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Ya cidden doğru diyorsun 100 tane buff atmak zaten çile her seferinde.Onu geçtim adamlar geldiler bide AOE ye süre koydular.Living firestorm a 1 dk dan fazla CD = i$kence.Inferno of Amher e 3 sn CD oda ayrı i$kence.
Reroll abi ba$ka çare yok =)
Yarın son bi kez havoc proc yapacağım bakalım ondada durumlar aynıysa tortage yolları kesin
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Ayrıca adamlar aoe ye cooldown yaparken bug'da yapıştırmışlar, eğer fire buff ını yapıp fire aoesini yapar ve boş durmamayın diye lightning aoe sinide çekersen lightning aoe si 25 dmg gibi komik bir rakkam veriyor. Tam tersi olan lightningdede durum aynı lightning buffı varken fire aoesi çekince harika 25 dmg veriyorsun. (td)
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en büyük komedi de AOE nin normal spell lerinizden daha fazla damage vurması. Mana sorunu yaratıyordu sürekli spamlayınca ama artık 3sn beklediğin için pek problem olmuyor. Sık sık ölüyosun zaten.

pot kullanma alışkanlığım da pek yok. ne o öyle bas staminayla hp potunu dön arkanı koş babam koş.. öleceksem onurumla ölürüm :) Hem bu pot işine bir cd ekleseler hiç te fena olmaz. 100er tane pot alıp quest yapan insanlar duydum.. iş mi şimdi bu?
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Hello fellow Age of Conan players!

As was mentioned yesterday, I wanted to take the time to inform you all as to what we are currently working on in regard to the Demonologist and Necromancer classes specifically. While we are still actively looking at other class adjustments on a regular basis, these two classes are the ones with the largest number of planned improvements.

We are currently aware that both classes are having difficulties at various levels, so this first round of improvements is intended to ease the leveling process in addition to increasing the general fun-factor of normal gameplay.

Please note, all these adjustments will be reviewed after testing to determine if additional alterations are needed. So, with that in mind, this list is subject to change.

*The duration of Protection of Set will be substantially increased.
*The maximum damage absorbed before Protection of Set fails will be increased to be more in line with damage dealt in leveling scenarios. Additional survivability increases are also being evaluated.
*Players will gain a visible debuff to indicate when Protection of Set has run out of absorbable damage.
*The base splash damage dealt by Fires of Gehenna, Hellfire Stream, Shockstrike, and Shock will be substantially increased.
*The amount of damage dealt by most damage sources will be reevaluated.
*The cooldown of Inferno of Ahmner and Shockblast will be reduced to 2.5 seconds to match the casting time of Fires of Gehenna and Shockstrike.
*The Archmage feat will be moved to tier 2 instead of tier 3 in the Mage general tree to make it more easily accessible to varying builds.
*All crowd control will have a significantly reduced chance to break from damage dealt by pets.
*Fiery Torment (Rank 1) will be introduced at level 30 instead of level 45.
*The casting time of certain long-duration buffs will be reduced.
*The run speed of pets will be increased significantly.
*Various bugfixes and alterations to existing feats and abilities; for example, decreasing the casting time of Detonation.
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