tıklayınca büyüyo D:
Turkiyede bu kadar ac insan varken neden evcil hayvan....
tıklayınca büyüyo D:
bir recall06 postunu sizin icin ozetliyorum.
Burada "bu nasil bir hakaret" veya turevi bir cumleyle acilis var, sonra da daha da gereksiz bir yigin alakasiz yazi var, istedigimi belirtirim yazarim forum burasi size ne turevi birsey. bayagi uzun oluyor bu kisim o yuzden boyle textle doldurmam lazim ki guzel dursun, gercekci olup orjinaline yakin bir hal alsin. Recall burada iste bol bol foruma tek basina meydan okuyabilecegini ve issiz oldugu icin herkesle teke tek saatlerce konusacagini soyluyor, ama aslinda tek yapmak istedigi biraz ilgi gormek, birazcik sevilmek. neyse yeter bu kadar yazi, bu kisim dolu oldu bayagi, siradaki kisim en eglencelisi malum cunku orasi 4 tane tek satir olacak, bazen baslangiclari bold da olabilir. Bunlar da alakasiz sorulardir...
Ben hakaret edenlere hakaret etmeyerek ve yaptiklarinin yanlis oldugunu soylereke aslinda hepsi birer insan olan bu kisilerle iletisimimi deger verilecek bir noktaya tasimaya calisiyorum. Eger onlar gibi hakaretvari seylerle cevap versem fikirlerimi soyleme sansini elde edemem ve onlarin degerli fikirlerini duyma firstani elde edip kendi dusunce yapima bir tugla daha ekleme firsatin i yakalayamam sevgili dostum. Forum tek basina meydan okumuyorum demokratik olarak beni ben yapan fikirlerimi inandigim olcude savunmaya calisiyorum. Bold ve buyuk harf kullanmamdaki neden fikirlerimdeki onemli gordugum kelime ve vurgulari yapabilmek, ki bu bold ve caps denen tus onun icin degilse sadece cumle baslarinda buyuk harf icinse ozur dilerim..
NEDEN benim goruslerim bu kadar rahatsiz etti sizi" mesela
"ACAIP sacma ve alakasiz birsey sorup anlamsizligima devam ederim"
"Nerede bu devlet ve bu kasirga olusumu"
"Findikli vodkanin hastasiyim, pek sahane birsey"
Ben ne kadar sacma ve anlamsiz konusuyor olursam olayim fikirlerimi belirtme hakkina sahibim, veya ben oyle zannediyorum. Eger fikirlerimin sacmaligini bana anlatabilecek kadar bilgi ve birikiminiz varsa lutfen benim gibi cahil ve sacmalayan birini aydinliga kavusturmak gibi bir misyonunuz olsun. Bir deniz yildizi bir deniz yildizidir..
@Azmo: Buraya da duruma gore ya @ sembolunu kullanarak bir not vardir veya bir gereksiz, tepki toplayip ilgi cekmeye yonelik bir satir daha.
Tepki cekmek degildir esas amacim gercekten dusundugum seyleri konusuyorum, sizlerinde fikirleri bazen bana dayanilmaz gelebiliyor ama onlari saygi ile cevaplandirma ve dinleme olgunlugunu gostermeye calisiyorum.
Bravo Recall, o kadar ilginc bir adamsin ki, 2 gecedir sabah 4lerde senle ugrasiyorum... helal olsun.
Ilginc olmayi siradan ve monotone bir kisi olmaya her zaman tercih ederim. Bu iltifatin icin tesekkur ederim.
bir recall06 postunu sizin icin ozetliyorum.
Burada "bu nasil bir hakaret" veya turevi bir cumleyle acilis var, sonra da daha da gereksiz bir yigin alakasiz yazi var, istedigimi belirtirim yazarim forum burasi size ne turevi birsey. bayagi uzun oluyor bu kisim o yuzden boyle textle doldurmam lazim ki guzel dursun, gercekci olup orjinaline yakin bir hal alsin. Recall burada iste bol bol foruma tek basina meydan okuyabilecegini ve issiz oldugu icin herkesle teke tek saatlerce konusacagini soyluyor, ama aslinda tek yapmak istedigi biraz ilgi gormek, birazcik sevilmek. neyse yeter bu kadar yazi, bu kisim dolu oldu bayagi, siradaki kisim en eglencelisi malum cunku orasi 4 tane tek satir olacak, bazen baslangiclari bold da olabilir. Bunlar da alakasiz sorulardir...
