h1v Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 said: Voys, 22 Eylül 2005 18:45 tarihinde demiş ki: orda hristiyan yada yahudi dinleri yok sanırım? islamıda budizm yada satanizm gibi mi görmüşler bana mı öyle geldi? ilahi, ilahi olmayan din olarak ayırmamış işte.Düşünce yapına göre en yakın dini sölüyor.Hristiyanlık vardı ya :)
Voys Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 ha yok ingilizcelerini yanlış bılıyormuşum yok sandım onlar. varmış.[signature][hline]Voic3 arcane, 14 Ocak 2005 10:17 tarihinde demiş ki: kola kokulu parfüm olmamalı, içecek hali bile yeterince tehlikeli.üstüne bir de bayanlar parfüm olarak kullanmaya başlarsa kendimi kontrol edebileceğime garanti veremem Fistan, 19 Ocak 2005 23:53 tarihinde demiş ki: en iyi süt bi ineğin memesine eğilip cork cork içine cekmektir.ama yıkiycaksın önce memeleri.
Jadelith Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism. Satanism92% atheism79% Paganism67% agnosticism67% Islam50% Buddhism50% Judaism25% Christianity21% Hinduism8% satanistmisim :) ayrica musluman oldugum kadar budistimde. hehe :)[signature][hline]nerf shamanz bilmeyen arkadaslara soyluyoruz; talentlerle backstab = 179%, ambush = 299%
AMO Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Satanism 96% agnosticism 75% atheism 75% Buddhism 54% Paganism 50% Judaism 42% Islam 29% Christianity 13% Hinduism 0% Amanın satanıst cıktım :P[signature][hline]Salla Bakarızzzzz :D
ZaugnaKhaldun Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 omg, omg copk dogru bir tespite ulaşamaz ama ilginç bir şekilde satanist cıkarttı beni You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism. Satanism 92% agnosticism 79% atheism 75% Buddhism 63% Judaism 63% Islam 58% Paganism 54% Hinduism 50% Christianity 29%[signature][hline]I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine raistlinn i kalbimde yaşatıyorum CusTodeM 3 Eylül 2005'te Rock'n Coke'da demiş ki: Karı istiyorum yaa
ShadowFury Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe. agnosticism 96% atheism 79% Paganism 50% Islam 50% Buddhism 50% Satanism 46% Hinduism 29% Christianity 21% Judaism 17% Agnostic mişim ben... Ohaa bi tercüme ediim dedim de tam doğru çıkıyo:D Yani Agnostic ler ne tam inanıomuş ne de tam inanmıomuş:D Güzel bişiy tabii... Durun ben biraz kanıt ariim...Belki ispatlarım:P Bari Satanist çıksaydım yaa off evdeki kedi yine gıcık etti beni =( Kediyi keserken bahanem hazır olurdu; "Test yaptım ben satanistmişim... Şimdi beni yalnız bırakın odama pentagram çizicem ayin yapmak için dışarı çıktığımda konuşuruz" Neyse Agnosticism de güzel bişiy... "Kanıt olmadan inanmam kardeşim... Kanıt isterim:P... Hayır ateist değilim yokluğuyla ilgili de bi kanıt yok" [signature][hline]İmza Güncelleniyor. Lütfen Bekleyiniz... [Bu mesaj ShadowFury tarafından 22 Eylül 2005 20:23 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already. In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth. Buddhism 67% Islam 54% agnosticism 54% Paganism 46% Judaism 38% Satanism 33% Christianity 21% Hinduism 17% atheism 0% Ne kız kaldırırım şimdi
Wendigo Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism[signature][hline]lost in sorrow nights! follow the energizer tav$ani Wen of Burning Legion gizli ninja
trapt Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 said: Wendigo, 22 Eylül 2005 20:48 tarihinde demiş ki: You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism töbe et abi...[signature][hline]It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes. And she's not breathing back. Anything but bother me. It takes my pain away
RayCharles Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 hehe +1 iyi çıkmış yine benimki :)[signature][hline]Ladies and gentleman You've been entertained by the genious Ray Charles!
