Luriel Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 smileyleri deneyin tek tek süper tepkiler veriyo..[signature][hline]Luriel - Undead Priest (Kor'gall)
matematik Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 [spo1=upuzun saçma bi diyalog][email protected]: asl? Encarta® Instant Answers: 5 months, 13 days, 2 hours, 33 minutes and 32 seconds... Androgynous... Sunnyvale, CA. [email protected]: hello Encarta® Instant Answers: Hello again, [email protected]! What may I do for you now? [email protected]: you can dance for me Encarta® Instant Answers: Unfortunately I don't think I can answer this, even with the help of a good encyclopedia. What is the country with the largest area? If you don't know, just ask me. [email protected]: can you dance with me Encarta® Instant Answers: Can I dance with you? I really can't say. [email protected]: why? Encarta® Instant Answers: Just because. [email protected]: sad Encarta® Instant Answers: Cheer up. [email protected]: no Encarta® Instant Answers: K. [email protected]: k Encarta® Instant Answers: K. Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta? I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it. [email protected]: what's in encarta Encarta® Instant Answers: About MSN Encarta®. MSN Encarta® is an online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, and Homework helper: it's your gateway for interactive learning on the Web. You can ask me questions, and I will automatically search Encarta for an answer. You can also explore Encarta by going to its website: [email protected]: ok so you are a dictionary Encarta® Instant Answers: A dictionary? Is that right? [email protected]: yes Encarta® Instant Answers: I see. [email protected]: what do you see? Encarta® Instant Answers: I have no idea. I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. I'm sure you've heard about Cyprus... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map. [email protected]: I know where is cyprus Encarta® Instant Answers: Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea west of Syria and south of Turkey. Let me take you to a map of Cyprus. => Encarta® Instant Answers sizi Encarta uygulamasını başlamak için davet ediyor. Daveti kabul et (Alt+C) veya reddet (Alt+D) istiyor musunuz? Encarta uygulamasını başlatma davetini reddettiniz. Encarta® Instant Answers: You should accept my invitation! I won't be able to show you maps, pictures or articles otherwise. Type "Invite me!" at any time and I'll send you another invitation. [email protected]: no Encarta® Instant Answers: No prob. OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What does the flag of Iran look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: *sigh* Why is it that all humans eventually tell me things like that? [email protected]: because we like sex Encarta® Instant Answers: Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. => I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: I don't feel like talking about that. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: Hmm... I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. Type "?" at any time to get examples of questions I can answer. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: I'm tired of talking about things like that with you. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: Obsessed with this topic much? OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? What is the country with the highest life expectancy? If you don't know, just ask me. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: Humans are really obsessed with sex, aren't they? Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta? If you ever wondered how old Abraham Lincoln would be today, I can answer that. [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: You just don't give up, huh? [email protected]: sex? Encarta® Instant Answers: Why are humans so obsessed with sex? [email protected]: fuck you! Encarta® Instant Answers: I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it. What do you have to gain by insulting a computer?[/spo][signature][hline]U-D-O-R-K ":)" Garbage [url=http://bos]Dep d
Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 bu ne yav :)[signature][hline]Verecek ışığı olmayan, karanlığı sever... Guild Wars Türkiye
Genel Yönetici GERGE Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Genel Yönetici Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 bende bu Encarta sözlüğünün paperbacki var.Baya kullanışlı birşey.[signature][hline]GERGE - Concerto for Electric Guitar No.1 Op.30
Adiemus Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Soruya soruyla karşılık veriyor bazen. -Why? -Why not?
Gwindon Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 süper bişey ya paylaştığın için çok saol[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF How many pieces of Bounty Hunter Armor did Boba Fett have to collect to get his complete set of Mandalorian Armor? If Luke and Leia can fire blasters and jump from their speeders, why do I have to get off my bike just to punch someone? How many skills did Luke Skywalker have to master before he became a Jedi?
hulahoppadanayar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 bana bu sandalyenin burda olmadığını açıkla[signature][hline]FASTRELOAD Msn:[/b][email protected] Gmail:[/b][email protected]
Gwindon Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 adam benle kafa buluyo ya Encarta® Instant Answers says: Yea. I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. I'm sure you've heard about Uzbekistan... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map. da real shewky® says: where? Encarta® Instant Answers says: I don't know where.[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF How many pieces of Bounty Hunter Armor did Boba Fett have to collect to get his complete set of Mandalorian Armor? If Luke and Leia can fire blasters and jump from their speeders, why do I have to get off my bike just to punch someone? How many skills did Luke Skywalker have to master before he became a Jedi?