Ben hakaret edenlere hakaret etmeyerek ve yaptiklarinin yanlis oldugunu soylereke aslinda hepsi birer insan olan bu kisilerle iletisimimi deger verilecek bir noktaya tasimaya calisiyorum. Eger onlar gibi hakaretvari seylerle cevap versem fikirlerimi soyleme sansini elde edemem ve onlarin degerli fikirlerini duyma firstani elde edip kendi dusunce yapima bir tugla daha ekleme firsatin i yakalayamam sevgili dostum. Forum tek basina meydan okumuyorum demokratik olarak beni ben yapan fikirlerimi inandigim olcude savunmaya calisiyorum. Bold ve buyuk harf kullanmamdaki neden fikirlerimdeki onemli gordugum kelime ve vurgulari yapabilmek, ki bu bold ve caps denen tus onun icin degilse sadece cumle baslarinda buyuk harf icinse ozur dilerim..
"NEDEN benim goruslerim bu kadar rahatsiz etti sizi" mesela
"ACAIP sacma ve alakasiz birsey sorup anlamsizligima devam ederim"
"Nerede bu devlet ve bu kasirga olusumu"
"Findikli vodkanin hastasiyim, pek sahane birsey"
Ben ne kadar sacma ve anlamsiz konusuyor olursam olayim fikirlerimi belirtme hakkina sahibim, veya ben oyle zannediyorum. Eger fikirlerimin sacmaligini bana anlatabilecek kadar bilgi ve birikiminiz varsa lutfen benim gibi cahil ve sacmalayan birini aydinliga kavusturmak gibi bir misyonunuz olsun. Bir deniz yildizi bir deniz yildizidir..
@Azmo: Buraya da duruma gore ya @ sembolunu kullanarak bir not vardir veya bir gereksiz, tepki toplayip ilgi cekmeye yonelik bir satir daha.
Tepki cekmek degildir esas amacim gercekten dusundugum seyleri konusuyorum, sizlerinde fikirleri bazen bana dayanilmaz gelebiliyor ama onlari saygi ile cevaplandirma ve dinleme olgunlugunu gostermeye calisiyorum.
Bravo Recall, o kadar ilginc bir adamsin ki, 2 gecedir sabah 4lerde senle ugrasiyorum... helal olsun.
Ilginc olmayi siradan ve monotone bir kisi olmaya her zaman tercih ederim. Bu iltifatin icin tesekkur ederim.
Bu arada her fakir, yardıma muhtaç insana yardım edilmesine karşıyım..
"Düşene bir tekme de sen vur" gibi güzel bir ata yadigarı sözümüz bile var.. Bir insan düşmüşse, tembelliğinden veya yetersizliğinden düşmüş olması yüksek ihtimaldir.. Düşmüş insanı yukarı çekerseniz büyük ihtimal sizi aşağı çekmeye çalışacaktır.. O yüzden rastgele yardım etmek yerine, gerçekten talihsizliklten veya imkansızlıktan düşmüş insanlara yardım etmek en güzelidir
İstisna var tabii, Fall of Dark Knight serisinde gördüğümüz gibi Batman'in düşmüş olmasının sebebi Bane'dir.. Karıştırmayalım..
Spoiler Gizle
And now I'll close my eyes really, really tight and make you all go away.
bone bile kiti verdi sana recall06, lutfen mesaji al ve git artik.
Nasıl algılıyorsan o, ister hakaret de ister başka bir şey.
"Kötü dediğin adamı kötü yapan çevre" dediğin de başka adamlardan, başka insanlardan oluşmuyor mu? Nereden, nasıl başladı bu kötülük?
Dünya üzerinde insandan daha aşağılık bir cins mi var da sen kalkmış "Hayvanları insanlardan alt gördüğüm için" diyorsun. "Kötü olduktan sonra dönüşü yokmuş"muş... Sanki virüsle bulaşıyor kötülük.
