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Sphere 55i Revision 1

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Mesaj tarihi:
Sphere 55i R1 sürümü cikti.
ZORM tarafindan duzenlenip degistirilmiş. Injection vs. fixleri yapılmıs. Stytax ise 99f olarak kullanilmiş

Sphere 55j uzerine yapılan eklemeler ve degisiklerin listesi

- Added LOS check for taming
- Changed m_defense from BYTE to WORD
- CanSeeLOS fixed, now checks if target object z is greater then myz + 14 if so blocks
- Kill count decay should be fixed
- Can no longer steal from trade windows or game boards
- ATTR_OWNED items may no longer be magic locked
- Added @DeathCorpse, argn1 = corpse?
- Trade window items are now dumped to back before corpse is made
- Now checks accounts when first sent
- Added @start in skilldefs
- Provoking players disabled

- Fixed dumb log file being created out of place. Will still happen when Sphere is run as
an NT service though.
- Fixed client 1.26.x, it may now log on a 55i server
- Updated addbark, addbarkunicode, addbarkspeechtable to follow OSI better

- Player characters with conjured flag get unmounted and the flag removed on death. Useful
to leave no corpse behind ( under ON=@Death : flags = | statf_conjured ). This would
be better as a server setting.
- Fixed spider webs remaining for days, and spider silk too (increases item count to

- Added @CallGuards as a propper trigger, "return 1" cancels guards being called
- Added @ShowSkills for when user asks for the skills window. "return 1" cancels the
standard skill list.
- Changed @Logout so that "return 1" disallows instalogout.
- Added support for the following TAGs on characters:
NAME.HUE (name colour)
NAME.ALT (alternate name, good for incognito effects)
NAME.PREFIX (alternate prefix, if not set, defaults to Notoriety prefix - lady/lord)
NAME.SUFFIX (suffix for the name)
- Using open door macro now triggers double click event.
- @DClick is now triggered on NPCs BEFORE attempting to mount, paperdoll or open
backpack ("return 1" cancels)
- If REAPAMOUNT isn't present, AMOUNT/3 will be used (it won't just default to 1).

Fixed dye anything, now has to be a dye tub
Added checking to strings to prevent exploits
Candle dupe has been fixed
Layer_horse can no longer be picked up by players
Messages in message boards can no longer be picked up by players
Stats max on create character raised from 66 to 80, allows new prof.txt
Now checking colors for pants and shirt when creating a character
Added more checking to a players name when creating characters
Teleport effects should no longer harm players
Pets now clear all old owners when getting a new one
Fixed showing of hp to other players
Administrator account is no longer auto admin
If you attempt a command and can't use it it comes out as normal speech
death menu option is no longer sent
guild mates no longer give you a kill count/karma/fame when you kill them
speech support improved. If you send unicode text it is handled throughout as unicode
non unicode text is sent back out as unicode text

Full Surumunu Sitesinden alabilirsiniz

http://zorm.darkexile.com/[hline]www.elanrealms.com No Speed, No Inj.
A tale that goes on. Become a part of it.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bazi kodlamalarda ufak degisiklikler var. Onlari duzeltirseniz sorun kalmaz sanırım.[hline]www.elanrealms.com No Speed, No Inj.
A tale that goes on. Become a part of it.
Mesaj tarihi:
Zorm da ekibe alinmis sanirim. Sphere sitesinde yetkili olarak gorunuyor artik.[hline]www.elanrealms.com No Speed, No Inj.
A tale that goes on. Become a part of it.
Mesaj tarihi:
ERROR:(map.scp,1437)Conflicting region!
ERROR:(map.scp,1444)Conflicting region!

bu error[hline]Sicilli üye

dom: 230302 satirlik hata kodunun hepsini paste etmek zorunda degilsin, ustelik hepsi birbirinin ayni ise.

[Bu mesaj dom tarafından 20 November 2003 16:06 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
yükledim biraz inceledim..
injectionda ,crash ,renameself gibi komutlar calısmıyo fakat hala ,dye komutu calısmakta..
,crash kullanınca player xx illegal renk kullanıo fln die hata verio sphere konsolda, oyun içine yollamıo o renkli A harfini.. fena değil işte dier fixler ilgimi çekmedi :p
Mesaj tarihi:
55iR1 kuracagima 55i + DLL kullanirim daha iyi, cunku 55iR1'de speed'de yapiliyor, injection'un bazi ozellikleride, bu arada 55iR2 geliyormu$ yakin zamana Inanna acikladi, o zaman Injection'a %100 cozum olacakmi$, ve sanirim 55iR2'de speed'ide tamamen engelliyeceklermi$...[hline] Quaxis UO Shard Admin Dmx
Mesaj tarihi:
Zaten Zorm DLL nin çıkardigi her yeni sürümünde 55i Rx sürümüde yenilenip degisecektir.Aklıma takılan neden 55i için ugrasiyorlar, ellerinde 99zg gibi daha ileri duzeyde olan versionda bu tarz bir engelleme olayina girmemişler daha.[hline]www.elanrealms.com No Speed, No Inj.
A tale that goes on. Become a part of it.
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