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Spellweaving ve Siege-Battles


Öne çıkan mesajlar

apple said:
2 3 barbar gelirse birbirlerine guc veriolar baya kaba oluo

evet birde barbarlarda bu gibi garip özellikler var grupda ne kadar çok barbar varsa o kadar çok buff diye okudum, birde savaş kızıştıkca barbarların damage i artiyor gibi bir yazı okudum, yani savaşdıkça güçlenicekler. sinirlendikce daha çok vurucaklar haha
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Gangren said:
Peki abi bunu ne için yapıo?

Yani effect ne?

Bütün raid invulnerable mı oluo?
Full HP mi oluo?
Buff mı alıo?
Karşı tarafa Debuff mı verio?
Hatunlara şekil için mi? ne yani :p

abi okumadiysan yukarda bi yerde ign yazisi war
orda mesela necromancer icin aciklamasi war
bonus ve penltylerin hatta dur bulup cpliyim
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Instead of writing more about spellweaving's generalities, here are some specific examples of what happens through each stage for a Necromancer. The following was provided by Funcom.

Necromancer - Positive Effects

Parasite Host: – An eight second buff that causes you to gain a parasitic soul pet whenever you cast one of your nukes, although it costs you some health when this happens.

Arcane Surge: – This is a short buff that causes you to inflict maximum damage with your spells.

Necromancer – Negative Effects

Infested: You become infested with grave-worms that inflict unholy damage over time. This can stack up to five times.

Arcane Drought: Your spells will inflict minimum damage

Frailty: You take more damage from physical attacks. This can stack up to five times.

While that's not all that's possible with the Necromancer, Griffin gave us a few more details on how another spell is affected.

"For example, the Flesh to Worms spell is the Necromancer's primary DoT [damage-over-time spell]. This is a single-target DoT spell. The first "step" of spellweaving doesn't affect this spell, but it gets modified from step 2 and up. First, the critical chance and critical damage is increased, but it is step 3 of spellweaving that an interesting change happens. At this rank, the Flesh to Worms spell gains splash damage, which means that every time that DoT ticks, it will inflict an amount of its damage to nearby enemies (the percentage of damage inflicted and the number of enemies taking the splash damage increases as the spellweaving step progresses)."

Griffin then went on to detail a few of the changes in play style for the other three casters in Age of Conan.


Flames of Gehenna, their primary fire spell, will gain increased critical hit chance and critical damage, as well as become a column-affecting spell. Additionally, the secondary burning effect, Incinerate, that Flames of Gehenna places on the target will start to inflict splash damage. This gets interesting when the player has also trained the Field of Fires feat, which causes the Incinerate effect to inflict pulsing area-of-effect damage, so while at the higher ends of spellweaving, a character with that feat trained will be inflicting double doses of AOE damage from the Incinerate effect – one source from the feat, and the other from the spellweaving-enhanced splash damage.

Tempest of Set

The Tempest's main nuke is the Lightning Strike spell, which is an area-of-effect spell. While under the effect of spellweaving, the area this spell affects will increase. Additionally, lightning will start to arc between the enemies hit, so that each enemy hit inflicts splash damage, causing a cascade of arcing damage when groups of monsters are clustered closely together. The same sort of thing will happen with the Storm Field spell, which projects pulsing electricity around the Tempest. When enemies are struck by the Storm Field, they will suffer a higher chance of sustaining critical damage, and also inflict splash damage around them.

Priest of Mitra

One of the feat-trained spells for the Priest of Mitra is the Lance of Mitra. This normally inflicts column-based damage from the Priest, with each target hit inflicting a smaller amount of damage to one nearby enemy. If the player trained the Divine Lance feat as well, the Lance of Mitra causes area of effect healing around all of the enemies that it hits. When under the power of spellweaving, both the damaging and healing aspects of the lance are increased. The Lance of Mitra gains a higher chance of inflicting critical damage on the enemies that it smites, while the energy from Divine Lance heals more damage.
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