Insandan daha asagilik bir cins nasil bir bakis acisi?
YA sen nesin? Annen baban ne ben neyim benim annem babam ne? Nasil bir sey bu insandan daha asagilik bir sey yok demek?
Gercekten nedir bu insanlari sevmemek.. Bunun butun nedeni TR de yasaman... O kadar bir baski altinda kalmissin ki INSAN denen KENDIN olan VARLIKTAN nefret eder hale gelmissin..
Kotu olduktan sonra bence donusu yok, ornek, bir insana psikolojik bir aci yasatan (ciddi anlamda, tecavuz etc.) canina kiyan malini gasp eden bir kotu insanin artik geri donusu yoktur.. BENIM GOZUMDE.
Iste bu tip insanlarin olusmasini engellemek icin 4 duvara hapis ettigimiz hayatimizdan cikip cevremizae duyarli ve imkansizliklar yuzunden basaramayan insanlara sahip cikmamiz gerek...
Insanlardan nefret edip, yasamak istedigimiz bu INSANCIL duygulari bir hayvanla paylasmak yerine o cok elestirdigimiz INSAN IRKININ duzelmesi icin yeni kotuler yaratilmasin diye, elimizi tasin altina koymak lazim..
Abi lütfen kendinle çelişiyorsun ya.Humanistim diyipte bir insana kesin hüküm giydirip değiştirilemez bir pozisyona sokuyorsun.Hapisin amacı insanların pişman olmalarını sağlayıp doğruya yöneltmek.Biraz dengesiz bir yöntem ama böyle.Şartlı tahliye denen şey bu yüzden var.İnsan en aşağılık varlıktır doğrudur.Şimdi şerefli ve onurlu hareketleri davranışları ve duyguları düşün.Sadakat diyelim.Bir hayvanın sadakati (sana bana değil sürüsüne yada ailesine) çok şahanedir.Almanya da anneler çocuklarını öldürüyor (almanya örneğini bildiğim için verdim başka yerlerde de olabilir) param yok bakamam ben buna diye.Çocuk yeni doğmuş falan da değil üstelik 2 5 7 10 fark etmiyor.Özellikle doğu bölgesinde ölü çocuklar bulunuyor sürekli.Doğanın bir düzeni vardır senin en vasıflı olman en güzel olman demek değil ki.Bu yaptığın bana direk elfleri hatırlattı.En güzel ve en iyi özellikleri olan ırk biziz diye burunlarını kaldırdılar.Kitabı okurken vay godoş azcık gözünü açsana len diyoruz ama şu durumda da bir bakınıversen lütfen.Doğanın bir düzeni vardır dediğim gibi.Doğa da herkes eşittir.Önemli olan da odur zaten sen neye kıyaslayarak kendini daha önemli sayıyorsun.Yapma bence.
haauh 16 sayfadır haksısız abi : ) alayımız duobıbıp da dıp duobıbıp!
olum sen burayı mı markladın naptın. recall da az kalmış. 6.
grant me the darkened unholy power to please my evil wicked lust
tıklayınca büyüyo D:
medal 1k
ID § 30 Jul 2008, 04:16 [ Alıntı ] [ Özel Mesaj ] [ Albüm ]
vidyo çıkmadı ama ben yarıldım emre
olum sen burayı mı markladın naptın. recall da az kalmış. 6.
Behey sanat hırsızı, behey üretme kabızı, birazcık efendi ol, bırak elinden şu sazı.
insanların alayı puşt-şerefsiz olduğundan ben tercihimi bir pitbulldan yana kullandım.
Çokakıllıadam demişki;
Abi insanlar açlıktan sıçamıyor.
vidyo çıkmadı ama ben yarıldım emre
yes, before zee germans get there.
bir recall06 postunu sizin icin ozetliyorum.
