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Patch 1.8 HAkkında

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Mesaj tarihi:
posted by Linky on 05.09.2005
World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.8.0 (real or fake ? Posting anyway
--Azshara Crater

A blood war rages between the Quel’dorei Exiles and the Sunstrider Legion as they battle to the death to claim sources of ancient magic buried beneath the vast Azshara Crater. Destroy all opposing strongholds with mighty siege weapons to declare victory in this epic 40v40 battleground!

--Grubstone Cookoff

Simmer Grubstone sponsors this savory contest held in the town of Everlook in Winterspring. At the start of each week, participants will be given a series of increasingly difficult recipes to cook and brew. The best chefs in Azeroth will receive a lifetime supply of malt, an official Grubstone mug, and more fabulous prizes!

--Goblin Gizmo Gauntlet

Assemble robots to do battle via remote control against other players for engineering glory in this explosive event in Gadgetzan. Sign up for daily tournaments to win new parts to upgrade your invention! No engineering experience necessary.


New Auction Houses in Stormwind, Darnassus, Thunderbluff, Undercity, Booty Bay, and Everlook are open and ready for business! Ask the guards in each city for directions. Auction Houses are now shared within a faction – Alliance, Horde, or the Steamwheedle Cartel. Extra heavy security in the form of Goblin Bouncers has been added to Auction Houses in goblin towns to put a stop to any… bidding wars.
A debuff prioritization system has been put into effect. Certain debuffs will now have priority (e.g. they cannot be overridden) over weaker or triggered debuffs when the number of debuffs on a mob reaches the maximum limit of 16.
Quickness (Night Elf Racial) – Now increases agility by 5%.
Escape Artist (Gnome Racial) – Casting time reduced to 0.5 seconds. Now has a 2 minute cooldown.
System performance when enabling the full screen glow effect improved.
Buff/debuff tooltips will now be correctly updated from talents.
Tauren can now ride wolves if they learn the wolfriding ability.
Attempting to cast a spell on a friendly target below the minimum level of the spell will now automatically cast the highest eligible rank.
You can no longer communicate with the other faction through mind control.
The effects of +healing and +spell damage items will now be shown in the tooltips of spells they affect.
Class buffs such as Arcane Intellect and Mark of the Wild are no longer dispellable.
Hearthstones can no longer be used while invulnerable.
Critters can no long resist spells.
Pets that enter combat will no longer flag their master for combat.
Talents that provide mana regeneration while casting will no longer fail to function after being logged in for a period of time.
Shapeshifting will no longer cancel a daze effect.
Spells that are cast on a target but have no effect due to the target’s death will no longer be reported in the combat log.
Warlock/Hunter pets can no longer break out of fear.
Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes slide when walking.
Buffs that provide a bonus to resistance now stack with other resistance buffs.
Enemy spells cast before you die will no longer hit you when you are a ghost.
Players will no longer be randomly flagged for combat when not participating in combat.
Fixed a bug where creatures were sometimes able to parry attacks from behind.
It is no longer possible to break disarm by immediately switching your weapon.


Fixed lag resulting from certain UI mods.


Honor System
You will now receive some honor for restoring health to allies during PvP combat.
Dishonorable Kills will now apply only to the players responsible, rather than to their entire party or raid.
There is now an option that shows estimated honor points over enemy corpses after an Honorable Kill.
You can now exit a battleground from an option on the scoreboard at all times.
Siege weapon combat has been introduced to the Alterac Valley battleground.
Civilians can no longer fight.
NPCs in battlegrounds can no longer be mind controlled.
Feign Death will no longer make the flag graphic disappear for other players in Warsong Gulch.
Fixed several terrain exploits in Warsong Gulch.
You can no longer interact with tower banners and flags through walls in Alterac Valley.
Commander buffs are no longer removed when shapeshifting.
Fixed an exploit where Mind control and Fear could be used to send opposing players out of a battleground instance.
Fixed a bug that caused players who died in Frostmane hold in Alterac Valley to be ported to their faction’s entrance.
You can now enter the queues of multiple battlegrounds simultaneously. Once you become eligible and choose to enter a battleground, you will automatically leave the other battleground queues.
You can now see the number of players from the other faction in a battleground queue.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bakınız[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
Druidlere bir çok yenılık geleceği söylenmişti zaten. This is the time demekki.[signature][hline]-Fear of the fool, is the beginning of the wisdom-

Mandoo, 05 Ağustos 2005 20:06 tarihinde demiş ki:
iyide abi o insanlar ne yapsın? ölsünler mi? isterseniz katledelim..
Shadowcast, 05 Ağustos 2005 21:05 tarihinde demiş ki:
Böyle çözümler kısa vadede olmaz.
Mesaj tarihi:
niye priest başlığı olmaması sizi şaşırttı.

iki patchtir mage başlığı yok. ondan önceki başlıkta da
"mage armor has a new, unique icon" demişlerdi.

ki bu beni sevindirmişti. çünkü başlık yoksa mage'e nerf de yok..[signature][hline]anonymity brings out the worst in people
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