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SP vs Warrior, SP vs Mage ....


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I have been looking for a guide similar to this on the internet for awhile, I know WoWiki has a rather out-dated non-effective version of something similar to this, But I think we can all agree that a guide like this belongs on Shadowpriest.com

Please feel free to post tips for updating/adding stratagy to each section. I will try my hardest to keep this up to date with all of your feedback.

Warriors - When Dueling a warrior, start the duel with PW:S up as usual and spam SW:P as the starting timer ticks down. The idea is to get the warrior in combat before he uses charge, because you know he is on the other end of the wire mashing his Charge. This really comes down to latency, but if the warrior cant get charge off, that means no rage until he breaks down your shield. Put up SW:P and VE asap then start to fake-cast VT (IF he has 10+ rage) in order to try to get him to blow his Pummel on you. Pummel does about 20 damage and silences your shadow school for 4 seconds if he catches you mid-cast. You basically cant cast anything but instants on him until you get him to pummel you. Once you get the pummel (Providing you successfully faked him out) put up VT and Mindflay in most situations. Keep DoTs, Inner Fire and more impotently PW:S up at all times and it should be GG for you. *Note: PW:S is vary impotent in warrior duels because warriors receive, no rage from whacking at a bubble, and a warrior with no rage is a dead warrior :)

Mages - In mage duels, the idea is to keep your DoTs up 100% of the time, while spamming your dispel button. a "/cast [target=player] Dispel Magic" macro is almost a necessity for mage duels. You cant be bothered clicking back and forth between the mage and you through out the entire duel, if you do, then you cant deny that you are handicapping yourself. Basically during the duel you want to keep these things in mind: 1. Are my DoTs up? You want to Put on SW:P and and VE immediately. Most mages will Iceblock as soon as they get VT so I usually wait till they Iceblock before applying VT, but remember to fake a few casts in order to get him to CS you, another good way to bait a CS is by trying to Manaburn him, about 90% of Mages will CS a manaburn. 2. Am I Frozen? Dispeling Nova's ect are THE MOST IMPORTANT part of winning a mage duel, if you take a shatter combo or two, its over, I cant stress enough how important it is to keep yourself dispelled against a mage. 3. Wheres His Elemental? The second you see the elemental, fearing him is your number one priority, Elementals cant trinket. Another option is putting VE+SWP on his pet in order for a little extra survivability at the cost of a possibly early fear break. Once you have your Dots on the mage and his WE is feared, you can start to kite/LoS him, you may find its vary easy to run out of frostbolt range mid-cast giving you "LoS" where you had none before. Also try to keep your Health in the safe zone at all times, if you watch the video linked at the end of this section, you will find that for the majority of the fight Noxn isn't event in Shadowform.
*Note: This is the same strategy Noxn uses to defeat Frost Mages. A video depicting how these fights should go can be found here: http://files.filefront.com/Noxn+FrostMa ... einfo.html
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maxrep said:
bg lardan aldığım honor puanlarıyla arena pvp için gear topluyorum. Damagesi yüksek olanları mı alayım yoksa içinde Crit olan mı alayım? critde stamia fazla olmuyor ve intellience.

3-4 aylık eğlence için değmez. Yatış pozisyonuna geç para kas salla item felan değmez. Çerçöp olcak bi kaç ay sonra =)
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