Burada "bu nasil bir hakaret" veya turevi bir cumleyle acilis var, sonra da daha da gereksiz bir yigin alakasiz yazi var, istedigimi belirtirim yazarim forum burasi size ne turevi birsey. bayagi uzun oluyor bu kisim o yuzden boyle textle doldurmam lazim ki guzel dursun, gercekci olup orjinaline yakin bir hal alsin. Recall burada iste bol bol foruma tek basina meydan okuyabilecegini ve issiz oldugu icin herkesle teke tek saatlerce konusacagini soyluyor, ama aslinda tek yapmak istedigi biraz ilgi gormek, birazcik sevilmek. neyse yeter bu kadar yazi, bu kisim dolu oldu bayagi, siradaki kisim en eglencelisi malum cunku orasi 4 tane tek satir olacak, bazen baslangiclari bold da olabilir. Bunlar da alakasiz sorulardir...
Ben hakaret edenlere hakaret etmeyerek ve yaptiklarinin yanlis oldugunu soylereke aslinda hepsi birer insan olan bu kisilerle iletisimimi deger verilecek bir noktaya tasimaya calisiyorum. Eger onlar gibi hakaretvari seylerle cevap versem fikirlerimi soyleme sansini elde edemem ve onlarin degerli fikirlerini duyma firstani elde edip kendi dusunce yapima bir tugla daha ekleme firsatin i yakalayamam sevgili dostum. Forum tek basina meydan okumuyorum demokratik olarak beni ben yapan fikirlerimi inandigim olcude savunmaya calisiyorum. Bold ve buyuk harf kullanmamdaki neden fikirlerimdeki onemli gordugum kelime ve vurgulari yapabilmek, ki bu bold ve caps denen tus onun icin degilse sadece cumle baslarinda buyuk harf icinse ozur dilerim..
NEDEN benim goruslerim bu kadar rahatsiz etti sizi" mesela
"ACAIP sacma ve alakasiz birsey sorup anlamsizligima devam ederim"
"Nerede bu devlet ve bu kasirga olusumu"
"Findikli vodkanin hastasiyim, pek sahane birsey"
Ben ne kadar sacma ve anlamsiz konusuyor olursam olayim fikirlerimi belirtme hakkina sahibim, veya ben oyle zannediyorum. Eger fikirlerimin sacmaligini bana anlatabilecek kadar bilgi ve birikiminiz varsa lutfen benim gibi cahil ve sacmalayan birini aydinliga kavusturmak gibi bir misyonunuz olsun. Bir deniz yildizi bir deniz yildizidir..
@Azmo: Buraya da duruma gore ya @ sembolunu kullanarak bir not vardir veya bir gereksiz, tepki toplayip ilgi cekmeye yonelik bir satir daha.
Tepki cekmek degildir esas amacim gercekten dusundugum seyleri konusuyorum, sizlerinde fikirleri bazen bana dayanilmaz gelebiliyor ama onlari saygi ile cevaplandirma ve dinleme olgunlugunu gostermeye calisiyorum.
Bravo Recall, o kadar ilginc bir adamsin ki, 2 gecedir sabah 4lerde senle ugrasiyorum... helal olsun.
Ilginc olmayi siradan ve monotone bir kisi olmaya her zaman tercih ederim. Bu iltifatin icin tesekkur ederim.
neresini okumamız gerekio
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/superior healing potion
Billy Keikeya: That's smart.
President Laura Roslin: No, it's not smart. It's politics.
Commander William Adama: There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.
Col. Saul Tigh: Where's your mommy?
Boxey: Dead. Where's yours?
Admiral Helena Cain: [Cain comes to the cell of Number Six/Gina, the tortured Cylon POW who is collapsed in a heap on the floor] Well, I see that you got it to eat. That's progress, I suppose. Can you get it to roll over... beg? See what it can make of these.
[hands Baltar some recon photos]
Admiral Helena Cain: You know this thing used to sit in our mess and eat our food, and listen to our stories. Didn't you? You just sat there... listening to us, pretending to be our friend, didn't you?
[Cain kicks Gina in the ribs]
Commander William Adama: [President Roslin is bedridden, dying of cancer, and coughing profusely] What can I get you?
President Laura Roslin: [sarcastically] A new body. Perhaps, one of those young Cylon models from the Resurrection Ship.
Commander William Adama: I can't see you as a blonde.
President Laura Roslin: You'd be surprised.
President Laura Roslin: [talking about Baltar] He's an odd one, isn't he?