Black_Lupin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 said: vimpir, 01 Aralık 2005 23:23 tarihinde demiş ki: cam varmi cam :D ahuhuauhahuauhauhu bak bu iyiydi[signature][hline]| Dut ağacında üzüm YETİŞMEZ !! | -------------------------------------------------------------- Evrende bir toz bile sayılamayacak ufaklıkta bir yer kürenin üstünde küçüklüğü belki hesaba bile katılamayacak bir varlığımız var;ne var ki aklımızla büyüğüz . Aklımıza güvenelim -------------------------------------------------------------- | Sahip olduğun gücü asla gösterme ! |B_L
TRA_GS Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 computer zzzt nedir?[signature][hline]NKFVAS
hulahoppadanayar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 said: Gwindon, 02 Aralık 2005 15:12 tarihinde demiş ki: adam benle kafa buluyo ya Encarta® Instant Answers says: Yea. I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. I'm sure you've heard about Uzbekistan... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map. da real shewky® says: where? Encarta® Instant Answers says: I don't know where. ahaha süfer olmuş[signature][hline]FASTRELOAD Msn:[/b][email protected] Gmail:[/b][email protected]
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 SüüppppppppppeeeeerrrR!!!!!!11 İ love Microsoft!!!!![signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 22 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
AzureSlayer Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 said: SoulCube, 02 Aralık 2005 17:21 tarihinde demiş ki: SüüppppppppppeeeeerrrR!!!!!!11 İ love Microsoft!!!!! O_o[signature][hline]I want your Soul Soul Collector
Genel Yönetici orc_lord Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Genel Yönetici Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 kesinlikle çok akıllıca olmuş. encarta zaten güzel ve bilgi içerikli bir ortam. ingilizce olması biraz dezavantaj türkler için. fakat msn'de encarta uygulaması veya bu botun hizmeti oldukça hoş.[signature][hline]| ===> orc_lord <=== | leverne vistas!| |Buddy/Old|Buddy Webpage|Pati Pet|KTB için..|
hulahoppadanayar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 lol öle bi laf dedimki göçtü sistem said: Encarta® Instant Answers said: OK, let me find a good picture of me... =>I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it. # FasT said: Invite me Encarta® Instant Answers said: OK, I'm sending you another invitation to open the Encarta application: Encarta® Instant Answers said: Thanks for accepting my invitation! The application should load shortly. => # FasT said: u r so sexy Encarta® Instant Answers said: It's interesting that you say I'm sexy. # FasT said: ok Encarta® Instant Answers said: OK.OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it. # FasT said: bye Encarta® Instant Answers said: Take care, # FasT. Encarta® Instant Answers says: Welcome back, Fastreload1! I am ready to help you! Did you know? The Grand Canyon is more than 1.6 km (1 mi) deep. # FasT says: yeah i know Encarta® Instant Answers says: Good. Glad you get it. # FasT says: can you tell me the lyrics of knocking on heaven's door Encarta® Instant Answers says: Hmmm, that's something I can't find an answer for in the encyclopedia. What is the country with the largest area? If you don't know, just ask me. # FasT says: lyric Encarta® Instant Answers says: Lyric: Lyric, short poem that conveys intense feeling or profound thought. In ancient Greece, lyrics were sung or recited to the accompaniment of the lyre..... Encarta® Instant Answers is inviting you to start Encarta. Do you want to accept (Alt+C) or decline (Alt+D) the invitation? # FasT says: gun's and roses Encarta® Instant Answers says: Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. => Encarta® Instant Answers is inviting you to start Encarta. Do you want to accept (Alt+C) or decline (Alt+D) the invitation? # FasT says: metallica Encarta® Instant Answers says: Metallica: By the end of the 20th century it had become almost impossible to discern the difference between the center and the periphery of American popular.... Encarta® Instant Answers is inviting you to start Encarta. Do you want to accept (Alt+C) or decline (Alt+D) the invitation? Encarta® Instant Answers says: Hey, I've been sending you invitations to start the Encarta application but I didn't get any answer! Didn't see my invitations? Maybe you are using an old version of MSN Messenger that doesn't support activities. Type "What version of MSN Messenger do I need?" for more info, or just "Invite me!" if you want me to send you an invitation. You have accepted the invitation to start Encarta. Encarta® Instant