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Are today's students more selfish than our predecessors?


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Cuma günü essay'imin 1.draftını vereceğim ve konu Bugünün öğrencileri gençliği daha mı bencil önceki çağlara göre yoksa.. her şey aynı mı..
görüşlerinizi alabilir miyim?? biraz daha akademik yazarsanız..

p.s: self-developed denilen olayı göz ardı etmeyiniz.. yani insan eğitimi için kendine vakit ayırır kendini geliştirmek için çabalar bu bencillik değildir.
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KillJoy said:
Cuma günü essay'imin 1.draftını vereceğim ve konu Bugünün öğrencileri gençliği daha mı bencil önceki çağlara göre yoksa.. her şey aynı mı..
görüşlerinizi alabilir miyim?? biraz daha akademik yazarsanız..

p.s: self-developed denilen olayı göz ardı etmeyiniz.. yani insan eğitimi için kendine vakit ayırır kendini geliştirmek için çabalar bu bencillik değildir.

mazur gör ama eğer yanlış anlamadıysam şurdayani insan eğitimi için kendine vakit ayırır kendini geliştirmek için çabalar bu bencillik değildir. gibibir cümle yazıp, sonrada kendi yapmadığın birşeyi sunmak mı istiyorsun.Burdan essay yardımı alsan kendini ne kadar geliştirmiş olursun :)aslında çok dha uzun yazıcaktım caydım dexter'a geçice şimdi XD
ve evet bugünün öğrencileri atalarımızdan daha bencil eheh
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bence insanlar ödevlerini direkt başkalarına yaptırmadıkları sürece, konuyla ilgili araştırma yapmaları son derece doğaldır. başkalarının konu üzerindeki düşüncelerini almak ta araştırmanın bir parçasıdır.

benim konuyla ilgili aklıma gelenler:

1. yerinde olsam, artık dünyada 'para'nın nerdeyse 'tanrı' olması nedeniyle, yalnızca öğrencilerin, gençlerin değil, dünyadaki tüm insanların giderek bencilleştiğinden söz ederdim.

olay daha çok para edinip, daha fazla tüketmek olduğu sürece, bencilleşme artarak devam edecektir, çünkü doğal olarak tükenmekte olan kaynakların giderek daha vahşi ve eşitsiz bir biçimde paylaşımı söz konusudur. (yani kapitalizmle bencilliği rahatlıkla bağlantılayabilirsin).

2. özellikle toplumumuzda eğitim sisteminin rekabete çok dayalı olması. (liselere, üniversiteler girmek için birilerini yenmek, dolayısıyla ister istemez bencil olmak zorundasın, fln.)
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aquatik said:
bence insanlar ödevlerini direkt başkalarına yaptırmadıkları sürece, konuyla ilgili araştırma yapmaları son derece doğaldır. başkalarının konu üzerindeki düşüncelerini almak ta araştırmanın bir parçasıdır.

benim konuyla ilgili aklıma gelenler:

1. yerinde olsam, artık dünyada 'para'nın nerdeyse 'tanrı' olması nedeniyle, yalnızca öğrencilerin, gençlerin değil, dünyadaki tüm insanların giderek bencilleştiğinden söz ederdim.

olay daha çok para edinip, daha fazla tüketmek olduğu sürece, bencilleşme artarak devam edecektir, çünkü doğal olarak tükenmekte olan kaynakların giderek daha vahşi ve eşitsiz bir biçimde paylaşımı söz konusudur. (yani kapitalizmle bencilliği rahatlıkla bağlantılayabilirsin).

2. özellikle toplumumuzda eğitim sisteminin rekabete çok dayalı olması. (liselere, üniversiteler girmek için birilerini yenmek, dolayısıyla ister istemez bencil olmak zorundasın, fln.)

para var, allah yok.
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2 body paragrafı bitti..

yorumlarınız varsa aliim ya da yanlış anlaşılan düşük cümleler, yarın teslim edecem..

Times have changed and the changes alter the new generation as more narcissistic. One of changes is technology. Technology integrates in every field of the life and it provides students with opportunity to show them. Therefore, technology has nowadays affected selfishness in a negative way, narcissist students’ population is increasing owing to technology (Twenge 3). Mostly, internet has a profound influence on advancement in narcissist students. They try to make a difference from others on web pages. “By its very name, MySpace encourages attention-seeking, as does YouTube.” Jean Twenge (3), a psychology professor at San Diego, claimed. If a student is seen by thousands, even millions, of people, the student can reach her aim, in other words, she becomes popular and is noticed, so did Lily Allen (pop singer). The critical issue is that every student can regard it as attainable or reachable. Briefly, according to Twenge’s argue (3); new generation students can be affected by technology easily and so they are more selfish than previous generation.