Billy Keikeya: [in falsetto] Cuckoo...
Petty Officer 2nd Dualla: [after being taken hostage while trying to negotiate with prisoners] I don't even know how I came into this detail.
Billy Keikeya: The president thought you might be valuable.
Petty Officer 2nd Dualla: The president doesn't know who I am.
Billy Keikeya: I told her. Sorry.
Petty Officer 2nd Dualla: [sarcastically] On the other hand, it is nice to get out of the CIC. Break up the day, move around, meet new people.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [Starbuck's filling in for Apollo at the squadron briefing] Now, one of you has been coming in a little hot lately, a little too hot, a little, um - oh I don't know, he's-burning-up-the-deck-with-his-skids-because-he-just-can't-pull-back-on-the-throttle hot. Now who is this speed demon, my prince?
Boxey: Flat Top, sir!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Flat Top, you got a need for speed, do ya? Just can't wait to get back to the Big G and the loving embrace of your fellow pilots? Or maybe you have a hot date with your right hand?
[more catcalls]
Ryan 'Flat Top' Cisco: Hey, it never gets a headache!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Tell you what, Flat Top: you come in too hot today and you may have to start using your left. Okay, you've been fun, you've been a great audience, dismissed!
Racetrack: Been playing with these cards for so long, I know every fold.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: So life's a bitch. What do you want to do, cry about it?
Racetrack: No, I just want it to end, okay? The bad food, the endless rotations, pretending that a card game is the high point of our day.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: It's not going to last forever, all right? Earth is out there.
Racetrack: Right. We could all be chasing our tails over some half-assed planetarium show.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: And you guys can all go to hell. I'm going to go find Helo.
Racetrack: Good idea... maybe that Cylon whore taught him a few tricks!
[Starbuck calmly turns around, walks over to Racetrack, then violently grabs Racetrack by the neck and slams her head into the card table]
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: I thought we were sparring.
Commander William Adama: That's why you don't win.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: Lieutenant Thrace! Good to see you!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Good to see you too!
Doctor Gaius Baltar: Really?
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: No!
Number Six: Oh!
Doctor Gaius Baltar: I wonder if she's a real blonde.
Number Six: I doubt it.
Number Six: We're the children of humanity. That makes them our parents in a sense.
Aaron Doral: True, but parents have to die. It's the only way children can come into their own.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [to a new group of recruits] Attention on deck.
[None of them move]
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: That means on your feet, nuggets!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: I have my flaws, too.
Col. Saul Tigh: The difference is my flaws are personal. Yours are professional.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [after Starbuck has to plan a vital mission] I never wanted this kind of responsibility.
Commander William Adama: The Cylons never asked us what we wanted. Welcome to the big leagues.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: [after finding out that he's being forced into becoming a politician while testing blood samples] Politics is the only thing more boring than blood samples.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: So... um... that bum knee of yours is looking pretty good. And the other one's not too bad either.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Lee, if you want to ask me to dance, just ask.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: You want to dance?
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Me in a dress is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Commander William Adama: I gave the order, Son. It was my responsibility.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: I pulled the trigger. That's mine.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: You'll forgive me, Madam President, if I don't wish to be executed based solely on your... gut feeling.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: [after Baltar walks in on Boomer trying to commit suicide] Sometimes we must embrace that which opens up to us.
Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii: Embrace?
Doctor Gaius Baltar: Life can be a curse, as well as a blessing. You will believe me when I say that there are far worse things than death in this world.
Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii: So what you're saying is...
Doctor Gaius Baltar: No, no. What I'm saying means nothing. Listen to your heart. Do that which you truly believe to be right.
[he kisses her on the forehead and walks out of the room, while he's walking down the hall he hears a gun fire]
Number Six: [ominously] God has a plan, Gaius. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: [before hitting an assailant over the head with a beer bottle] Were you looking for *this*?
Number Six: Life has a melody, Gaius. A rhythm of notes which become your existence once played in harmony with God's plan.
[when Starbuck has landed in the Cylon ship]
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Boy, when you take a souvenir, you don't screw around.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: All right, that's it! No more Mr. Nice Gaius!
