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Savetoby.com Sinir hastası herif!!!


Öne çıkan mesajlar

manyak herif ya sinir hastası
adam diyorki eğer haziranın 30 una kadar 50000 dolar bağış yapılmazsa bu gördüğünüz tavşanı yiyicem!!!

aha bakın burdada tarifleri :D
delirmiş adam ya işin komiği 28000 dolar toplanmış bile!!![signature][hline]Reality is a momentary dream,but a dream is reality for an eternity.
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Werewolf, 07 Haziran 2005 14:05 tarihinde demiş ki:
Bu site eskiydi diye hatırlıyorum.
Adam hala yememiş ilginç.

eski ya açılmıştı zaten daha önce ama bu yaz bitiodu sanırım süre http://forum.paticik.com/view.php?id=116640[signature][hline]Mendoza, 03 Şubat 2005 03:58 tarihinde demiş ki:
Hayatimda bu kadar "hastalikli" bir film gormedim...
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tam hasta nihniyet, kesinlikle yazıları ve olayı gösteriş biçimi çok başarılı. çok taktir ettim.

hele şu hekır saldırısı olayını yorumlayışına diyecek laf yok :)

Savetoby.com Under Attack!
I am sure some of you noticed that the website was down for almost 48 hours. Rest assured that the site has not been shut down and that Toby is still very much in need of saving. The problem arose because there are those out there who do not wish Toby to be saved, but rather for him to die an unjust and premature death. Savetoby.com came under attack from a hacker who was seeking only to bring Toby to his death. The hacker was able to temporality penetrate our sever and bring us offline. However, thanks to our web-hosting company, godaddy.com, we have been moved to a new and highly secure server. Thank you for all of the concerned emails and support we received while the site was down.
[signature][hline]Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus...
Web Site(ler)mizin Tarihçesi
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abi helal olsun ya. $28bin toplamış...[signature][hline]*reading screen* "To Start Press Any Key". Where's the ANY key? I see Esk [ESC], Catarl [CTRL], and Pig-Up [PGUP]. There doesn't seem to be any ANY key. Woo! All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think I'll order a TAB. *presses TAB key*
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