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Downfall - 2v2 Rank 1

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Mesaj tarihi:
Well to start we'll just let everyone know that the arena RATINGS (not the number of points they'll cost) required to purchase the season 3 items will be 1850 for the weapons, and 2000 for shoulders. The rating will not be required to continue using the item, only to initially purchase it.

Now, most people have expected the weapon rating since we announced it at BlizzCon, and it's a bit lower than we had initially said, but the shoulders are obviously going to raise some questions. The shoulders for any set are commonly the most visually representative, they're the most visible at any distance, and as they allow a lot of space compared to say a leg or bracer item, we commonly take them and really create something visually impressive. We want that visually impressive item to represent what a player has achieved, and so the achievement of being a contender in the arena at a higher level will be visually distinguished. The shoulders are also average in the benefit they provide, as compared to a chest or leg item for example, and without them the set bonuses can still be completed.

This raises the question of a player finding a team that is of a skill level higher than their own, and simply buying the item with points they've gained at a lower rating. To restrict this we're implementing a personal rating system in patch 2.3. This is an additional arena rating that is unique to each character for each team they belong to. This rating rises and declines using the same formula as the arena team rating, but only in games that character participates in. You'll also be able to track this rating through the PvP interface. The personal rating will be used for purchasing items that require a specific rating, and also be used to determine eligibility for the end of season rewards. So, a player will have to achieve a specific rating, and not just get into a team to see the rewards that are meant to visually distinguish the high-rated players.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]

Mesaj tarihi:
Win Trading: Cheating to get high Arena ranking

First, we need to explain what is Win Trading, It is when a team raises its arena ranking by only playing a farm team that agrees to lose. Basically two teams are setting up matches at 4 in the morning queueing for arena at the exact same time, one team will lose on purpose in order to get really high rated and vice versa; the loser farm team is made up of alts of another highly ranked team and they switch.

Drysc said:
Win trading is fully acknowledged and that's why the personal rating system is being used to help determine the end of season rewards in Season 3. For the current season though it's going to play out how it plays out.

Sonra editlenen post:

Drysc said:
We've been in contact with our support teams in regards to this, and action being taken. We will and have been reading and investigating reports and taking action where we can verify this is occurring. Please keep in mind that while we will be investigating all reports, there will be cases where the investigation can't be considered conclusive and action may not be taken. That's just a standard disclaimer of course; we hope to be able to get all of them. As always, details of our investigations won't be made public.
This is of course contrary to other posts I've made, and I do apologize for my confusion and any problems I've caused those of you concerned with the issue.

Mesaj tarihi:
Gangren , Supersin walla tam ben copy pastelicektim benzeri bisi

nihlathak , sana nedesem bilmiyorum hala "sence" diyorsun adamlara gm in ole zevkine takim silme , warning verme gibi bi sansi yok . Sonuc olarak kendi hatanla sildirdin takimi , blizzardin genel politikasini bilen biri bunu zaten duz mantikla bile yasak oldugunu anlayabilir sen neden bu kadar zorlaniyorsun anlamiyorum eger hala israrci tavrin varsa "Gangren" in dedigi gibi sikayette bulunursun ona gore isini halledersinki bunun sonunda perma ban yeme gibi bi sansin olabilir sonucta yaptiginin yanlis oldugunu bile bile ustune gitme vs..
Mesaj tarihi:
EULA'da yazmayan sey icin perma ban atmak oyle cocuk oyuncagi degil de, yanlis oldugu belli birseyi GM'e itiraf ettin diye (gecici ban bile icermeyen) bir yaptirim gormus olmak konusunu bu kadar uzatmaya ve gereksiz tartisma haline getirmeye daha fazla gerek yok bence. Yasak oldugunu bildiren kaynaklar da gosterilmis zaten.
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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