Crewman Specialist Cally: [analyzing the bio-mechanical Cylon Raider captured by Starbuck, Tyrol crawls inside the Raider with a flashlight while Cally reads him Starbuck's notes] Starbuck's notes on the Cylon Raider are a mess! She said the engine power-up sequence began...”By squeezing something that looks like a red ligament with blue veins on the right side... coming out of a sack of gooey fluid... shaped like a dog".
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Are you kidding me? This whole thing is a bunch of veins and ligaments and sacks of goo!
Crewman Specialist Cally: "... Squeeze the ligament with your hand, while you slide your weight on your left hip, into the lymphatic sack...”
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Well, that's just stupid!
Crewman Specialist Cally: [Col. Tigh arrives] Oh, afternoon sir.
Col. Saul Tigh: Specialist. Chief's inside?
Crewman Specialist Cally: Yeah.
Col. Saul Tigh: Chief?
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Yes, sir?
Col. Saul Tigh: How's it coming in there?
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Ah, I'm getting there, sir. Haven't quite figured out all the tricks but I'm getting there.
[repeated line, which a Six copy asks whenever it meets a human for the first time]
Number Six: Are you alive?
Ellen Tigh: So, you worried about Wallace Grey? I hear he's ahead in the vote count.
Tom Zarek: Whatever the people want is fine by me.
Ellen Tigh: Everyone has an agenda. I know I do.
Tom Zarek: And what would that be?
Ellen Tigh: Same as yours, Tom. Me, myself, and... ooh. I.
Tom Zarek: You are... clearly a well-connected, well-informed woman.
Ellen Tigh: Wife of the XO, for whatever that's worth.
Tom Zarek: Ah. Quite a bit. Now, and in the future.
Ellen Tigh: That's what I'm interested in, Tom. It's my place, and my... husband's place in the future.
Tom Zarek: Okay. I'm looking for a friend of mine. His name is Valence.
[scene immediately cuts to Valence dead in his cell in the brig with his wrists cut]
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: [Socinus has been mortally injured and Tyrol has to euthanize him with an overdose of morphine] Hey, buddy. It's the Chief. How you doing?
Crewman Specialist Socinus: [wheezing] What's going on Chief?
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Oh, you know... listening to the birds. I uh... I got a little something for the pain...
[injects Socinus with the morphine overdose]
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Good news, buddy. They got a rescue party here. Raptor's just landed. We're going to put you on it and take you back to Galactica, okay?
Crewman Specialist Socinus: We're going home?
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Yeah. Going home.
[tears well up in his eyes]
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: [Socinus dies]
Col. Saul Tigh: I can't believe you sided with that woman against the Old Man, I wouldn't do that if you put a gun to my head, and you did! As far as I'm concerned you're not fit to wear the uniform.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Yeah, you're right about that part, I am not fit to wear the uniform.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: And maybe I never was. Then again neither are you.
[turns to Tigh]
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: But this isn't my ship, it sure as hell isn't yours. It's his, and when he wakes up, he'll decide what to do with the both of us.
[leaves sickbay to return to his cell]
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [reacts to a joke] That was weak! So very, very weak!
Samuel T. Anders: [playfully] Lighten up a little bit. It's only the end of the world.
Doctor Gaius Baltar: So the fate... of the entire human race depends upon my wild guess.
[last lines]
Commander William Adama: [Cain has not given Tyrol and Helo the courts martial that she promised she would, and has sentenced them to death. Adama argues over the radio] You told me they'd get a fair trial. What kind of trial could they have possibly had?
Admiral Helena Cain: I assure you I heard them out. I weighed their statements against those of the guards and I took into consideration their service records and commendations. It was a difficult decision Commander, but I dare say it was a fair one.
Commander William Adama: They have the right to have their case heard by a jury!
Admiral Helena Cain: I am a flag officer on detached service during a time of war. Regulations give me broad authority in this matter.
Commander William Adama: [to Tigh] Launch the fighters.
[to Cain]
Commander William Adama: You can quote me whatever regulation you'd like. I'm not going to let you execute my men!
Admiral Helena Cain: I highly suggest you reconsider that statement, Commander.
