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WotLK Bilgileri


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Zaten warriorların shield block'uda 30 saniye CD'li oldu. Böyle bir değişikliğin ilk sinyallerini o zaman almıştık

Aslında ilginç oldu, şimdi tanklar hiç block kasmadan dodge+parrye yüklenmeye çalışacaklar. Crit immune zaten kolay bişey. Bu değişiklik sanki tank'larda dps yapabilsin setlerinde str, crit falan olabilisin diye bir statı silmek için yapılmış gibi geliyor bana.

Zaten şuana kadar düşen tank itemlerinde hep yüksek stam yanında yüksek str var. Pala talentlerinde de %15 str prot ağacına çekildi. Yani artık dps sıralamasına bakarken tanklarıda baya yüksekte görücez gibi. Salvatiounun falan kalkmasının açığını bu dps artışı kapayacak heralde.
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FreEmoon said:
Zaten warriorların shield block'uda 30 saniye CD'li oldu. Böyle bir değişikliğin ilk sinyallerini o zaman almıştık

Aslında ilginç oldu, şimdi tanklar hiç block kasmadan dodge+parrye yüklenmeye çalışacaklar. Crit immune zaten kolay bişey. Bu değişiklik sanki tank'larda dps yapabilsin setlerinde str, crit falan olabilisin diye bir statı silmek için yapılmış gibi geliyor bana.

Zaten şuana kadar düşen tank itemlerinde hep yüksek stam yanında yüksek str var. Pala talentlerinde de %15 str prot ağacına çekildi. Yani artık dps sıralamasına bakarken tanklarıda baya yüksekte görücez gibi. Salvatiounun falan kalkmasının açığını bu dps artışı kapayacak heralde.

öhöm *cough* age of conan guardian? *cough* *cough* blizzard işini biliiirr güzel şeyleri aşırıp sentezlemede uzmanlar ;)
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Sparkcaster said:
iyide tankların, özellikle prot warriorların damage inin arttırılması gerektiği 1 sene öncesinin olayı aoc ne lol

age of conan da 2 yıldır betadaydı "lol"

özellikle insanların tepkilerini gördükten sonra, wotlk de crushing olayını kaldırcaz vs. değişikler yapcaz daha aktif hale getirecez combtları dedi blizz , nabız yoklaması bekledi bi yerde. fanboi lik yapmayalım pls ;p
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* Arcane Blast effect duration reduced to 3 seconds, and now increases damage by 15/30/45% instead of reducing cast time.
* Arcane Impact renamed Spell Impact and now affects Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Cone of Cold, and Ice Lance.
* Arcane Potency now applies when Presence of Mind is active, talent prerequisite changed to Presence of Mind.
* Conjured mana gems no longer disappear from your backpack after being logged out for more than 15 minutes. Higher ranks of Conjure Mana Gem will recharge an existing mana gem to maximum charges.
* Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost. It now also increases damage caused by Arcane Blast.
* Improved Blink now also reduces mana cost by 25/50%.
* Improved Mana Shield has been renamed to Arcane Shielding and now also increases resistances granged by Mage Armor by 25/50%.
* Remove Lesser Curse has been renamed to Remove Curse.

talentli mage 140 spell resistance'a sahip olacak, ve magic effectlerin üzerinde kalma süresi %50 azalacak. passive felhuntera sahip warlock gibi olmuş o.O

bir de bu çok op mi ne olmuş. :S

Eye for an Eye now reflects 10/20% damage from all critical hits.
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Blizzard said:
Blizzard are looking into allowing players to have two talent specs that they can switch between
We talked about this recently at the Worldwide Invitational actually. We are looking into allowing players to basically have two talent specs that they can switch between but we are still working out the exact details so we will have to wait and see exactly how it will function in-game.

Ben duyunca çok heycanlandım bu gelirse insanlar rahatlıkla pvp ve pve yapabilirler aynı anda :) En çokta warriorlar sevinir heralde ama tüm classlar için çok güzel bence.
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Yeni battleground; Sands of Ulduar

# This battleground is located on an island south of Dragonblight
# This is also an attack/defend game type battleground.
# One team will attack and the other one defend, you will have a specific amount of time to succeed. After the end of the round teams will switch sides.
# Attackers will come from boats and defenders will start in the middle of the beach.
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Druid Changes

In the next data push, you will find Omen of Clarity has been changed a bit. The 10 second cooldown has been removed, the procs per minute has been raised from 2 to 3.5, and melee abilities no longer trigger it. Spell interaction with Omen of Clarity remains relatively unchanged, with its hidden chance to trigger off spells reduced by half (and rolling the dice about 2x as often).

What this means is that more auto-attacks landing on the target will increase the benefit from Omen of Clarity. Haste, increased hit chance, and expertise will all make Omen of Clarity better.

We are aware of the concerns with reaching the hit rating cap, and will make sure Druids can pick up Rogue items to wear without exceeding that cap. This means Rogues will likely socket for hit, while Druids socket for Strength or Agility.

Before LK goes live, we will do extensive testing on how much damage classes do, and will increase or decrease their power as appropriate to meet our targets. Cat raid DPS suffered relative to other melee in BC for lack of an Combat Potency equivalent talent (OOC should now be roughly equal), for lack of a scaling finishing move (Savage Roar answers that), for lack of benefitting from Windfury Totem, and for lack of weapon procs (+35 agility != Mongoose). All of those lacks have been addressed. In addition, a change has been made to make the agility rebalance less severe (as I posted in another thread).

In PvP, we are adding many tools to the Feral Druid arsenal, including the redesigned Maim, Infected Wounds, King of the Jungle, and Berserk. We have also made some improvements to the "range bug". Attacks that require you to be behind a target will no longer be able to be parried, nor able to be dodged by a player. Our movement engine will now smoothly interpolate positions of moving units, preventing the "Out of range/You must be behind your target/Out of range/You must be behind your target/Out of range/You must be behind your target..." sequence from occuring any more. In addition, being able to apply a snare makes the Feral Druid able to slow down their target and lessen the severity of the "range bug". Yes, there are still issues with the model, especially when switching into and out of cat form, but many of the issues are being dealt with.

To help deal with this issue, in the next data push, Druids should find their melee critical strike chance is about 5% higher.

The conversion of agility to critical strike chance remains the same 40:1 at level 70, but the base amount for 0 agility has been increased by 5%.


Feral love (tu)
Omen of Clarity (td)
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