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SW: TOR - SS, Video ve daha niceleri..

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çeviremedim su saatte kusura bakmayın. forumlardan alıntıdır:


ust bought UK PC gaming mag (Total PC Gaming) and it has some class descriptions that i thought might be interesting to the community. I would take certain things (like role description - which would change i guess depending on game choices) with a pinch of salt. In fact - just ignore the roles


Smuggler - Role: Stealth:

Despite lacking any aptitude for Force persuasion, the Smuggler is the most charismatic and manipulative of The Old Republic's class roster. Though they are no match for a Sith in melee combat they rely on stealth and distraction to take their enemies by surprise where they can. Later levels can endow the Smuggler with a long-range sniper ability and even charm offensive, with a smooth-talking trait that gives them much favourable dialogue options.

Jedi Knight - Role: Tank:

The polar opposite of the Sith Warrior. Jedi Knights are a beacon of hope for their allies. Donning suits of heavy armour they too prefer to take combat to lightsabre range. Jedi Knights use their force abilities to defend themselves and their group with short range pushing and stunning tactics that often have an area effect, while unleashing their righteous indignation in the form of a lightsabre barrage against their nemeses, the Sith Warriors.

Jedi Consular - Role: Healer:

The role of a Jedi Consular with a larger group is to maintain the health of other classes and to apply the occasional buff. They're equiped with ranged and melee Force attacks for solo play, but once you have the options to specialise, the Jedi Consulars can focus more on their passive Force abilities or move to building upon Force stun and telekinetic powers to deliver damage and to support melee DPS and tank classes with mez effects.

Trooper - Role: Tank:

Republic Troopers are skilled members of a highly specialised military force equipped with the latest weapons and technologies. They are equiped with a robust suit of battle armour, designed to withstand a heavy assault and which they use to wade into the thick of battle. Troopers always have the latest in blaster rifles to hand, use thermal detonators and even have the ability to call in air strikes to blanket bomb mobs.


Bounty Hunter - Role: Multi-class

The Bounty Hunters represent the criminals, drifters and miscreants at chaotic periphery of the Empire's dark side. Driven by avarice and sence of misplaced pride in his work, he's loyal only to his mission objectives. Despite their independence, they're tolerated by Empire because of the effeciency with which they get the job done. With their black market contacts, Bounty Hunters have access to illegal and lethal stolen weaponry and they always have a few tricks to hand. They are a versatile class, one of the few that can tackle a Jedi in melee.

Sith Warrior - Role: Melee DPS

As the epitomy of the dark side ethos, rage, hatred and an aura of fear surrounds the Sith Warrior. Trained in the stronghold of the Sith, the academy found on Korriban, this class relies heavily furious lightsabre assaults combined with paralysing and debilitating Force powers. The Sith Warrior wears heavy armour and is more than willing to risk experimental technologies and even augmentation to advance his own prowess. He can be found leading the charge and is devastating to all but the most skilful melee opponents.

Sith Inquisitor - Role: Ranged DPS:

Sith Inquisitors prefer attacking at range but, unlike its fantasy equivelent, they aren't shy about the front line. They are happy to tackle multiple enemies in melee with a combination of lightsabre and debilitating Force abilities. Once the career path option opens up, you can move into a Darth Maul-type character with a lightsabre staff, plying your trade as a lightly armoured but extremely acrobatic warrior. Alternatively, the Sith Inquisitor can remain at a distance, focusing on the ever-deadlier DPS Force lightning abilities.

Imperial Agent - Role: Stealth:

The Imperial Agent is the dark Empire flip side to the Smuggler. If the Smuggler was a chatic good fantasy character, then this insidious class would be lawful evil, slipping below the radar under the instruction of the Empire to hamstring its enemies. Imperial Agents use similar stealth tactics to the Smuggler, and revel in a lethal equivelent of a backstab strike when its Republic enemies have their backs turned. As a class with even less concept of honour than the typical Sith, they will stoop to using any nefarious means to achieving their goal.