Colonel Jack Fisk: Admiral, Galactica is launching Vipers and a Raptor.
Admiral Helena Cain: Commander, why are you launching Vipers?
Commander William Adama: Please arrange for Chief Tyrol and Lieutenant Agathon to be handed over to my marines as soon as they arrive.
Admiral Helena Cain: I don't take orders from you!
Commander William Adama: Call it whatever you like. I'm getting my men.
Admiral Helena Cain: You are making *such* a mistake!
Commander William Adama: I'm getting my men!
[hangs up]
Admiral Helena Cain: Action stations.
[Alarm sounds]
Colonel Jack Fisk: Admiral, this will spiral out of control fast.
Admiral Helena Cain: Launch the alert vipers. Adama has taken us over the line. He's left me with no choice. Launch the alert vipers.
Commander William Adama: Sometimes, you have to roll a hard six.
Crewman Specialist Socinus: Hey, Cally, is it true? Did you really bite that guy's ear off?
Crewman Specialist Cally: He's lucky that's the only thing I bit off.
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: [proudly] That's my girl!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [Tyrol is working on Starbuck's captured cylon raider] What seems to be the trouble, Chief?
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Well, your new boyfriend's a bit of a jerk, sir.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: It's a girl.
Chief Petty Officer Tyrol: Well, if you don't mind her goo all over your face, you're welcome to her, sir.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: [in a deleted scene after Laura Roslin asked him if what she did was a mistake] I believe that it is never a mistake to follow your heart.
Commander William Adama: [giving a speech in the Hanger Deck] We have struggled since the attacks... trying to rely on one another. Our strength and our only hope as a people, is to remain undivided. We haven't always done all we could to insure that. Many people believe that the scriptures, the letters from the gods, will lead us to salvation. Maybe they will. But the gods shall lift those who lift each other." And so, to lift all of us, let me present once again the president of the colonies, Laura Roslin.
[many members of the audience applaud but some do not. Adama walks to the crowd and begins to clap in rhythm. The crowd slowly catches on and eventually the entire Hanger Deck is applauding in rhythm as a sign of respect for the reinstated president]
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: [Starbuck had sex with Baltar] I don't owe you anything.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: No, you don't owe me anything 'cause I'm just a C.A.G., and you're just a pilot!
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Right.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Pilot who can't keep her pants on.
Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace: Right.
Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama: Oh, it is just like old times, Kara. Like when you got drunk and you couldn't keep your hands off that major from wherever...
[Starbuck punches Apollo, and Apollo instantly punches her right back]
Doctor Gaius Baltar: [Baltar has a two-way argument with Roslin and Number Six at the same time] Well, quite frankly, I don't give a flying frak whether you believe me or not, all right? Because I've had it, I am... I'm tired of being pushed and prodded around like I'm some kind of toy. I'm not your plaything!
Number Six, President Laura Roslin: [simultaneously, in stereo] Plaything?
Doctor Gaius Baltar: I don't work for you and uh, quite frankly, I don't have to sit any more and take this kind of abuse from either of you!... Er,
[points at Billy]
Doctor Gaius Baltar: *you* either... either in *here*, either in there, wherever it is...
Admiral Helena Cain: [Cain has been beating, raping and torturing her own copy of Number Six, who now has a gun to her head] Frack you.
Number Six: You're not my type.
[shoots Cain]
Various Characters: [Repeated throughout the series] Oh my Gods!
Commander William Adama: Keep jumping.
Romo Lampkin: I understand that you had a romantic relationship with my client.
Number Six: Gaius Baltar is a brilliant, gifted human being. In the time I've known him, he's made a sport out of mendacity and deception. He is narcissistic, feckless, self-centered, and vain. I'm the one who should have stabbed him.
President Laura Roslin: Things are looking up.
Ilginc olmayi siradan ve monotone bir kisi olmaya her zaman tercih ederim. Bu iltifatin icin tesekkur ederim.
her ne kadar lübizm enliklerinde sportane bir yaşam sürsek de asmizm penceresinden olaylara bakınca aslında insanın doğal çerçevesinin ne kadar dar olduğunu görüyoruz.
monotone hayatın sınırları geniştir. Vardır ama geniştir.
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