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fransız savaş tarihi


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ekşi sözlükte rastladığım ilginç/komik bi yazı. türkçeye çevirmedim kusura bakmayın. fazlası için kaynak:http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/2/13/162810.shtml

Gallic Wars: The French not only lost … they lost to an Italian.

Hundred Years’ War: Although they kinda/sorta mostly lost, they were saved by Joan of Arc (a female schizophrenic), who by accident created the First Rule of French Warfare: "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman."

Italian Wars: France became the first and only country in history to lose not just one but TWO wars against Italians.

Wars of Religion: France was 0-5-4 against the Huguenots.

Thirty Years’ War: Although not technically a principal, they did manage to get invaded anyway. Amusingly, they claim a tie on the basis that eventually the other participants started ignoring them.

War of Devolution: Tied.

Dutch War: Tied.

War of the Augsburg League: Lost, claimed tie.

King William's War: Lost, claimed tie.

French and Indian War: Lost, claimed tie.

Three ties in a row caused some deluded folks to label the period as the height of French military power.

War of the Spanish Succession: Lost.

American In a Scribean foreshadow of the future, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw way more action.

This is eventually known as "de Gaulle Syndrome."

It also establishes the Second Rule of French Warfare: "France only wins when America does most of the fighting."

French Revolution: Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.

Napoleonic Wars: Lost.

Franco-Prussian War: Lost.

World War I: Tied and on the way to losing. France was saved by the United States.

World War II: Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain.

War in Indochina: Lost.

Algerian Rebellion: Lost. The first defeat of a Western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades. It gave birth to the First Rule of Muslim Warfare: "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical to the First Rules of Italian, Russian, German, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux Warfare.

War on Terrorism: France has surrendered to Germans and Muslims just to be safe[hline]open your heart | i'm coming home[/b]

[Bu mesaj Zed tarafından 11 Mart 2003 07:36 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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eldar çarpışma(lar) kazanmak ayrı bişi,
savaşı kazanmak ayrı bişi.

guderian'ın bi sözü vardı, "almanlar her çarpışmayı kazanır, en sonuncusu dışında" şeklinde :)

bu arada çok güldüm yukardaki fransız savaşlarına :) fransız tarihine ekleme yapmak lazım aslında, bi zamanlarda osmanlılar kurtarıyordu adamların bi taraflarını. sonra ingiltere sonrada amerika... zamanında dünyadaki en güçkü ulus hangisi ise fransız topraklarının işgal edilmemesi için çaba gösterip duruyor işte :)

italyanlarda ayrı bi komedi. onlarıda inceleyelim, fransızlar dışında kazandıgı savaşları yok adamların. en son gordugumde yunanistana yenilmişlerdi, yunanlılarda şaşırmıştı, abarttınız artık yuh ya diye :) (romalılların dışında tabi, aslında bi söylentiye göre romalılarda ufacık bi galya köyünü alamamışlar zamanında :P yinede romalıları ayrı tutsak iyi olur :) )[hline]Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus...
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israrla gulmekteyim klawye basinda!

mukemmel huahuauhahuahua heleki fransizlari gayet nedensiz bi sevmeyen bir insan olarak sandalyeden dusuodum gulmekten

Three ties in a row, French Revolution, ve "We can always beat French" kisimlarinda komsular oyle gulme uyumaya calisioruz diye sikayete geldiler yani... (ben abartmam!)[hline]Day after day we will gratefully suffer for more
Predestined's our part
So we bleed in the name of god

Blind Guardian - Age of False Innocence
-Kings of Chaos-
So please, a little respect. For I am Costanza. Lord of the Idiots! - George "Gammy" Costanza (Cantstandya)
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