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Preliminary Patch Notes for August 6th Patch

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Mesaj tarihi:
**These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**

* Removed the Miss Chance from Shield of the Risen.
* You will no longer be zoned after speaking to a Feat Fixer.
* Several combat related animation issues - such as sheathing and unsheathing spears, holding swords - have been tweaked.
* Added a male animation for the dance_sexy_f emote, and renamed it to dance_sexy.
* Many typos corrected in quests and dialog.

MAGE (General)
* Dark Meditation will now properly expire.
* Dark Meditation should now be removed from the spell list after untraining feats.
* The description for the general feat Purge no longer refers to multiple targets.
* The feat "Purge" has been renamed to "Spell - Purge".
* Mirrored Iron's proc, Set's Shield, now hits using the correct damage type based on the Magic Rating buff running.
* Mirrored Iron's proc, Set's Shield, has had its damage readjusted to the proper amount.

ROGUE (General)
* Ambush ability will no longer increase the damage of the next strike.
* Mountaineer feat's decrease to the duration of the Bruised Body debuff has been changed from 50%/100% to 45%/90% per respective rank.
* Mountaineer feat's decrease to the duration of the Broken Bones debuff has been changed from 25%/50% to 30%/60% per respective rank.
* Quick Dismount will not go on cooldown unless you are mounted.
* Cheat the Reaper will now work 25%/50% of the time per respective feat point spent.
* Cheat the Reaper can now only activate once every 5 minutes.

SOLDIER (General)
* Brutal Enraging Wound and Enraging Wound will now always tick 3 times.
* Brutal Enraging Wound now displays the proper damage over time value in the combo tool tip.

*Grim Corruption I's debuff will now stack with the other Grim Corruption debuffs.
*Grim Corruption will now debuff Unholy and Poison Invulnerabilities by 5% at each rank.

* All the Savage Rage combos now use the same animation as Savage Rage IV.
* Impale's cooldown has been increased to 40 seconds.
* Impale's bonus damage will now scale consistently with feat points invested.

Bear Shaman
* Aspects - Blood Fever, Skulk, and Untamed Regeneration will no longer be removed after zoning.
* Claws of Life will no longer be removed after zoning.
* Spirits of the Debased proc buff now uses the proper icon in the buff GUI.
* Spirit Totem: Profane will now always give Unholy Invulnerabilities with each rank of Spirits of the Debased trained.

* Conquest's bonus to One-Handed weapon damage has been increased across all ranks.
* Deep Wounds will now stack properly.
* Deep Wounds' proc rate has been slightly increased.
* Deep Wounds now displays a stack count in the target's debuff GUI.
* Deep Wounds' DPS has been increased slightly.
* Feint Attack I will no longer scale past Feint Attack II at any level.
* Frostbite will now debuff magical damage in addition to melee damage.
* Frostbite will now have an additional larger debuff component versus PvP targets on top of the normal debuff.
* Frostbite's chance to apply off of a Hoarfrost proc has been doubled.
* Hail of Furious Strikes II will no longer scale past Hail of Furious Strikes III at any level.
* Lacerate will now proc off all non-unarmed melee attacks.
* Lacerate's proc rate has been slightly increased.
* Lacerate now displays a stack count in the target's debuff GUI.
* Lacerate's DPS has been increased slightly.
* Lingering Wrath's damage has been slightly reduced.
* Lingering Wrath will now always tick 5 times.
* Offhand Precision's bonus has been doubled at all ranks. It will now increase Offhand Chance by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% per respective rank.
* Rend Flesh's duration has been increased to 15 seconds. The cooldown has also been increased to 1 minute.
* Rend Flesh's damage over time effect will now last 5 seconds.
* Rend Flesh now displays a stack count in the target's debudff GUI.
* Rend Flesh's damage over time effect will now scale better with more feat points invested.
* Improved Rend's direct damage hit will now scale better with more feat points invested.
* Two-Handed Master's bonus to Two-Handed weapon damage will now scale more consistently.

Dark Templar
* The name of the feat "Spell - Dooming Presence" has been changed to "Combo - Dooming Presence", since it actually does grant a combo and not a spell.
* Pact of Malacodor should now be removed from the spellbook after untraining feats.
* Reaper of Malacodor should now be removed from the spellbook after untraining feats.
* Covenant of Arms will no longer be removed after zoning if you have the appropriate feat.

* Chaotic Blast's damage component can now perform critical hits.
* Demonic War will no longer be removed when zoning.

* Guard I will no longer scale past Guard II at any level.
* Lowered the damage of Stagger I slightly.
* Increased the damage of Stagger II slightly.

