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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:

Characters who are not in a faction will not be able to perform beneficial acts (such as healing, curing, etc.) on blue characters in a faction if the target has received lawful damage from another player. The status of being lawfully damaged by someone (on someone that is attacked) is cleared when they reach full health. For example, if Player A was in the Shadowlord faction and was attacked by player B in the Council of Mages faction, this is considered lawful damage and player A would have the "lawfully damaged by" status. Players outside of a faction will still be able to attack a character in a faction, but can receive a murder count if they do so (unless other systems allow for this attack, such as guild wars).

This system makes sure that there will be no outside "blue healers" to influence faction battles. Criminals and murderers that are in a faction *can* be healed by outsiders during battle, but that will flag the outsiders grey so that they can be freely attacked. Keep in mind that if a blue faction member is being attacked by non-faction members or monsters, the faction member *can* be healed by non-faction members since at that moment he has not received lawful damage from another player.

Şu anki sistemde "lawfully damaged" olmasa bile faction dışı herhangi biri factiondakilere heal atamıyor, resleyemiyor, ya da onun gibi "beneficial acts" yapamıyor. Bu yüzden PVMde falan çok zorluk çıkıyor...

Scriptler üstteki quoteye göre düzeltilse güzel olur bence... heh
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