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A Question of Lust

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Mesaj tarihi:
Depeche Mode
Black Celebration
A Question Of Lust

like a baby in your arms
be gentle with me
I'd never willingly
do you harm

are all you seem to get from me
but just like a child
you make me smile
when you care for me
and you know...

It's a question of lust
it's a question of trust
it's a question of not letting
what we've built up
crumble to dust
it is all of these things and more
that keep us together

is still importante for us now
(we realise)
it's easy to make
the stupid mistake
of letting go
(do you know what I mean ?)

My weaknesses
you know each and every one
(it frightens me)
but I need to drink
more than you seem to think
before I'm anyone's
and you know...

It's a question of lust (...)

Kiss me goodbye
when I'm on my own
but you know that I'd
rather be home

It's a question of lust (...)
Mesaj tarihi:
25k madalyası olsa aslında burada iyi potansiyel var.. :horace:

güzel şarkılardır vesselam..[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
Mesaj tarihi:
harbiden taş parcadir sözler filan böle koyuo tabi dinlerken tasidigin ruh halininde önemi olmakla beraber :)[signature][hline]
Creed Demastikus Captain of the Apocalypse Class Battleship Vampire
"Who wants to live forever?"
"Angel: Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon. Let's get to work."
Mesaj tarihi:
Sam, 09 Şubat 2005 14:54 tarihinde demiş ki:
25k madalyası olsa aslında burada iyi potansiyel var.. :horace:

Aha abi öldüm gülmekten bunu okuyunca.[signature][hline]Follower Of Cyric,Prince Of Lies
Mesaj tarihi:
bugün anlamadığım 2. konu bu, öbüründe de berk imzası var hehe.

hoca 25k gibi bi amaç varsa söyle benim accountu vereyim onla aç zira senin yol uzun gibi yorulursun.. ehehöy

depeç mod diyince, kişisele vurursak +15 vanquishing sword of Enjoy The Silence ile vururum, critical olur hehe.[signature][hline]"Zz.. Me busy, go away!"
Arcane, Lazy Peon
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