Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 şaka filan yapıyorsun heralde? Siyasiler ile karıştırmayasın olayı? Kırmızı kurdela ile açılış yaparken biz bu kadar bölünmüş yol yaptık filan demez bu adamlar..
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 abi ne diyorsun anlamıyorum ya gerçekten fan summit yapmış adamalr belli başlı fansiteları çağırıp kendi ofislerinde oyunu oynatmışlar, bu olayın neresinden fansitelara beta key dağıtıldı haberini çıkartıyorsun?
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 @sparkcaster sen neresinden beta key verilmediğini çıkartıyorsun?
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 abi çünkü beta key diye bişey yok
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 16, 2011 beta key ne alaka yani, fansitelar toplandı pvp yaptılar origin world oynattılar bide, e3 deki gibi demo şeklinde aynı mantıkla e3 e gidip oyunu oynayanların da alması lazım
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 RRa said: Kanuni said: swtordan 3-6 ay sonra swg oyuncu kitlesi kesin artacaktir. duyun sesimi :) swtordan 3 ay sonrada swgli kimseyi bulamiycaz gibime geliyor :) SWG oynuyorum. Adamlar biografilerinde waiting SWTOR yazıyor.
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Karag8z said: kaynak bi zahmet adamları davet edip masraflarını karşıladılar. Beta key ne ki... Şu gözlüklü teyzeye verirlerse beta yı kendimi keserim !
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Sparkcaster said: aynı mantıkla e3 e gidip oyunu oynayanların da alması lazım cidden mantık hatası içinde olduğunu biliyormusun? Elma ile Armut arasındaki farkı tartışıyorsun....
hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 illa o adamlara beta key vercekler diye bir şey yok ki
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Bakın şöyle diyeyim. Ne ben kendi gözlerimle gördüm beta verdiklerini . Ne siz gözlerinizle gördünüz beta key verdiklerini. Geyiği bırakalım işimize bakalım.
BlackRose Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 anticipated mevzusuna geri dönsek? eğlensek coşsak moralimiz bozulmasa? :p
Karag8z Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Karag8z said: Ne siz gözlerinizle gördünüz beta key verMEdiklerini.
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 goze gerek yok kardes, vermis olsalar verdik derlerdi. pro testerlar var su an buyuk ihtimalle sadece.
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 yok random pick yapıyolar şu an hala
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 beta tester q&a 7 SWTOR Tester Q&A #7 Q. Can you give a general consensus of the testing forums as to how responsive the development team were to people discussing issues and bugs? Did it seem like there were less and less as testing went on? Or was it constant right up until the Alpha 2 phase ended this week? A. They answer things very quickly. They are responding every hour or every half hour to different bugs, issues, comments, etc. Q. Is there any indication that the newest build published this week will lead to larger-scale beta testing invites in the coming days/weeks? And what does it mean in relation to a release? Are we looking at 3 months? 6 months? A. The game feels pretty much done. If anything they are just working on their server infrastructure. There aren’t really any game breaking bugs, and it could ship right now. They are doing another stress test at the end of the month, so that may be what John Riccitiello meant by increased testing. Q. What about end game is it Raid centric like WoW? Is there an end game for those who don't Raid or PVP? A.There is other stuff you can do, you can craft, do space combat, dailies, etc. But you won’t be rolling through raids solo in some kind of solo mode or anything silly like that. Q. Can you shed any light on the lightsaber upgrade/crafting system? How components and crystals work? A. Basically, you get a lightsaber and it has slots that are called item modifications. I have run into five different types: 1. Power Crystal 2. Focus Lens 3. Color Crystal 4. Hilt 5. Emitter Matrix You can put different mods into these slots and sort of tailor the item to your advanced class or spec. Q. Do Jedi Guardians and Jedi Sentinels use the same gear stats for DPS? A. I’m not entirely sure on the specific itemization for those classes, but stats don’t do different things for different classes. Strength gives melee damage and melee crit, for example, so any melee DPS will want to stack that to some extent. When you choose your AC (as a Guardian) you should be wearing heavy armor, even as DPS, so you really do not compete for gear. Q. Have you seen other types of personal mounts besides the speeder-bike from early leak photos? Can you ride beast/type mounts Like Dewbacks or Tauntauns? A. No. There are only vehicles at the moment. Q. About how long do the companion missions take? 10 minutes? 