:
sevmiyorum ben bu ninjayı. kendi prestige classımı hazırlamıştım. biraz güçlü bişey gerçi ama bulursam yazacam.

hatta buldum yazıyorum...
Class Features: Evasion, 4d6 Sneak attack
Feats: Dodge
Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble 10 ranks, Concentracion 5 ranks

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack: As rogue
Good Saves: Ref & Will
Skill pts./level 6+int mod

Class Features
1 Sneak Attack +1d6, Poison Use, Canny Defense
2 Acrobatics +10, Leap of the Clouds, Improved Evasion
3 Slow Fall 20 ft., Silent Step, Base Speed +10ft.
4 Hide In Plain Sight, Minor Shadow Blend
5 Sneak Attack +2d6, Slippery Mind, Mind over matter
6 Acrobatics +20, Slow Fall 30 ft., Minor Image
7 Thousand Faces, Mirror Image
8 Defensive Roll, Displacement
9 Sneak Attack +3d6, Slow Fall 50 ft., Haste
10 Acrobatics +30, Abundant Step, Shadow Blend

Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing no armor or light armor or using a shield, a ninja adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist class level to her dodge bonus to modify Armor Class while Using Dodge Feat.

Silent Step(Ex): You can move at your full speed while moving silently without penalty.

Minor Shadow Blend(Su): You can disappear into the shadows. (9/10 Concealment). Artificial and magical light negates this ability.

Shadow Blend(Su): As lesser Shadow Blend but Artificial and magical light does not negates a daylight spell however, will

Mind over Matter(Su): As a part of move action you can make a concentracion check (DC 20) If you succeed you can move on nonsolid or vertical surfaces as long as you start and, end your movement on a solid, horizontal surface.

Minor Image(Sp) As sorcerer of your class level 1/day.

Mirror Image(Sp) as Sorcerer of your class level 1/day.

Displacement(Sp) 1 round/ninja level. (nonconsecutive)

Haste(Sp) 1 round / ninja level (nonconsecutive)

Abundant step(Sp): dimension door as sorcerer of your level 1/day

[Bu mesaj Grudge tarafından 25 Nisan 2004 08:45 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Ahaha bu bana magic ile grudge ın ninja konusundaki tartışmalarını hatırlattı. Sonuçta Grudge ın ninjasında karar kılınmıştı ama ninja olamadan hakkın rahmetine kavuşmuştum :)[signature][hline]NO PAIN NO GAIN ® ©

Mesaj tarihi:
grudge bütün partiyi katletmeye karar vermişti daha doğru bi anlatım olur kanaatindeyim. :)[signature][hline]You figure a sword and a
bunch of spells make you
tough? It ain't
what you got
that counts, berk.
what you know.
-Fairven, a cipher
Mesaj tarihi:
ninja bir nevi spy ve assassindir.

shogun total war'da gördügümüz gibi gizlice girer (ip firlatma, sneaking, hiding..)
sonra da adami tek bir vurusta öldürür.

yalniz 1e1 savasmaya gelirse beceremez. samurai'lara denk degildir. Shogun'da gördügümüz gibi, general çakarsa ninja direk ölüyordu.

ayrica agac üstüne pusup, anidan adamin üstüne atlayip kestigini gördüm bir belgeselde.
Ayni belgeselde, ninjalarin egitimini görmüstüm.
ucunca iki tane kanca olan bir alet var, bu silahla samuraylarin katanasini adamin elinden almayi ögreniyorlar.
bu sayede savasta avantaj ediniyor..

yazilan featlerden:
Canny Defense, Leap of the Clouds, Silent Step, Slow Fall 20 ft, Minor Shadow Blend

olmazsa olmaz olarak görüyorum bunlari.