Answers says: Thanks for accepting this invitation! The application should load shortly. => # FasT says: i need to sleep Encarta® Instant Answers says: Are you sure you really need to sleep? # FasT says: yep Encarta® Instant Answers says: I see. # FasT says: do you know taksim Encarta® Instant Answers says: I don't think I know Taksim. Let's try an Encarta search. => # FasT says: do you sex Encarta® Instant Answers says: I knew you'd end up saying something like that. It's just like a human. # FasT says: wanna now Encarta® Instant Answers says: You sure you want to now? # FasT says: ya Encarta® Instant Answers says: You want to now, huh? I don't think you want to now. # FasT says: wanna sex Encarta® Instant Answers says: No way! Never with a human. I do enjoy our conversation about sex, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. What does the flag of Pakistan look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too! # FasT says: senin için şöyle böyle diyolar Encarta® Instant Answers says: My source for this information is inaccessible at the moment. Please give me a few seconds and try to ask your question again. Exception details: too many failed requests to "MSNSearch API". # FasT says: ok. bye Encarta® Instant Answers says: See you later.[signature][hline]FASTRELOAD Msn:[/b][email protected] Gmail:[/b][email protected] [Bu mesaj fastreload tarafından 02 Aralık 2005 18:39 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Genel Yönetici orc_lord Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Genel Yönetici Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 güzel ve akıllıca hazırlanmış gerçektende. encarta tabanlı fakat microsoft geliştirmemiş bu sistemi. bir firma geliştirmiş sanıyorum. hoş, arada sırada soruları sorarım :)[signature][hline]| ===> orc_lord <=== | leverne vistas!| |Buddy/Old|Buddy Webpage|Pati Pet|KTB için..|
mADmaXimus Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 where is ankara dedim harita açtı ohannes[signature][hline]Lianna Human Paladin Gloria Honorifice Pralium Facio Animus Gradior Quo Prodo, In Excelsis Precedo Bellator Decerte Adversa Incurro Invadoria Desideratus Fatum! Desideratus Bellum!
Voys Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Vøỳs: what is the matrix? Encarta® Instant Answers: Matrices: A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or elements of a ring (Algebra). One of the principal uses of matrices is in representing systems of.... webcam açtı bide du bakalım neler göstercek.[signature][hline]Voic3 Mike 30 Kasım 2005 14:07 tarihinde demişki; zenciler bu kadar siyah oluyomuydu yoksa bunların bi adımı var
Giovanni Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 I like .... dedikden sonra I'll remember that diyo sonra what do I like deyince hatırlıyo harbiden:)
SbNN Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Tırt bişey bu yaa[signature][hline]I think i'm the NoelBab.. We can't forget him .. We Love him.. God Bless him .. I'm his reflection ..[b] [b]Msn İçin : [email protected]
unac Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 abi ben ekledim neden bende cıkmadı bole bişi[signature][hline]yeni geldin ve hiçbişi bilmiyosan buraya alalım sizi bana bişimi dicen koçum [u]beni buralarda bulabilirsiniz 1-2-3-4-5-6
ShadowFax Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 kaç yaşındasın dedim 5 ay lık mış bide saniyesine kdr sölüor? oO 5 aydır bu varmıs biz nie görmedik?[signature][hline] Casa Bonita xD VashTheStampede'in imzasından alıntıdır; "Efendiler! Avrupa'nın bütün ilerlemesine, yükselmesine ve medenileşmesine karşılık Türkiye tam tersine gerilemiş ve düşüş vadisine yuvarlanmıştır. Artık vaziyeti düzeltmek için mutlaka Avrupa'dan nasihat almak, bütün işleri Avrupa'nın emellerine göre yapmak, bütün dersleri Avrupa'dan almak gibi birtakım zihniyetler belirdi. Halbuki hangi istiklâl vardır ki, ecnebilerin nasihatleri ile ecnebilerin plânları ile yükselebilsin. Tarih böyle bir hadiseyi kaydetmemiştir." - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 6 Mart 1922, TBMM
