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DnT Guild Drama


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Hmm ilginç bir şekilde bende giremiyorum artık. Sanırım ya topic kaldırıldı yada yeri değiştirildi, yada kullanmakta olduğum user banlandı. Herneyse özetlemek gerekirse 1 hatun ve 2 eleman arasında geçen bir olay. Sonradan dışarıdan birileri daha dahil oluyor. Elemanlardan biriyle bu hatun sevgiliymiş. oyunda tanışmışlar birlikte yaşamaya başlamışlar, ama yürümemiş ayrılmışlar. Sonra hatun bu cocuga kafayı takmıs geri alabilmek için guildteki diger bir elemanla birlikte olmaya baslamıs vs. Gayet cirkef bir hanım kızımız yani. Herneyse sonucta işin boyutu ciddileşmiş falan. Guildtekilerden biride durumu ögrenmiş hatunla ikinci elemanın "uygunsuz" pozlarını foruma postlamış. almış yürümüş 15-20 sayfalık topic olmuş. eglencelikti işte ama malesef göremiyoruz artık.
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Gerçekten çok komik ve iğrenç fotolar vardı olayı açığa çıkaran arkadaşın yorumları falan gayet komikti, bide diğer guild elemanlarının yorumları falan. üzgünüm postlamadan önce tekrar kontrol etmeliydim ama gece çalışıyordu. o yüzden hiç aklıma gelmedi böyle bir şey olabileceği.
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Ülkeniz (Turkey) için belirlenen tüm indirme sınırları şu anda kullanılmaktadır. Lütfen birkaç saat içinde tekrar deneyiniz veya araç çubuğu kurulu iken anında erişim için Megaupload Araç Çubuğunu Kurun, sizin için artık sınırlama yoktur

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Here it is, love google cache.

Q u o t e:
Good evening. The following story is one that needs to be told, and told through pictures. To keep the site work safe on the main page, the pictures are going to be included in the post below this one. However, I will use this space to ensure that our resident Fluff Girl, Miyavi, gets the due attention she wants & deserves.

Miyavi came to our guild around December 2006. Her boyfriend, Mr. "Chobo" was one of our warriors and had a keen interest in tanking and utilizing his castrati-esque verbal assaults to motivate and move on guild members.

Anyway, Miyavi was a reserved emo chick from California who really kept to herself and to "Chobo." I tried to talk to her some, get some pictures, add her to the archives, etc. She really resisted for the most part.

Time went on-about a year-and all of the sudden "Chobo" and Miyavi started having some relationship troubles. Miyavi decided it was time to sleep around some, in California, with one of the gentlemen she is friends with, and "Chobo" decided on Feb. 14th, 2008 that it would be time to end things. So, Miyavi was distraught. Her and "Chobo" had talked about marriage, being together, moving him to California (Where she had already flown him twice, on her time, to get his large [you'll see what I mean in the next post] *@!**). She didn't know what to do. She decided, after some internal reflection, that the only viable thing to do was to find someone vulnerable in "Chobo's" guild and to use them to get back at him.

Enter Korrupted, a guild member from DnT. He was having some @#!@ at home in Arizona and decided that his about year+ of hitting on Miyavi would finally pay off. He started laying it on thick, and Miyavi saw an opportunity. She decided to fly Korrupted out and let him live with her. Around the beginning of March Korrupted arrives and promptly sleeps with Miyavi--less than a month after she cheated and then got dumped by her boyfriend.

Also, it should be noted that Korrupted and "Chobo" were really good friends in the guild.

IP addresses start to show up on the boards, and there were some thoughts that Miyavi and Korrupted are now together. Miyavi decides that she should use the guild picture thread to post some images of her and Korrupted at her apartment, with the guy she cheated on "Chobo" with sitting right next to her.

I, being the inquisitive mind that I am, decide that the time had come. I decided to bring my investigative services to the table and get to the bottom of everything. I called up Korrupted and called him out for what he was a part of. He denied it at first, claiming that it was just a living situation fix. He then came around and referred to Miyavi %@%@ing him as a "bonus" and it was "temporary."

Miyavi, on the other hand, was getting what she wanted--she was getting more !!%*, and getting back at "Chobo" who dumped her, because she was a cheating skank.

So, with the help of Mr. Chobo and other individuals in the guild, I present to you. The attention ***!!, back stabbing skank... Miyavi.

In closing, Miyavi, you're now e-famous; go gargle mayonnaise

Might as well post the pics:


Love letters?


Can't rescue anything else

Edit: Video linkini sildim
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