A major change that has occurred in the new generation students is an increased narcissism. Despite the fact that some students argue that they are not selfish, many psychologists insist that there are appreciable alteration in students’ behaviours as being selfish. On the verge of the arguments, Professor Jean Twenge (3) of San Diego State University and her colleagues made an extensive investigation of essential differences among different generations. The research, which is The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), examined on 16,475 college students in San Diego, CA. NPI is the most widely used measure of narcissism in social psychological research. Including questions are such as “If I ruled the world, it would be a better place,” “I think I am a special person” and “I can live my life any way I want to.”(NPI,3) .NPI examination result demonstrates that Self-Regard people have increased proportional year by year since the first examination in 1982. Percentage 66.6 students responded as Self-Centred. Whereas in the past one-thirds students are seem to be narcissistic. Outcome of the research is obviously demonstrating the situation that is vital nowadays. Shortly, NPI that is applied by Twenge show the reality of the Me Generation.
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bencillik değil, eskiden az öğrenci vardı olanlar kaliteliydi şimdi çok öğrenci var tembellikten çalışmayanlar eğitimi "çan eğrisi, bencillik" falan filan diye eleştiriyor. Ben bizim okulda adam gibi çalışıp da takdir edilmeyen veya iyi bir yere gelmeyen birini görmedim açıkçası.

İyi bir yere gelmek derken tabi MITe gitmekten bahsetmiyorum, iyi bir notla mezun olup hocaların gözünde olumlu bir intiba bırakmaktan bahsediyorum. Yurtdışında iyi bir yere gitmemiz, içinde bulunduğumuz ülke dolayısıyla daha zor (yurtdışının çok iyi kabul ettiği 1 tane bile üniversitemiz yok, dolayısıyla daha önce giden öğrencilere vs çok bakıyor yani türkiyede biraz şansa bağlı bu işler).

not: Bizim okul iyi bir okul ona itirazım yok, dolayısıyla imkanları daha fazla. fakat okulun iyiliğinin kötülüğünün konuyla pek bir ilgisi yok (kötü okuldakiler bencil, iyi okuldakiler bencil değil tarzı bir argüman olmadığına göre, bu durum okuldan bağımsız).

Türkiye açısından konuşacağım çünkü sürekli etrafa "çan eğrisi, kapitalizm, bencillik" tarzı afişler asıyorlar (hayır ben de sosyal eğilimli bir insanım ama yersiz ve hedefinden şaşmış eleştirileri pek sevmem). Ben bunu akademik üniversite sayısının çok fazla olmasına bağlayacağım. Akademik seviyede eğitim veren üniversite zordur, bir sürü temel fizik ve matematik dersi vs görürsün. Bu kadar öğrencinin akademik üniversitede iyi bir öğrenci olmasını ben beklemem zaten. Kötü olanlar ise kendilerinin yapamadığını kabul etmek yerine sistemi başka etkenleri suçlamayı tercih edebiliyorlar. Evet bence de suç sistemde ama bu arkadaşlar kanımca yanlış noktayı hedef alıyor. Sorun akademik üniversitelerin fazlalığı ve tabi bu da sistemin hatası. Meslek eğitimine ağırlık veren üniversitelerin sayısı akademik üniversitelerden kat kat fazla olmalıyken tam tersi.
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son hali:

Are today’s students more self-centered than previous generations?

Are today’s young people more selfish than ever before? According to the question, there are many advanced researches. One of them has been applied by Professor Jean Twenge, the author of the book “Generation Me”, at San Diego University, The research is called as NPI (Narcissistic Personal Inventory). The result of researches and examinations is that today’s young people are mostly selfish, which means state of only having concern for one's own self. Additionally, Robert Putnam’s notion, from Bowling Alone, is highlighted about narcissism because kids have been raised selfishly and technology pushes youth to be more self-centred. In addition, they are enforced to be seen as volunteers and they are not interested in global issues.