(below are replies to posts that I made, again taken from the magazine - put them with the main post to save people having to filter through pages)

Throughout the main article they talk to James Ohlen (director of design) at BW. Some quotes:

"with the Jedi Consular, one (route) is more support healing and the other is more of a controlling stun path where he's doing damage and taking people out of the battle with telekinetics. The Inquisitor has a fast Darth Maul path that uses the staff lightsabre and does lots of damage, and the other is a more controlling, lightning, Palpatine-type character"

"It's important for players to fulfill different roles, so that when you go into combat you feel that you're and important part of that combat, not just a fifth wheel. We do have the classic roles in there but we didn't want to define the classes as those roles from the very start. We wanted to let the player play their Star Wars fantasy, to let them play Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight, then once they get to the kind of levels where they're grouping in the tank/DPS manner, that's when they start thinking about career choices"

Some info on companions.

James had one big reveal left for us: there's companions for each class, which work like MMO pets and are collectable over the course of the game. Every companion is tied to the story and each one you unlock is kept in a holding system that BioWare isn't talking about, but we suspect there will be come kind of ship like the Ebon Hawk, a hub where you can chat and switch companions at will

"Your companion character is there to comment on stories and quests, and they also have a combat role. Because you have multiple companions to choose from, you can decide which role you want them to fill. The Sith Warrior has a Twi'lek and she's more of a roguish, smuggler-type character. She'll help you on one of your last quests on the origin world. For the Sith Inquisitor you might want to pick the Dashade, which is this big. demonic, seven-foot tall creature that's really dangerous and immune to alot of Force powers while being good at taking damage. You can send him to distract all the enemies while you stay at range using the lightning to take them out. Or maybe you;re a Darth Maul and you want another Darth Maul character with you to go in there to do as much damage as possible, because you're in a group and your job is DPS".

sınıflar zaten oturmus durumda, gezegenler de bitti sayılır, bu gidisle yakında path ya da talent mı nasıl adlandırcaklarsa o sistem de acıklanır. daha duzenli bi sekilde tartısılcagı bi bolume mi tasınsak nedir?
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla ben hardcore olmasada sırf Star Wars olmasından dolayı oyniyacağım. Okuldu , antremandı , maçtı derken zaten azıcık zamanım kalıcak. o 1-2 saatlik zamandada WoW da olacağıma SW evreninde takılır gezerim daha iyi yani dfds
Mesaj tarihi:
dreagloth said:

Biz konuştuk, geçtik orayı.

Artık bölüm ün açılması gerek. Yoksa iki kişi iki cümle ile anlatması yeterli de değil.

Class lar bitti.

Mesaj tarihi:
hmm jk ın sadece tank olması ilginç olmuş, tamam jedi askerlerin önünde yolu açarak ilerler lightsaberıyla ama hmm neyse değişik :p

yani wow talent tree vb olmayacak istediğimiz gibi a jedi knight olalım ama dps olalım, b jedi knight olalım ama tank olalım vb gibi.

Sith Inquisitor bizi her raide sokar rahatça. bu sefer melee dpsten başka bişi açıcam kesin ahuh.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sith Inquisitor evet evet, güzel olacağa benziyor. Yine de classları dengeye koyana kadar canları çıkacak gibi.

Oyuna halen Mac desteği koymamakta ısrar ediyorlar ya gerçi, kalbim çok kırılıyor. 27" ekranda ne oynanırdı... :p
Mesaj tarihi:
Coldwind said:

Sith Inquisitor evet evet, güzel olacağa benziyor. Yine de classları dengeye koyana kadar canları çıkacak gibi.

Oyuna halen Mac desteği koymamakta ısrar ediyorlar ya gerçi, kalbim çok kırılıyor. 27" ekranda ne oynanırdı... :p

off off o mac ekranında bunu oynıyıcan var ya offf. yanlız windowsda boot edip gene oynama opsiyonumuz olabilir :D
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