10 days? Does this seem too fast, too slow, or just right? A. Companion missions seem to be just right. They can range from 12 minutes and 30sec, 5 minutes, 10 minutes. From what I seem, it gets longer the higher up you get in that profession. Q. Does the lightside/darkside points have an impact on the quest you can get? A. No. Q. Are characters with a lot of points in dark side or light side characters are more powerful when neutral characters of the same level? A. No, alignment does not effect your stats or the strength of your abilities. Q. How does the group dialogue system work? Is it the one with the highets dice score who get the choice even if all the other characters choose otherwise? Or its more a democratic vote with the help of the dices if there is a draw? A. I have never seen a draw. It is the highest dice roll. You can stay in your group and choose not to engage in it or you can start it by yourself and have the conversation be just with you and the NPC. Q. If I'm playing withe a character of the same classe who is doing the same class quest. Do we have to play the quest for each one or only once even if one of the player didn't like the moral choices that have been played? A. You cannot do the class quest conversation together. The phase will block Trooper 2 out if are doing Trooper 1’s quest. Though you can do the quest together. Q. Have you played as a trooper or with a trooper? Are they just as powerful as the jedi or do they need more balancing? A. I have not played as a Trooper, but if they are anything like the Bounty Hunter class then trust me the non-Force Users are plenty powerful. Q. Did you encounter any of the pivotal NPCs (Satele Shan, the Sith Emperor, etc) during your playthrough, and if so, who were their voice actors? A. I do not know the voice actors, but you definitely encounter Satele very early on. (No spoilers though). Q. How do story areas work when in a group? How is the "owner" decided? Do other players get to take part in the owner's conversations? A. The owner is the first person who runs into that phased area. As for group conversations, it is the same as stated above. You can do it with the group and have a dice roll decide who talks, or you can do it by yourself. Q. Are there are any unannounced playable species in the beta? A. Technically Cyborg as it has not been announced, though that is old information as it was “learned” from the U.K. press event. Cyborgs are basically humans with a choice of cybernetic bits and pieces they can add to their face. Q. How does Bioware manage it to avoid the appearance of two charakters of the same class and gender in one group sounding the same? Knowing that f.e. male jedi-knight has only one voice, doesn't that feel strange in multiplayer-dialouge? A. They don’t. Each class only has one male and one female voice actor. There are no voice sliders or anything like that. Q. Hi, i would like to know how does combat mechanics works. A. There is no auto-attack, and it is all ability based. As a Sith Warrior Juggernaut, you use attacks to build up your rage, and then you use a “heavy rage” attacks, use CC, AoE abilities, etc. Each class has their own mechanic, Troopers have power cells, Bounty Hunters need to manage heat, and so on. It plays like any other hot-key MMO, just without an auto-attack. This means you need to be actively engaging in combat and paying attention. Q. In many videos i've seen that seems to be auto-facing (wich i don't like it) is it true or not? A. It is in the game but not for PvP. Previously, I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world but I have really grown to like it. Q. While you're fighting can you move/circle strafing while performing spells? i mean not spells with cast or channeled time of course, i intend the instant one, (to be clear) you can move like in wow with instant spells? for what i've seen it seems that If you're not moving your character will do some kind of repositioning while fighting, but if you're moving then it will let you the freedom to move freely while casting instant spells like wow. Thank you. A. Yes, you can move/strafe while using instant casts. Q. What, if any, systems are currently in place for guild bases? Fortresses on a planet, capital ships in orbit, etc??? A. Nothing as of yet. They’ve said publicly that this is something they really want to do, but nothing has been put into