Herald of Xotli
* Undying Glory of Xotli should no longer be removed when zoning.
* Fixed a tool tip issue causing the wrong information to be displayed in the Burning Words feat.

* Despoil the Soul will now show the proper duration when viewing the tool tip of the spell.
* Despoil the Soul duration has been increased to 1 hour.
* Spellweaving buff 'Death God' duration has been reduced to 20 seconds.
* The cabal debuff will now use the proper icon in the target's debuff window.

* Incapacitating Stabs I will never scale past Incapacitating Stabs II at all levels.
* Marked Target will now stack properly when 2 points are invested in the feat.
* Piercing Stance, Shattering Stance, Sniper Stance, and Fire Stance will no longer be removed when zoning if the appropriate feat is trained.
* Shattering Shots will now properly remove the directional shielding in the target GUI.

Tempest of Set
* Lightning Cast will now properly put Lightning Strike on a 5 second cooldown.
* A book in your offhand will no longer spin during attack animations.

* The attack at the end of a charge can no longer be aborted.
* Transitions between 2H-attacks for male & female characters should feel smoother.
* The male UP-attack animation for staves should now work correctly.

* Descriptions for Bandaging, Fast Healing, Mana Attractor, and Fast Recovery have been tweaked to be more consistent with actual function.
* Added descriptions to a few of the more obscure potions in Hyboria.

* The Barracks in Player Cities will now spawn the correct amount of guards after being upgraded.
* Only the guild that owns the city will be able to use the NPCs inside their city.
* Renamed some player city feats to be in line with the names of the buildings.
* Barracks should now always show up in the guild feats window after being built.

* Sunsteel Half-plate Vambraces now have the proper full-plate requirement to wear, and can no longer be worn by everybody.
* Basic and Advanced Riding Training items will properly be comsumed on use.
* Pyramid of the Ancients: The essence trap can now only be used within the pyramid.

* Rhino Charge should no longer go on cooldown unless successfully activated.

* Due to popular demand, we've forced some of our female Derketo followers to burn their bras.
* Tavern patrons in the Armsmans Tavern should no longer play strange animations.
* Deli in the Pyramid of the Ancients now looks poor, and possibly insane.
* Spiders will no longer jump back several feet when getting hit.
* Travel NPCs should offer correct dialog options for travel.
* New and updated loot has been placed in the Catacombs!
* Acheronian Ruins - The Pict Bat Shrieker will now patrol with pets. If attacked, he will keep spawning pets so that he always has 3 pets with him. If he leaves combat, he and his pets will resume patrolling.
* Acheronian Ruins - - All picts now have a specified class, and fitting weapon to this class. Added more mobs.
* Conarch Village - Removed a loop from Rhiderch, and Ryarm's dialog.
* Commander Zoria's costume and weapons have been revamped.
* Kalanthes will no longer stand on chairs in his house.
* Kyllikki's Crypt - The White Hand Priests will now use their healing and damage abilities.
* Lacheish Plains - Screamer Wolf, Wailer Wolf, Baying Wolf, and Whimpering Wolf NPCs now have the proper death and attack animations.
* Oasis of Zaara - Lions are no longer easy to defeat.
* Pyramid of the Ancients - The Master Torturer will no longer spawn multiple times in a row.
* Tarantia Noble District - Lady Verde's Bodyguard now looks the same both when seen on the outside and the inside of the villa.
* Tarantia Sewers/Catacombs - Putharjath should now have more interresting abilities.
* Treasury of the Ancients - Corrected a typo in Thuthmekri's dialog.
* White Sands Isle - Asapon will now correctly spawn at all times outside the Atlantean Cave.

Massive PvP
* If the attacking guild takes over a battlekeep, any city guards that are left will now despawn.
* Players can now only spawn a ballista while the city is vulnerable to attack.
* Catapult progress bar no longer shows Trebuchet Blast.
* Once the siege battle is finished, the siege weapons and siege camps will now be properly disposed of.
* Ballista siege weapons will no longer cycle between all targets they have. They will use the last target instead, making them more useful in combat.
* If you get teleported out of a battle you will now end up in the nearest NPC village of the connecting resource and building playfield, instead of ending up in the nearest city.
* The siege camp in Burnheim which previously spawned at the wrong location will now spawn at the proper location.
* It's now possible to get a replaced siege targeting module if you lost one. Simply target the weapon and press the use button to get a replacement.
* Only the defending guild can talk to the ballista builder NPCs.
* The siege camps will now give a message when they are used when the city isn't vulnerable.
* Player city guards are now friendly to the guild that owns the city.