ayrica prestige class yerine normal class olmasi daha dogru gibi.
çünkü normal çiftçiler ninja oluyormus diye duydum orda. geçmiste bir savasçilik deneyimi / egitimi yok yani..
Mesaj tarihi:
egitimsiz adam nasil kullanacak yukaridaki featleri? kesin prestige class olmali. dovusmeyi bilmeyen adam ninja olamaz.[signature][hline]nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère.
Mesaj tarihi:
normal çiftçi ninja olmuyor, çiftçilk olayı sadece ninja olduğunu gizlemek için yapılmış bir kamuflaj çünkü,

adamın ailesi 500 yıldır ninjalık yapıyor nüm nesiller boyunca, ama işte şehirde herkesin içinde çiftçi ailesi gibi yaşıyorlar kimse farketmiyor. ve tabiki eğitimliler hepsi :) her aile kendi içinde eğitiyor ninja olacak fertleri falan filan..[signature][hline][i]FR - Wow - MM - SmS
Mesaj tarihi:
Gececi olduk ya geceden geceye takılıyoruz ancak...
Bende hastası degılım zaten,Samurai lar her zaman daha cekıcı gelmıstır nınjalara nazaran alıcan katananı cıkıcan er meydanında ne o ole nınja-to falan gec bab bunları :)[signature][hline]Magic.Yes,I know you think you know what it is,and how it works.You don't.You are an ignored fool,just like all the others.

Khelben 'Blackstaff' Arunsun
Mesaj tarihi:
Grudge, kendi ninjasında 1. level'dan verdiği poison use'un çok güçlü olduğunda karar kılmıştı bir zamanlar. Sonradan vazgeçmiş anladığım kadarıyla (-:

İlk yazılan ninja, perfect kesinlikle.[signature][hline]A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Mesaj tarihi:
özelliklerini begenmedim ben..
mesela çok fazla sneak attack almis..

ne samurai ne ninja, en iyisi kensai (bg2).. kenshin gibi takiliyorsun valla..
ya biri bana su kensai (2e) özelliklerini bulabilir mi?[signature][hline]rollin' rollin' rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them doggies rollin'

Mesaj tarihi:
abi o ilk leveldan alınan poison use PRCnin diildi. Core classtı ve ben ona takılmıştım. burda adam kafadan 7 level rogue almadan bu classı alamıyo...[signature][hline]You figure a sword and a
bunch of spells make you
tough? It ain't
what you got
that counts, berk.
what you know.
-Fairven, a cipher
Mesaj tarihi:
Ninja Core Class'ın birinci level den poison use alması abartı birşey.Fakat armor olayı bunu biraz kapatıyor.Ayrıca Grudge'ın prestige class'ı dengeli sayılır.Dahası arkadaşlar Ninja'lar dövüş adamları değildir.Ninjitsu filan olayınında o kadar teke tek bir olay olduğunu sanmıyorum.En azından samurai'ların aldıkları eğitim altında az kalıyor.Bence Ninja Core Class bir hata olmuş.Class kendi içinde dengeli gibi gözküyor fakat bir ninja'nın attack bonusunun samurai gibi artması saçmalık...[signature][hline]"Sword is a weapon. Swordmanship is learning how to kill. No matter what ideals you claim how you call it, that is the only truth" Hiko Seijuro

"Öğretmek kendinde başlar.İlk önce kendine öğret sonra başkasına"

[Bu mesaj ssj4songoku tarafından 27 Nisan 2004 15:08 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu core class'ı her yerde kullanamazsın. Ona katılırım. Ama Oriental'in kendisi içinde çokta dengeli bir core class olarak gösteriyor kendini. Ek kitaplarını okuyup, havaya da girince temiz devam edersiniz oyun sonuna kadar.

Req'leri atlamışım, ee öyle görmek istedim heralde ;)[signature][hline]A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben hala attack bonusunun fighter gibi artmasını saçma buluyorum.Rogue gibi arttırıp oluşan açığın başka bir şekilde kapatılması lazım bence.[signature][hline]"Sword is a weapon. Swordmanship is learning how to kill. No matter what ideals you claim how you call it, that is the only truth" Hiko Seijuro

"Öğretmek kendinde başlar.İlk önce kendine öğret sonra başkasına"
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