testing at the moment. Q. can your lightsabers be permanent? what i mean by that is, do you get to upgrade it like in kotor? so you can keep a hilt you like throughout the entire game by upgrading it. Instead of tossing your current saber over another one that has 3+ more strength. A. You will want to change your lightsaber. You can upgrade your lightsaber to an extent by upgrading components, but you will eventually outgrow it just like any piece of gear. Q. Any abilities that you earn through your alignment? For example gaining a new ability if your LS/DS jedi knight? vice versa A. I have not run into that yet, but I do not want to rule it out either. I do know for a fact that your alignment will award different titles. Q. Any novel characters from the TOR novels make any cameo appearance in game ? A. I have ran into a few from the novels, as for all of them? I am not sure. Q. Question was already answered but i was curious as well if this other tester knew since deebo wasn't really looking at this topic, but do your abilities look and sound more powerful as you level? A. Yes on both counts. Q. Have the Trooper and Bounty Hunter healing trees gone live yet? What is the healing mechanic for these classes if so? (kolto darts, droids, medpacks, etc) A. There was a Bounty Hunter healing me once, I think she was using darts. I thought I saw some type of ray heal me, not sure what it was. Q. My question concerns the imperial agent operative advanced class, if i choose this advanced class i get stealth and loose the sniper rifle, but will i be forced to use melee, or can i simply dps with some sort of long range blaster? A. The Operative does use more melee based attacks if you go down the Concealment tree, though you are not required to always melee. Keep in mind though that some abilities will require you to act as a rogue of sorts. As an IA you are still a mid-range type class for damage. Think of the Operative as using the “Crotch shot” for Smugglers, while they are ranged it may be necessary to be melee at times as well. Q. Is there lightside looking armour/gear for the Sith Warrior? If I want to be a lightside sith and look like a dark Jedi, without horns and shit sticking out of my armour etc. A. Yes, there is lightside gear for the Sith Warrior. Q. Do all Inquisitor and Consular armor sets include a skirt or is there cool, higher level gear with pants too? (like Satele in the Hope trailer for example) A. I have not seen skirts, but they do have robes and pants. Q. Could you go into more detail on crafting. For the various "gathering" skills how much diversity in resources did you see (ex. was there a great deal of different types of ore or was it basic start with copper go to tine to iron, so on and so forth). Were there special components/rare resources that would drop that you would need to create better items? A. For gathering and crafting even early on, I have received blue and purple items and materials. For Diplomacy you get lockboxes, storage cases, etc that can also vary in quality. As for gathering, it is varied somewhat in terms of resources. Instead of just seeing (As an example, all copper) you see copper, tin, and iron all over the place. Q. Could you use any enhancements on items in the crafting process like Rift allows you to add different Planar essence? Something that would be a permanent increase to the crafted item and could only be added during the initial crafting phase? A. I am not sure, I have not delved very far into crafting. I will look into at some point and try to get a more detailed answer later. Q. How many datacrons did you come across? If any, were they fairly difficult to reach? What stats did they increase for you? A. I got all of them on Hutta. I found one by chance, and people were making parties to go and find them. The devs have been changing the location with every build, as they do not want people knowing the exact location all the time. As for stats, they will be related to what class you are, and the main stats you use. Q. What dates did you beta test between? A. Currently in testing. No end date has been announced for this phase as of yet. Q. How much of the game was available for testing? Could you reach the level cap? Were all 17 announced planets available? A. Start to level cap, raids may even be available though I am not positive. Q. I know you said that everyone played on a PvP rule set server, did you indulge in the warfronts at all? How quick were the matches and were they consistently fun for you? A. I have not done any, but from what I have heard Warzones are amazing. They really enjoy them, and they are supposedly more