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Betaya gelen 9138 patch ile sanırım paladinlerin ışığı söndü :) yinede betanın bitmediğini hatırlamak gerek.

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Bloody Strikes now increases the damage by 10/20/30% (up from 6/12/18%) and the bonus damage from diseases by 20/40/60% of your Blood Strike and Heart strike.


* Improved Icy Talons now increase the melee haste of your group or raid and increases your haste by 5% at all time. (Doesn't affect ranged attack speed anymore, doesn't affect only the DK's melee haste anymore)
* Improved icy Touch now makes your Frost Fever reduces melee and ranged attack speed by an additional 2/4/6%.

Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Tiger's Fury (Rank 6) now increases damage done by 80 (down from 131). Rank 5 now increases damage done by 60. (Down from 77)


* Moonkin Form mana regeneration doesn't affect AOE spells anymore.

Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))
Beast Mastery

* All aspects are now off the GCD, but share a 1 sec cooldown between each other.
* New Skill - Aspect of the Dragonhawk - The hunter takes on the aspects of a dragonhawk, increasing ranged attack power by 230/300 (Level 74/80) and chance to dodge by 18%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
* Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 10) and (Rank 9) have been added to the game. They are respectively level 80 / 74 and grant you 300 / 230 ranged attack power.


* Disengage doesn't require you to have a target anymore, you still have to be in combat.

Beast Mastery

* Aspect Mastery has been modified to add Aspect of the Dragonhawk - Combines the bonuses from Aspect of the Monkey and Hawk.
* Improved Aspect of the Monkey has been modified to affect Aspect of the Dragonhawk.
* Improved Aspect of the Hawk has been modified to affect Aspect of the Dragonhawk.

Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Living Bomb mana cost has been reduced from 25% of base mana to 22% of base mana.


* Focus Magic cannot be cast on self anymore.


* Molten Shields (Rank 2) now give your Molten Armor a 100% chance to affect ranged and spell attacks.


* Brain Freeze now only affects your frost damage spells with chilling effects.
* Cold as Ice doesn't affect Deep Freeze anymore.

Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Seal of Wisdom now deal [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 1 ] holy damage when unleashed. (Down from [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage)
* Seal of Light now has a chance to heal for [ 15% of AP + 15% of Spell Power ]. (Down from [ 28% of AP + 28% of Spell Power ])
* Seal of Light now deals [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 1 ] (down from [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ]) holy damage when unleashed.
* Seal of Righteousness now grants each melee attack [ 2.2% of Melee Weapon Speed * AP + 4.4% of Melee Weapon Speed * Spell Power ] additional Holy damage. (Down from [ 2.8% of Melee Weapon Speed * AP + 5.5% of Melee Weapon Speed * Spell Power ])


* Seal of Justice now deals [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 1 ] holy damage when unleashed. (Down from [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ])


* Judgement of Command Holy damage reduced from 56% to 45%.
* Blessing of Might (Rank 8 ) and Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 3) now increase AP by 306. (Up from 305)
* Seal of Corruption now deals [ 15% of AP + 8.8% of Spell Power ] additional holy damage over 15 seconds. (Down from [ 19.2% of AP + 9.6% of Spell Power ])
* Seal of Corruption now deals [ 14% of AP + 22% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage. (Down from [ 17.5% of AP + 28% of Spell Power + 1 ])
* Seal of the Martyr now make all your melee attacks deal [ 22% of mw ] to [ 22% of MW ]. (Down from [ 28% of mw ] to [ 28% of MW ])
* Seal of the Martyr now deals [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 36% of mw ] to [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 36% of MW ] Holy Damage when unleashed. (Old - [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 25% of mw ] to [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 25% of MW ] Holy damage)
* Seal of Blood now make all your melee attacks deal [ 22% of mw ] to [ 22% of MW ]. (Down from [ 28% of mw ] to [ 28% of MW ])
* Seal of Blood now deals [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 36% of mw ] to [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 36% of MW ] Holy Damage when unleashed. (Old - [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 25% of mw ] to [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 25% of MW ] Holy damage)
* Seal of Vengeance now deals [ 15% of AP + 8.8% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. (Down from [ 19.2% of AP + 9.6% of Spell Power ])
* Seal of Vengeance now deals [ 14% of AP + 22% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage. (Down from [ 17.5% of AP + 28% of Spell Power + 1 ])
* Judgement of Wisdom now restores 1% of the attacker's maximum mana. (Down from 2%)
* Judgement of Light now has a chance to heal the attacker for [ 10% of AP + 10% of Spell Power ]. (Down from [ 18% of AP + 18% of Spell Power ])


* Divine Storm doesn't deal Holy damage anymore. Now heals up to 3 party or raid members for 25% of the damage caused. (Up from 20%)
* Righteous Vengeance changed to - When your Judgement and Divine Storm spells deal a critical strike, your target will take 8/16/24/32/40% additional damage over 8 sec.
* The Art of War now increases the damage of Judgement, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm by 5/10%. (Old - Increased critical strike damage only, by 10/20%)
* Judgement of the Wise now grants the paladin 15% of his base mana. (Down from 33%)
* Seal of Command now deals [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 24% of mw ] to [ 16% of AP + 25% of Spell Power + 24% of MW ] Holy damage. (Down from [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 30% of mw ] to [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 30% of MW ])

Rogue (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Fan of Knives cooldown has been lowered from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.

Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Windfury Totem doesn't affect ranged haste anymore.


* Maelstrom Weapon isn't tagged as a 100% proc rate anymore, Rank 2, 3, and 4 now just have a higher chance to proc than the previous rank. Doesn't affect Lava Burst anymore.


* Tidal Waves now affects your next 2 (Up from 1) Lesser Healing Wave of Healing Wave spells.

Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Shadow Mastery now increases the damage dealt and life drained by Shadow spells by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Up from 2/4/6/8/10%)


* Demonic Tactics now Increases melee and spell critical strike chance for you and your summoned demon by 2/4/6/8/10%. (Up from 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Soul Link now redirects 20% of all damage taken to your pet. (Up from 15%)


* Emberstorm now increases the damage done by your Fire spells by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Up from 2/4/6/8/10%)

Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9095))

* Titan's grip now reduces your chance to hit with damage-dealing abilities that require a weapon by 5%. (Down from 12%)
* Bloodthirst now instantly attacks the target causting [ 50% of AP ] damage. (Up from 45%)
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

lvl 67 pala duelde 5 70 ten 4 ünü kesti bir kere benimle yaptı %10 da kurtardım AWMYGAD diyip /cower spawmladım.. hatta 4-5 oyuncu bir olup hepimiz palaya dönüp cower çektik o an iyi geiq çıktı..

Nedense bugünlerde NERF ve PALADİN kelimelerini yan yana kullanmayı çok seviyorum
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

Titan girps'in %5'e düşmesinin sebebi biraz değişik. Blizzard hit penaltısının çok kolay aşıldığını fark etti. %15 hit kasan bir warrior hem beyaz, hem sarı attacklarının damage'ni bufflayabildiği için hit kasamak en baba stat olmuştu. Şimdi daha sabit kapatılamıyan bir penaltı gelecek o talente. %5 hit düşürüp yanında %10-15 damage düşüşü gibi birşeyler olacak daiblodaki gibi.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

"viable" olmaya emin adımlarla gidiyorsunuz, şu an *biraz* üstündesiniz o noktanın. JotW nerfüne bile ağlıyorlar yani, her art of war procunda FoL atıp oom olamamak çok normaldi çünkü. (solo/grouptan bahsediyorum tabi hemen raidde FoL kullanmıyoruz lolol diye atlamadan birileri)
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