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Diablo 3 - Genel Topic


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guild wars'ı kopyalamış işte koca blizzort, eti budu bu kadarmış.
hacibekirlokumu said:

Sam said:

arkadaşlar uyuşturucuyu engelleyemiyoruz, o zaman lise önünde satılıp devlet vergisini almalı!

I hope you're an organ donor, because your brain will have to be studied until the end of time.

hype meşinle bulanıp kazık yemeye 15 gün kala geri sayıma başlamayan beyin fazla kalmadı doğru.
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aquila said:

yalniz, blizz o gercek para kullanma olayini butun battlenete yayarsa, ve her oyununda kullanilabilen bi currency yaparsa, enteresan olabilir. diabloda item satar, wow subi odersin filan.

Evet bole olcak zaten yeni oyun cikinca falan dijital olarak alican, tisort bunun gibi seylere harcican cinliler oynamaz bile oyunu
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Can players choose to get cash from currency-based auction house sales, instead of having the proceeds deposited into their Battle.net account?

Yes, as an advanced feature, players will have the option of attaching an account with an approved third-party payment service to their Battle.net account. Once this has been completed, proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house can be deposited into their third-party payment service account. “Cashing out” would then be handled through the third-party payment service. Note that this process will be subject to applicable fees charged by Blizzard and the third-party payment service. Also, any proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house that have been deposited into the Battle.net account will not be transferrable to the third-party payment service account. Not all regions will support this advanced feature at launch. Region-specific details, as well as details regarding which third-party payment services will be supported and the fee that Blizzard will charge for the cash-out process, will all be provided at a later date.
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aquila said:

ortada bir sorun var evet, ve o sorun oyun icin bu kadar sacmalamaniz.

Ne işi ne de sevgilisi olmayan bi adamın oyun topiklerini efbeşefbeşefbeş takip edip sonra her tartışmanın üstüne "hepiniz nolifersınız, diablo diyeniniz de tatava" şeklinde mesajlar atması ne kadar ironik lan.

Valla cücem dediğin olay gayet tree olmayan ama skill pointlerin fark yarattığı bi sistemde de olurdu. Benim derdim mantıklı sayıda bol bol seçim olsun, wowdaki hatalarından öğrensinler ileri götürsünler falan. Dediğin sistem olursa (ki consoletardlar için bence hala karmaşık) eh işte ehvenişer diyebiliriz.

Bu arada paraları sistemden çekemiyoruz omg mesajları geldiğine göre sıra blizzin komisyonu %kaç olacak sorusunda. %12.5 olacakmış konuyu okumayan arkadaşlar. Belki %17.715 olurmuş.
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Cheaz said:

ya skilltree yokken nası farklı buildler olcakki oyunda ?

So you figured out it's better to pump all your points into one or two skills. What a smart gamer you are.

How long do you think it would have taken even bad players to look up on a website that it's the best way to play a game where skills have to scale with more points?

We've been playing the game, we know what skill points were causing, and it was not interesting and unique builds. It was not meaningful customization. It was maxing out a couple skills, and that's it. It was Diablo II. What we have now actually forces people to make interesting choices, to craft interesting builds based on very strict limitations.

One common mistake people are making is thinking all the class skills are straight damaging attack skills, and they pick six of those, and they're on their way. There's no variety because you just pick the most powerful six, and you're done. You can do that, but you're either going to straight up die, run out of resources and waste time dying or running away, or you're going to have to figure out some godly resource regen stacking gear setup. One of those sounds fun, and challenging, which makes even crazy builds like using six straight damage skills potentially viable if you can game it right.
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They aren't taking choice away, they are actually making the choices harder to make. Jay explained that you could pretty much get everything you needed in 7 skill slots, but at 6 you had to start making hard decisions.

In Diablo III you will need offensive skills, escape skills, defensive skills, resource regeneration, etc. to make an effective build. You can make any combination you want... so how is the choice gone?
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How are you approaching balancing the itemization in the game?
Kevin Martens: Itemization is part of a character’s expected damage output, so that’s already accounted for in the balance numbers. Runestones, however, add another layer of complexity, so we’re spending a lot of time with these. In fact, we’re treating each rune much like a unique skill because we want the player to think carefully about the advantages and drawbacks of each rune choice. For example, the wizard’s Electrocute attack can be modified with an Obsidian Runestone to give it a shorter, wider blast radius, much like a shotgun, or it can be modified with a Crimson Runestone which decreases overall damage, but can pass through multiple targets in a longer line, making it ideal for sniping ranks of enemies. The former is a good for Wizards who are built to wade into groups of enemies, and the latter is good for Wizards who are built to stay out of range of enemy attacks and deal damage from afar. Our challenge is to offer the player this kind of choice with each skill and runestone.

How are you approaching balancing the game’s overall difficulty?
Kevin Martens: When it comes down to balancing the actual numbers, there is an expected amount of damage output that players should be able to sustain based on their level and gear. There is no absolute benchmark though, as skillful players will be able to do more damage with speed, precision, and advanced attack combos, while less experienced players will generally do less damage with more straight-forward attacks. The expected damage is a starting point to balance from. Balance must be maintained for both players types, and everyone in between, which can be tricky. Ultimately, it’s going to take the game's harder difficulty modes -- Hell and Inferno -- to challenge the limits of the best Diablo III players.

Inferno? 4.zorluk seviyesi?
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