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[NWN] Hou ile gelen buyuler..


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Ball Lightning *
Battletide *
Black Blade of Disaster *
Blade Thirst
Bless Weapon
Circle of Death *
Cloud of Bewilderment
Combust *
Deafening Clang
Death Armor *
Dragon Knight (Epic) *
Electric Jolt
Endure Elements
Epic Mage Armor (Epic) *
Epic Warding (Epic) *
Expeditious Retreat
Flame Weapon *
Gedlee's Electric Loop
Glyph of Warding
Great Thunderclap
Greater Magic Fang
Greater Ruin (Epic) [epic ama iyi degil]
Greater Sanctuary
Greater Magic Weapon
Healing Sting
Hellball (Epic) **
Holy Sword *
Horizikaul's Boom
Ice Dagger
Infestation of Maggots
Iron Guts
Keen Edge
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon
Mestil's Acid Breath *
Mestil's Acid Sheath *
Monstrous Regeneration *
Mummy Dust (Epic) [eh]
Shelgarn's Persistant Blade
Scintillating Sphere
Stone Bones
Undeath to Death *
Vine Mine

*Benim muthis faydali bulduklarim

The caster or a target gains a +20 bonus to Listen checks.

Caster Level(s): Bard 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Transmutation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect/ Target: Single
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

Ball Lightning
You create a ball of lightning that strikes your target. The damage of the ball is 1d6 per level to a maximum of 15d6.

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Descriptors: Electricity
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect/ Target: Single
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create an aura that steals energy from your enemies. Your enemies suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on saves, attack rolls, and damage rolls, once entering the aura. On casting, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your saves, attack rolls, and damage rolls.

Caster Level(s): Cleric 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Transmutation
Descriptors: Mind-Affecting
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect/ Target: Large
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: No
Spell Resistance: Yes

Black Blade of Disaster
The caster creates a black blade shaped planar rift, resembling a greatsword which fights at her side. The blade cannot be harmed by physical attacks, but it can be affected by dispel magic or similar effects. For the purpose of bypassing damage reduction, the sword is considered to be a +5 weapon. The spell requires the caster to concentrate on it - casting spells or performing any other action than walking or talking may result in a concentration failure and end the spell.

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Conjuration
Descriptors: Summoned Item
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect/ Target: Point
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

Casting this spell on a quarterstaff will do the following:

Gives it a +4 enhancement bonus.
On striking a creature, dispel magic is cast on the target.
The spell will not work on any other weapon than a quarterstaff.

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Transmutation
Descriptors: Weapon Enchantment
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect/ Target: Creature holding quarterstaff or item (quarterstaff)
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Blade Thirst
You grant a slashing weapon a +3 enhancement bonus. If you or your target dual-wield and your main weapon either is magical or has some spell cast on it, this spell will target the off-hand weapon. (Note: this spell only effects slashing melee weapons.)

Caster Level(s): Ranger 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Transmutation
Descriptors: Weapon Enchantment
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect/ Target: Creature's main or off-hand weapon
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

Bless Weapon
You empower the touched weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus, and a 2d6 damage bonus vs. undead. If you or your target dual-wield and your main weapon either is magical or has some spell cast on it, this spell will target the off-hand weapon.

Caster Level(s): Paladin 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Transmutation
Descriptors: Weapon Enchantment
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect/ Target: Creature's main or off-hand weapon
Duration: 1 Minute / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

Circle of Death
A wave of negative energy bursts from the target location. A number of enemy creatures equal to 1d4 per caster level must make a Fortitude save or die, beginning with those creatures with the lowest Hit Dice. Creatures with 9 or more Hit Dice are unaffected.

Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Necromancy
Descriptors: Death
Components: V
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

Evet ama Balor öldürülebiliyor, Black Blade of Disaster ölmüyor. Sadece dispel edilebiliyor.

Bu arada death armor, elemental shield ve mestil's acid sheath büyülerini beraber kullanırsanız yakın dövüşçülerin işini oldukça zorlaştırabilirsiniz. Size dokunan yandı.
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Yok yürüyebiliyorsun ama yürümek dışında yapacağın başka bir hareket sonucu konsantrasyonun bozulabiliyor. En büyük eksisi orada zaten.
Ama greater sanctuary yapıp summon ettin mi, yaslan arkana çayını yudumla. Kılıç önüne geleni kesiyor nasıl olsa :).

Neyse isteyen istediği yaratığı summon eder.
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Greater Ruin (Epic)
The caster deals 35d6 energy damage to a single target.
Prerequisite: 21st level, the ability to cast 9th level spells and 25 ranks in spellcraft.

bu büyüyü gördükten sonra Mage karakter açmaya karar verdim ehehe..

Ryu gibi aduket atıp durcam[signature][hline]Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Örümcek Adam, Lord Soth, Kenshin, Cyborg Ninja, Predator, Kurt, Garou, Minigun, Katana, Fallout, Starcraft, Dungeon Keeper
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

Greater Ruin iyidir, efekti de hoş. Birkaç boss yaratığı onun sayesinde rahatça halletmiştim. Ama en iyi epic büyü herhalde epic warding olsa gerek. 50 damage birden absorbe etmesi çok işe yarıyor. Bana göre en gereksiz olanlar epic summonlar. Kötü değiller ama black blade varken onlar için feat harcamayı gereksiz buluyorum :)
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

black blade cok dandik. ben hic sevmiyorum. black blade propogandasi yaptin yani iki dakikada :)

Dragon Knight super. Zaten yaninda tasmali bir dragon un olmasi pek guzel oluyor, kaciyor direk herkes korku icinde..[signature][hline]nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère.
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  • 2 ay sonra ...
Ben salak gibi inti 8 bıraktığımdan spellcrafta puan vermediğim için epic büyü yapamadım. Ama keşke epic büyüm olsaydı dediğim bir zamanda olmadı.[signature][hline] Yukarda boşunamı UltimaTRSözlük linki vermişler..
Elcia, 07 February 2004 01:00 tarihinde demişki:
ama yazmadım geri bişi..ööle saçma mesaja ne yazıım!!!hee evet çoştum hade birlikte çoşalım diicem sanki..

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Birde Isaac's Greater Missle Storm diye bir büyü var evlere şenlik. Ortamda tek kişi varsa çok iyi dmg koyuyor.[signature][hline] Yukarda boşunamı UltimaTRSözlük linki vermişler..
Elcia, 07 February 2004 01:00 tarihinde demişki:
ama yazmadım geri bişi..ööle saçma mesaja ne yazıım!!!hee evet çoştum hade birlikte çoşalım diicem sanki..

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hani bg de throne of bhaal ı yükleyince normal bg ye (SoA) yeni özellikler gelio ya
nwn de de öyle bişe var mı
nwn oynamak istiorum ama expansionlardaki speller falan olsun istiorum var mı o olay ?[signature][hline]Sam, 25 Mart 2004 04:33 tarihinde acı gerçeği itiraf etmiş:
benim kafam basmadı
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

evet ya en iyi büyülerden biri isaacs storm.zaten time stop + 3 tane maximized isaac storm a dayana bilecek şey sayısı çok az.Max 240 vuruyo büyü.Bu arada arcane cim oyunda epic levele gelince tob gibi manyak özellikler kazanıyo tüm karakterler.[signature][hline]"Kaybetmek ölmektir.Binlerce savaştan galip çıkabilirsin ama sadece bir savaşta malup olursun"
Zaknafein Do'Urden
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