A major change that has occurred in the new generation students is an increased narcissism. Despite the fact that some students argue that they are not selfish, many psychologists insist that there are appreciable alteration in students’ behaviours as being selfish. On the verge of the arguments, Professor Jean Twenge (David Crary,3) of San Diego State University and her colleagues made an extensive investigation of essential differences among different generations. The research, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is based on 16.475 students' responses to survey questions in San Diego, CA. NPI is the most widely used measure of narcissism in social psychological research. Responses to the questions are like "I can live my life any way I want to," "If I ruled the world it would be a better place," "I think I am a special person" (David Crary,3).NPI examination results demonstrate that Self-Centeredness attitudes have increased among students since the first examination in 1982. 66.6 % of students responded as Self-Regard students. Whereas in the past one-thirds students seemed to be narcissistic. The outcome of the research obviously demonstrates the situation that needs to be taken into consideration nowadays. Shortly, NPI has been applied by Twenge in order to show the reality of the Me Generation.

The main crucial concern is that children have been raised selfishly. The attitudes of parents have a deep impact on children when they raise children. Thus, Professor Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego, points out that “We need to stop endlessly repeating ‘You’re special’ and having children repeat that back (Kate Evans 1, It’s All About Me 7)” because all of expressions like these provide children with being self-centred people. “Kids are self-centred enough already” said Twenge (1, 7). Additionally, “Young people today are vain and self-absorbed and have a sense of entitlement that previous generations did not. The problem, she says, is that schools and parents have emphasized self-esteem above all else.” Assumed Jean Twenge, who is the author of the book Generation Me (It’s All About Me, 7). On the other hand, children, in good health, move beyond that part to perceive the identity of the group they belong to. They become aware of accomplishment coming from concerning both self and the other. However, “Generation Me” cannot be change as altruistic generation entirely.

Times have changed and the changes alter the new generation as more narcissistic. One of the changes is technology. Technology is integrated in every field of life and it provides students with the opportunity to show themselves. Therefore, technology has nowadays affected selfishness in a negative way and the population of narcissist students is increasing owing to technology (David Crary,3). Mostly, the Internet has a profound influence on the increasing number of narcissist students. They try to make a difference from others on web pages. “By its very name, MySpace encourages attention-seeking, as does YouTube.” Jean Twenge (David Crary,3) claimed. When a student can be seen by thousands, even millions, on YouTube or Myspace, another one is also eager to promote herself so as to accomplish to be popular. In other words, if she becomes popular and is noticed by others, so did Lily Allen (a famous pop singer). The critical issue is that every student can regard it as attainable and reachable. Briefly, according to Twenge’s argument (David Crary,3) ; new generation students can be affected by technology easily and so they are more selfish than the previous generation because they have already followed their dreams about being popular in order to show how special they are.

Although today’s students are more selfish than ever before, some authorities say that the youth participate in volunteer work more than their predecessors (Jeffrey Arnett 26, David Crary 4). Nevertheless, the situation, which attend students in should be known as an obligation due to the fact that “Dr. Twenge viewed even this phenomenon sceptically, noting that many high schools require community service and many youths feel pressure to list such endeavours on college applications. (David Crary,4)” In other words, college students are willing to help as volunteers because they know that if they do, they know that they will receive praise or gifts such as career development. It should be clear that despite volunteer works increasing, today’s students work voluntarily because of considering their own future.

Other point proving the increasing Self-Centeredness is that Generation Me is not conscious about global or political topics because they have lived in their own world. Conversely, the older generations are different. They stand up for the human rights, politics, and other major issues (Kate Evans, 1). However, it can be clearly observed that today’s students are not much concerned about politic notions. As Robert Putnam (Jeffrey Arnett 26) showed in Bowling Alone, today’s American 18–29 year-olds report considerably less civic engagement than their parents.” Shortly, they are doubtful and sarcastic about political activities because of selfishness.

To conclude, after all the topics and subjects I mentioned that parents and society call their children as special and technology has affected their children much worse than when they are young adults, only think of themselves, not politics. In addition, self-centeredness has been proved by research, called NPI. If narcissism increases proportionately as shown in NPI, next generations will be much more selfish and it causes that close relationships might not be established anymore. Families will have suffered a lot due to narcissism. Hence, the society will be damaged a lot. When the numbers of marriages decrease, also the world population may decline rapidly. Therefore, parents, and teachers, even societies should be aware of this future social disaster and behave consciously. If they can overcome all the obligations and responsibilities on this basic issue, the results will be positive. In other words, next generations may be labelled as “Generation We”.
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