* Atzel's Fortress: Kidnapping & Torture - Any leftover Flasks of Oily Pitch will be removed when you complete this quest.
* Atzel's Approach: Revenge of the Ape God - This is now a group quest.
* Atzel's Approach: Power Behind the Throne - Item "Orders with the Mark of Set" no longer tells the player to right click on it to get a quest.
* Conarch Village: The Downtrodden - Croiss will no longer confuse a sword with an axe.
* Khemi: The Guardian statue will no longer send you into a dialog loop.
* Kheshatta: The Grim Grey God - You will now reset to the location where you zoned in if you log out in the instance.
* Kheshatta: The Grim Grey God - Sarcophagi and pedestals will have a progress bar when they’re being used.
* Kheshatta: Heady Kaphil Liquor - The flowers to be collected now have visual effects to help identify them.
* Kheshatta: Hunting the Waste - Weapons for this quest will now have a visual effect.
* Old Tarantia: The Aquilonian Bastard - Fixed the dialogue so that the quest resolves if and only if the player has actually told Varinia about her husband's infidelity.
* Pyramid of the Ancients - The teleport altar behind Lord Atum-Keket will now be visible at all times.
* Pyramid of the Ancients - Solving the quest "Emerald Eyes" will actually give emerald eyes to the Guardian Statue.
* Tarantia Sewers: The Orphans in the Hovel - Quest now updates for the entire party after talking to Galeria.
* Thunder River: The Kitten - The cat now correctly patrols and eventually despawns.
* Wild Lands: Old Secrets - The password has been corrected in the quest journal.

* If you go linkdead while in the middle of a random encounter at a resource node, you will now be able to log back in with time to prepare before your next random encounter.
* Fixed a small typo that occured in an onscreen message when harvesting is interrupted.
* Vendor bought resources have been reduced in price.
* Added and adjusted drop rates of leather resources to animals residing in the Resource & Building playfields.
* Droprate for all Wild Lands of Zelata animals have increased.
* Droprate of Wild Dagga has been slightly increased in the world.

* Several collision fixes in Massive PvP Battlekeep playfields.
* Corrected a few areas where players could previously get stuck in the Tarantia Noble District.
* Conalls Valley night time environment has been altered to brighten the playfield slightly.
Mesaj tarihi:
Soulstorm da SP guildinde Mango die conqurer var. Bizim guildekiler bilir :)o Her dalista 2-3 kisiyi goturuyor. 2-3 kisi yuklendigimiz alde de olmuyor. Healliyorlar tabi.
Mesaj tarihi:
hunty said:
Soulstorm da SP guildinde Mango die conqurer var. Bizim guildekiler bilir :)o Her dalista 2-3 kisiyi goturuyor. 2-3 kisi yuklendigimiz alde de olmuyor. Healliyorlar tabi.

spler imba zaten. iyide oynuyorlar. ama mango conq bilmiodum bunu. pot ları çok iyi filandır birde ne kullanıyor 2h veya dw?
Mesaj tarihi:
ewt ne yazık ki;

Funcom said:
Update Notes - 6th August
As announced, today's update is a small maintenance that fixes some issues. The update which is currently available on the test server needs some more testing and is planned to be ready for the live servers soon.

The update today includes the following:

* Resolved several issues with the Arena access quest, hopefully it should work correctly this time, and this time we really mean it! (or poor Aquilus might meet with a very unfortunate end if he insists on being so troublesome in the future!)
* Travel NPCs will no longer erroneously show the same destination multiple times
* Altered the loot table of the Beguiler Demons in Potain so they are now dropping more appropriate loot.
Mesaj tarihi:
razzRaziel said:
hunty said:
Her dalista 2-3 kisiyi goturuyor. 2-3 kisi yuklendigimiz alde de olmuyor.

baydım artık şu conqların 2sn de 3x2k vurmalarından

ben niye vuramıyorum öyle ::o

hunty said:
Dw, crafted armor var ustunde, silahlarda 1h blunt crafted.

bizim guilddekilerde aynı şeyi söylüyor. sp dekilerin gemli setleri çok iyi diye. epicler crafted lardan kötü mü yani bu mu?

bu arada sen hangi guilddesin?
Mesaj tarihi:
odiflame said:
epic itemler şuan için craftedlardan kötü.benim elimde 2h crafted gemli kılıcım epic 2h ların hepsinden daha iyi özellikleri var.

hangi gemleri taktın ??
Mesaj tarihi:
hunty said:
Soulstorm da SP guildinde Mango die conqurer var. Bizim guildekiler bilir :)o Her dalista 2-3 kisiyi goturuyor. 2-3 kisi yuklendigimiz alde de olmuyor. Healliyorlar tabi.

mango female char mış :p

dün baya kestik kendisini B)-

hatta dün kheshetta'da estik diyebilrim B)-
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