fun than Battlegrounds from WoW. Q. How would you describe your gameplay type? From your description of yourself it seems that you are focused a lot on the end game of most of the games you have played. A. My gameplay focus for WoW was end-game raids, for this game I want to do EVERYTHING, it is that good. Q. Was there any mention of end game in the beta testing? A.Yes, the game has PvP and PvE end-game. For the PvE side of things you have Operations (Raids), for PvP you have Warzones. Q. How many flashpoints did you know of while you played? How many did you experience, how was their overall feel? A. By the time I got to level 20, I had the opportunity to do at least 20 flashpoints. You have flashpoints in space, on Korriban, all over the place. As for the feel, they are great. There is always a reason for why you are doing them and they are really fun. If you have a hard time learning the mechanics, getting rid of trash, etc, you are in for a rude awakening. Flashpoints can be difficult, even with experienced MMO players. Q. Does the game have a Star Wars feel to it or did it feel more like a MMO? A. Both. These are not mutually exclusive. Q. Were there any zones that had open world PvP objectives? A. I have not seen anything as of yet. Q. Do you plan to buy the game and pay the monthly fee even after doing so much game testing? Why? A. Yes, Yes, Yes. This is the best game I have ever played. Q. Will Jedi Knights be able to wear robes or cloaks that are separate from chest armor pieces? I planned on playing as a Guardian and was wondering if one could play with just armor showing, or combine armor with a cloak/hooded robe. Is there a back slot or head slot that would allow for a cloak/robe, or is it part of the chest armor itself? A. They said they have an option for hood up/down. Slots include: 1. Head 2. Chest 3. Hands 4. Waist 5. Legs 6. Feet 7. Weapon(s) 8. 3 relics 9. Ear piece 10. Implant 11. Wrist Q. I know Deebo had previously mentioned LS/DS points affecting gear. Just wondering, as I'm hoping to walk the middle ground - if there is any gear to staying "Gray" -- or would you assume I'd be gimping myself doing so? A. There is plenty of gear for “Gray” players. You have light side, normal, and dark side gear. There is no alignment attached to “gray” gear, it is just the normal gear that has no alignment requirements. Q. The leaked footage by Trantice shows him looting a "Prototype Cinnagar Sport Snipe" from the Forge Guardian. Is it possible for Troopers or Smugglers to use sniper rifles? If not, is this evidence of a neutrally-run Galactic Market (possibly the Hutts or Exchange)? A. Typically each AC has a certain type of weapon they get, and one Trooper AC uses rifles. As for Smugglers, I don’t think so, but I’m not 100% on that. Story/Companion related Q. What Gender and Species is the Jedi Knight's Padawan? A. I do not know. Q. Are full romance arcs (not flings) only possible with companions? A. As far as I’ve seen you can only have the real relationship stories with companions. And there are no same gender romance arcs. Confirmed. Sorry Altyrell. Q. Do all force users get an apprentice as a companion? A. Yes. Q. Are there any Togruta companions, or NPCs in game? A. Togrutas are NPCs within the game. Unsure about companions. Q. What happens to companions when you get on your mount? A. They disappear. Gameplay/Item related Q. How are lightsabers handled as loot, particularly with the color? is it like kotor where it is a purely cosmetic crystal choice, or do the stat crystals, Alignment, or lightsaber itself dictate the color? A. Color crystals have stats on them, and there are some restrictions. There is actually a post on the public forums from Emanuel Lusinchi regarding this. Check the Dev Tracker. Q. Did you notice any abilities that attacked player skill resources?(Like a mana drain style move) A. The abilities I have so far do not do that, but it’s possible they exist. Q. Are there any Mortal Strike(Healing Reduction) style moves in the game currently? A. I haven’t seen any like that, but they may exist. Q. The official website shows us a few of the current professions. Could you tell us about the unknown professions? And what abilities they have in short terms? A. Gathering Scavenging Archaeology Slicing Bioanalysis Crafting Artifice Armstech Armormech Cybertech Synthweaving Biochem Missions Diplomacy Investigation Treasure Hunting Underworld Trading As far as what each one does or gives, they don’t really have super helpful information on that in-game yet. Q. Dark side and lightside points are they only useable when it comes to gear or does it help