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2.3>kasım 13, season3>kasım 20


Öne çıkan mesajlar

1-2 saat önce aciklandi, taze taze.

While testing continues and a delay could possibly change these dates, we are currently planning to start Season 3 on November 20 once the realms come back up from their weekly maintenance. This means that Season 2 will come to a close when the realms come down for maintenance on November 20. During that maintenance the final standings are taken and the end of season rewards are distributed.

The start date for Season 3 is purposefully planned to be one week later than the release of patch 2.3, which is currently scheduled for November 13. We will be closely monitoring the testing of the 2.3 patch, and if it looks like it won’t make the November 13 date, we will announce a delay.

With the end of the current season all previous recipients of the end of season titles will have them removed, and the titles will be redistributed for participation in Season 2. A unique armored swift nether drake, visually distinguishable from the Season 1 reward, will be awarded to the top 0.5% of teams. We’ve recently added new requirements for a team to be counted when determining the top 0.5%, which can be found here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=2649798359&sid=1


Q: Can I keep my title from Season 1 even if I haven’t participated in Season 2?
A: No, the seasonal titles are intended to be a reward for performance in the previous season. Similar to a sports title or award, it’s handed off or moved to different players/teams as their performance rises or declines throughout the seasons.

Q: What happens to my Nether Drake?
A: You will keep your Swift Nether Drake, and a new visually distinguishable Swift Nether Drake will be given to the top 0.5% of teams for their efforts in Season 2.

Q: So I’ve heard something about items having rating requirements?
A: Yes, the Season 3 weapons will have a personal rating requirement of 1850, and the shoulders will have a personal rating requirement of 2000.

Q: What is a “Personal Rating”?
A: We’re introducing an additional rating system with the start of Season 3 that will only track your personal games played, which you’ll be able to see through the in-game PvP interface. This rating will be used to determine the ability to buy specific items, and also to determine eligibility for the end of season rewards. The personal rating rises and declines using the same formula as the arena team rating, but only in games that you participate in. If you switch teams the rating will be reset to a default 1500. The personal rating is only used for the initial purchase of specific items, and isn't required that you maintain a rating to use them.

Q: What happens to the Season 1 and 2 items?
A: The Season 2 items will be priced the same as Season 1 is now, and the Season 1 items are moving to the honor system, purchasable with honor points and Battleground marks.

Q: What happens to my rating when Season 2 ends?
A: Ratings for all teams are reset to the default 1500 for the new season. You still keep your arena points though, they aren’t diminished or removed.

Q: When does Season 2 officially end?
A: Barring a delay, when the realms come down for maintenance on November 20.

Q: How sure are you that 2.3 will make a November 13 release?
A: Pretty sure, but there’s always the possibility for a delay. Due to the upcoming holidays any necessary delays to the release of the patch may require us to delay Season 3 into the start of December. We’re trying very hard to avoid that.

Q: Why isn’t Season 3 beginning with the release of the patch?
A: To help us focus on both a major content patch release, and start of a new season, we’re separating them by one week.

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aquila said:
kac puan full set?


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5 parca s1 set toplamda 65k honor yapiyor. sonra http://www.wowhead.com/?search=battlemaster gibi trinketler var ya 30k honor yada 75 badge ile alabiliyorsun. sonra non set 3 parca epic var (wrist, waist ve boots). yaklasik 40k honor da onlar tutuyor. bir hybrid class olarak oturup terokkar nehri kiyisinda agliyorum su an.
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Xhunarion said:
5k point, 75k honor var 3 haftadır. Acaba wep mi upgrade etsem gear mı? S3 itemlarını görebilecegimiz bir link falan var mı?

staff: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34540

s3 setler: http://www.wowhead.com/?search=vengeful#item-sets

s3 weaponlar: http://www.wowhead.com/?items=2&filter=sl=23:21:22:13:15:28:14:25:17;na=vengeful
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Evet ben şimdiden arkadaşın warriorı için honor farmlamaya aralıksız devam ediyorum.
Bir kaç gün önce 75 k yapımştım ve hemen gidip veteran yüzükle resilience veren medalionu aldım.
çünkü honor sınıra dayanmıştı ve daha pathcin gelmesine vardı.
dolayısıyla bunları alıp tekrar 75 k ya kasarım dedim.
Allahtan veteran yüzükle yeni gelicek yüzük aynı anda takılabilecek o yüzden karlı çıkcaz.

Ayrıca ben yeni sezon geldiğinde honorları direk Veteranlara harcamayı düşünüyorum.Çünkü üzerimizde daimi kalıcak olan şeyler onlar.

Eğer bu honorları direk gidip sezon 1 e harcarsak illaki deişecek bu setelr ve kastıgımız honor boşa gidecek.
İşte bizde veteran 3 parçayı alıp,gier kalanla sezon i almayı + hali hazırda 2 hafta sonra üzerimizde olacak 3k arena ratingi ile de 2 parça sezon 3 seti almayı düşünüyoruz.
yani anlıyacagınız sezon 3 te şu an sıfır olan bi warrior imba olucak.Guilddekilerle de espri konusu oldu , "Dönüşüm muhteşem olacak " diyorum :)
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Bu s3 weaponları ya nerflemeleri lazım birkaç dps ya da Tier6 weaponları bufflamaları lazım.

Şaka gibi Blade of Infamy, Savagery ve Shard of Azzinoth var bir tek SoA nın dps i daha fazla ama statlar yüzünden yine kapışır s3 shanker.

Oyundaki en iyi silahlar goblin tarafından satılıyor bulşit
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