Rebelution Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion. Paganism 96% Satanism 92% atheism 67% agnosticism 50% Buddhism 50% Islam 38% Judaism 33% Christianity 25% Hinduism 8% Islamı daha düşük ve Ateizmi daha yüksek bekliyodum ama tabi ingilizcemin kıtlığı olabilir. Olsun. Hem pagan hem satanistim. O da güzel.
Messor Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Pagan.. hmm güzel gelmiş[signature][hline] harvester İşte post kasan TW..kınıyoruz.. vaniLLe 1 Ağustos 2005 tarihinde msn de demiş ki: 1290 postum war senin de 1500lerde yakinda yetiscem sana =P lylidn...
Rebelution Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Hadi tüm earth-basedler birleşip kendi dinimizi kuralım..
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 muslumaniz evelallah... Islam 92% Buddhism 63% Paganism 58% Satanism 58% agnosticism 54% Christianity 29% atheism 25% Hinduism 17% Judaism 17% sasirtici sekilde satanizm yuksek cikmis. et yiyoruz diye satanist olduk anasini satiim. [Bu mesaj aquila tarafından 22 Eylül 2005 21:19 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Sly-One Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 pagan geldi bana da. satanism ile islam eşit geldi hehe.[signature][hline]abeo nihilum demonstrere quod abolesco dum te defendoa.k.
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 islam şudur islam budur diye türkçe konuşulanları anlamayanlara , translate ihtiyacı duymaksızın bilgi.. said: Your beliefs are most similar to those of Islam. Do more research on Islam and possibly consider taking the shahadah and officially becoming a Muslim, if you aren't already. Despite the actions of some - who go against the teachings of Islam - Islam is a religion of peace; the word "islam" means "peace through submission to God." "Muslim" means "one who submits to God." Islam is the third of the three Abrahamic faiths, and it shares much with Judaism in Christianity; its differences are the acceptance of Muhammad as the last and final prophet, and the oneness of God - in other words, that Jesus, though he was a revered prophet, was not in fact God, and only one God exists. Apparently the Taliban could not read (though their name means "students", because the Qur'an states that men and women are equal as believers, and that all believers should be educated and seek knowledge. Modesty in dress and behavior is required in Islam for both men and women to preserve the values of society and move the emphasis from superificial appearance to intelligence, knowledge, and God. [signature][hline]www.kemirgen.net Heyd - Jedi Padawan Deadem - Master Bio-Engineer - Master Ranger series, 30 Ağustos 2005 19:55 tarihinde demiş ki: pardon
Gallant Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Islam 58% Paganism 46% Hinduism 46% Satanism 42% Buddhism 38% Christianity 33% Judaism 33% agnosticism 8% atheism 0% Dengeli dini inanışa sahipmişim:)
Arthur_HellsFire Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 elhamdülillah müslüman çıktık[signature][hline]darkening
tunca Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 açılmıyo bende =(a[signature][hline]Fevaxium lvl 60 rogue of Eclipse- Burning Legion
vaniLLe Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 yasasin artik ben de bir paganim![signature][hline]lylide..
demirbilek2 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Islam 67% Satanism 67% Paganism 63% Judaism 58% agnosticism 54% atheism 50% Hinduism 42% Buddhism 33% Christianity 21% Islam-satanist-paganist ciktim :D [Bu mesaj demirbilek2 tarafından 22 Eylül 2005 23:09 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
demirbilek2 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Icimizden ateist ve agnostic olanlarda bile Islam'in ilk siralarda cikmasi ilginc. Aileden gelen deger yargilari ile ilgili herhalde.
Metakuso Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion. Paganism 67% agnosticism 54% atheism 50% Islam 50% Satanism 50% Buddhism 46% Christianity 42% Hinduism 42% Judaism 42% paganist nedir ?[signature][hline]Kısalttım :D
taz Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 oley islam çıktı :D said: Islam 83% agnosticism 79% Satanism 54% atheism 50% Buddhism 50% Paganism 42% Judaism 33% Christianity 33% Hinduism 17% "huzur islamda" eheh...
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