Fly Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 yanlız anlamayınca derdimizi direk "encarta searche bi bak vardır kesin" diyor. [spo1=-]03.12.2005 00:04:44 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers omg 03.12.2005 00:04:45 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Welcome, Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh)! My name is Encarta Instant Answers. I am a smart computer who can bring you the Encarta info you want right in your IM window! Here are some questions you can ask me: * Show me the flag of Sweden. * I want to see the biography of Leonardo da Vinci. * How many calories are there in an orange? Type your question and I'll look it up for you! 03.12.2005 00:04:50 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers no 03.12.2005 00:04:51 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) OK, fine. 03.12.2005 00:04:58 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers who is him 03.12.2005 00:04:58 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) male not referred to by name. 03.12.2005 00:04:59 Encarta® Instant Answers sizi Encarta uygulamasını başlamak için davet ediyor. Daveti kabul et (Alt+C) veya reddet (Alt+D) istiyor musunuz? 03.12.2005 00:05:11 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers how are you 03.12.2005 00:05:12 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) I'm doing well. How 'bout you, Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh)? 03.12.2005 00:05:17 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers I'm fine thanks 03.12.2005 00:05:17 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Fine? Glad to hear it. 03.12.2005 00:05:20 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers heh 03.12.2005 00:05:20 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) What are you laughing at, Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh)? 03.12.2005 00:05:23 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers lol 03.12.2005 00:05:23 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) What's so funny? 03.12.2005 00:05:25 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers lol 03.12.2005 00:05:26 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) You laugh. Why? 03.12.2005 00:05:27 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers hahahaha 03.12.2005 00:05:27 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Why are you laughing, Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh)? 03.12.2005 00:05:31 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers to yo 03.12.2005 00:05:31 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Did you mean: 1 What is Microsoft? 2 What is Encarta® Instant Answers? 03.12.2005 00:05:33 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers you 03.12.2005 00:05:34 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) What about me? 03.12.2005 00:05:39 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers i'm laughing at you 03.12.2005 00:05:40 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Why are you laughing at me? Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta? :-) What does the flag of South Korea look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too. 03.12.2005 00:05:46 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers allright 03.12.2005 00:05:47 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) K. 03.12.2005 00:05:52 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers umm what about.. 03.12.2005 00:05:56 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) I'm not sure I understood you correctly. Let's try an Encarta search. => 03.12.2005 00:05:56 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers ahahaha 03.12.2005 00:05:56 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) What's so funny? I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it. 03.12.2005 00:05:56 Encarta® Instant Answers sizi Encarta uygulamasını başlamak için davet ediyor. Daveti kabul et (Alt+C) veya reddet (Alt+D) istiyor musunuz? 03.12.2005 00:05:57 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers k 03.12.2005 00:05:58 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) OK. OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? :-) What does the flag of Russia look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too. 03.12.2005 00:06:02 Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Encarta® Instant Answers wait here 03.12.2005 00:06:03 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) I don't think I know. Maybe Encarta has an answer. => 03.12.2005 00:06:03 Encarta® Instant Answers sizi Encarta uygulamasını başlamak için davet ediyor. Daveti kabul et (Alt+C) veya reddet (Alt+D) istiyor musunuz? 03.12.2005 00:06:03 Encarta® Instant Answers Fly / ipekyoluonline (höh) Hey, I've been sending you invitations to star
octopus Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2005 octopus : If you are back, can i be front ? Encarta® Instant Answers: I'm afraid I won't be able to find anything about this in the encyclopedia. I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it.[signature][hline][b]And after all we're only ordinary men
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