something else? A. They are used for gear, titles, and possible story impacts when it comes to conversations. Q. Are " dark side " only pieces of gear more dps or tank oriented vs light side or neutral? Do they seem balanced, or do you foresee people having to sacrifice story to make the " best " ( from a min / maxer perspective )? A. No, alignment of the armor really only determines who can wear it, and what it looks like. You are not pigeonholed into an alignment no matter what spec you are, as far as I can tell. Q. What happens to you if your talking to a NPC and a player attacks you? A. When in conversation you gain a buff that makes you immune to damage. The buff is called “Conversation Neutrality”. Q. I am a guild leader in waiting for the game and am curious as to how the ranks will be, whether we are getting more ranks than the initial 3 given, and if you have experienced any of the leadership abilities, what insight can you offer? A. You can make as many ranks as you want, just like WoW. Q. We have seen a lot of gameplay from the origin worlds but planets like Alderaan etc, there’s being nothing of the sort. Have you played on these planets and are they real unfinished or are they ok? A. The planets are finished and are amazing. Q. How much of the beta did you test? Could you theoretically get to max level 50? Or could you only test to a certain level? A. You can reach level cap. Q. Do they have a defensive target and offensive target. Similar to Warhammer online and Vanguard saga of heroes? A. There is a Focus Target option like WoW that can be turned on or off. Q. Could you post patch notes on betacake? So we can see how the game is progressing? A. No. Patch notes are only available when updating the client. They cannot be highlighted or copied at all. Screenshots could be taken but the list is very extensive, and the window very small. And I’m not typing all that out. Q. So for the lightsaber restrictions is purple going to be restricted to blacks only? thats all you see in the movie with purple sabers. A. That’s racist. Q. So Deebo has mentioned the epic leveling armor set. So my question pertains on how do we get it? Is it a reward for a group quest? A drop from a world boss that requires a team of players of that planet's level? And is that mob on a very big respawn timer? (sincerely hope its not a world boss since they will be camped so much, most of us wont even get a shot at it.) A. I have not obtained a single epic from quests, so I would assume it would need to be from a world boss or something. They should be on a decent respawn timer, nothing too harsh. Q. They have mentioned the Legacy System before, what exactly is this? A. I have not seen anything on it as of yet. It’s possible it may only be visible when you reach level cap, or it’s simply not implemented yet. Q. In various videos i've seen, some questing areas are 'phased' behind a green coloured wall (that you can walk through), Can you still quest with party members in them or are they unique? Will it be possible to level with friends effectivly. A. Yes, leveling with a group is more effective. Group members can also enter phased doors together. Q. What happens when you enter a multiple choice conversation with a quest NPC in a PVP zone, and what do the players of the opposite faction looking at you see? A. You. With a chat icon over your head.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Of ne kadar yeto bi Q&A said: Q. So for the lightsaber restrictions is purple going to be restricted to blacks only? thats all you see in the movie with purple sabers. (tu) Ama bu soru haricinde hepsi: - Oyun çok iyi görünüyor, peki x wowdaki gibi mi daha mı iyi? - Kesinlikle daha iyi! şeklinde gitmiş heh.
hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 adam neyi test etmiş anlamadım bi halt bildiği yok
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 neyi beğenmediniz yine, adam sith warrior oynamış nerden bilsin trooperın heal skillerini
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Bütün cevapların PR gibi verilmesini beğenmedik spark neyi beğenmiycez. Ha bide ben mage dışında bide rogue da heal var sanıyodum. Şimdi ranged tankların da mı heal treesi var?
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 commando ve mercenery de heal var eet shaman tarzı olcak sanırım onlar , mageler priest ,smuggler da hot işte
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 tamamen sıkıyorum bunları tabiki
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 17, 2011 Warrior Jedi var, bide commando-bounty hunter var. Bunlar warrior işte.
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