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EU Patch Notes

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Mesaj tarihi:
Evet yeni patch sonunda çıktı ve lafı uzatmadan altdakileri umanızı tavsiye ederim :D


Happy Holidays!
The holidays are here and the citizens of Azeroth are celebrating the occasion with festive decorations and winter time activities. Keep an eye out for some fun and exciting surprises throughout the world!

New Dungeon - Maraudon
In the vast gray of Desolace lies the earthen tomb of Zaetar, fallen Keeper of the Grove and son of Cenarius. Zaetar rejected his Keeper heritage when he joined with the princess of the chaotic earth elementals, Theradras. Their unholy union gave birth to the misshapen and cursed centaur, who promptly slew their father for his part in their misbegotten creation. Fearful of Cenarius' wrath, the grief-stricken Theradras sequestered her dead lover's body in her secret sanctuary, the Crystal Caverns of Therramok, where she watches over him to this day. Travelers who come to Desolace have little trouble spotting Zaetar's tomb, for the blessing of nature that permeates his being transformed his resting place into a verdant paradise of flora and tranquil pools. Today, this tomb is now trodden by the hooves of Zaetar's children, who have claimed this great cavern as their sacred stronghold Maraudon.
Maraudon, a level 40-49 dungeon in Desolace, is now open and ready for business.

Cloak & Helm Graphics
There are now interface options that let you not display your helm and/or cloak on your character. These options will allow a player to wear a cloak or helm, but not have it show up in the game world. The check boxes to control this functionality are in the Options menu under "Interface Options."

Players will now receive credit for killing a monster even if they die during battle.
Players will now be able to purchase and train mounts from other races in their faction. However, you will first need to obtain "exalted" reputation status with that race in order to do so. Mounts of the opposing faction are not available for purchase.
A "Looking for Group" channel has been added. Additional improvements in looking for group functionality will be added in future patches.
Daze chance has been reduced in degrees depending on the level of the monster versus the level of the player. Thus, a monster will have a better chance to Daze a player equal in level than it would Dazing a player five levels higher.
If you die in Molten Core, you will now be able to retrieve your corpse at the Blackrock Depths instance line.
Several instance bosses and sub-bosses have had their levels slightly lowered.
Giant Clams in the Vile Reef now drop Blue Pearls.
Spell Reflection no longer reflects abilities.
You can initiate a trade by dropping money onto a player.
You can no longer select targets while under the effects of charm.
Most non-elite creatures in non-instanced areas of the world have had their hit points slightly increased starting from level 20.
Messages in the chat window provide feedback when you are getting drunk or sober.
Skill gain messages will no longer appear for auto-ranking class skills when you gain a level.
Training costs for all classes are in the process of being rebalanced. For this patch, training costs have been adjusted for the Rogue and Warlock classes and we will be making similar adjustments to all classes in the future.

Damage bonus for the Warrior's One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Protection tab) increased to 2% per rank.
Amount of threat generated by Shield Bash when Shield Discipline is active has been increased.
Mortal Strike changed to deal weapon damage + a flat amount (85, 110, 135, 160) instead of percentage-based damage. Additional ranks available on Warrior trainers.
A bug causing the Hurricane talent to not require channeling has been fixed. This spell now correctly requires channeling.

Player versus Player
Gurubashi Arena - The arena in Stranglethorn Vale has been changed so that free-for-all PvP will only take place on the floor of the arena, and no longer in the stands or on the entrance ramp. Please keep in mind that on PvP realms, members of the opposite faction can still attack you anywhere in the arena because Stranglethorn Vale is a contested area.
There is now a short countdown before a duel starts.

Fishing for high-level zones has been restored.
Monetary value of fished items sold to vendors has been significantly reduced.
Chances of acquiring green weapons and armor from fishing have been reduced.
Fishing profession now requires a minimum character level, like the other professions do. Any character who already has a fishing profession past the intended level will not be affected.
The recipes for Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, and Heavy Runecloth Bandage can be learned by visiting your faction's Artisan First Aid questgiver.
Mesaj tarihi:
Ya bu patchleri hep hafta sonu cikarmak zorundalar mi?!?!?!
Boylece wow oynayarak gecirmeyi planladigim bu hafta sonu da alt ust oldu!
Mesaj tarihi:
yanlis hatirlamiosam sen closed betadasin, buna ragmen 2.5 gb mi cekmen gerekiyor? yani patch 50 mb ise ,client kendi kendini update etmiyor mu?

edit:duzeldi torrent ,cekmeye basladi

[Bu mesaj GEd tarafından 18 Aralık 2004 11:55 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
GEd, 18 Aralık 2004 11:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
yanlis hatirlamiosam sen closed betadasin, buna ragmen 2.5 gb mi cekmen gerekiyor? yani patch 50 mb ise ,client kendi kendini update etmiyor mu?

edit:duzeldi torrent ,cekmeye basladi

[Bu mesaj GEd tarafından 18 Aralık 2004 11:55 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

yeni patch icin yeniden yeni client indirilmesi gerekiyor..
Mesaj tarihi:
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Mesaj tarihi:
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değil mi?

edit: yazım hatası[signature][hline]Tuor Delarren
Nehiod of EQII Runnyeye

[Bu mesaj Tuor tarafından 18 Aralık 2004 13:40 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
druid'lerin ozellikle bear formunu hakli olarak buff'lamislar, iyi de olmus..
yalniz mage'lerin polymorph ve warlock'larin fear'ina "Players now have an increasing chance to break free of the effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15 seconds." denmis..
Bu buyuler nerflenip artik 15 saniyeden fazla suremeyecegi mi belirtilmis ben tam olarak anlayamadim ?[signature][hline]Seek & Destroy
Mesaj tarihi:
simdi anladim cumleyi.
mage ve warlock'u bitirdiler boylece, yuh yani.
polymorph son rank'te 50 sn. kadar tutabiliyordu, arada cok fark var..[signature][hline]Seek & Destroy

[Bu mesaj Elufulec tarafından 18 Aralık 2004 15:37 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
pek bitmişe benzemiyor süresyi direk 15snye indirseler bile mage warlock bitmiş sayılmaz ....
Beni en çok sevindiren eartbinda koyulan 15sn cooldown oldu çok iyi yapılmış o lazımdı daha uzun bir süre totem koymalar arasında ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Elufulec, 18 Aralık 2004 15:36 tarihinde demiş ki:
simdi anladim cumleyi.
mage ve warlock'u bitirdiler boylece, yuh yani.
polymorph son rank'te 50 sn. kadar tutabiliyordu, arada cok fark var..

Yaw nereye bitiriyolar ama kabul etmek lazim biraz abartiydi yani. 50 sn ne demek ya o buyuyu yiyenin yerinde olmak istermiydin :) Ben 20sn lik poly yedigimde sıkıntıdan sigara yakiyorum 50sn de de tuvalete giderdim herhal :D[signature][hline]bir ruya olsa sadece ben gorurdum..
Mesaj tarihi:
İyi de 50 saniye DMG almazsa koyun olarak kalıyor yoksa hemen düzeliyordu. 15 saniye az gibi geldi bana.[signature][hline]Charles Rhadamantis

Nobody is perfect so I'm nobody.

Mesaj tarihi:
15 saniye uzaklaşıp, oturup mana içmene fazlasıyla yeter bu esnada cooldownlarında azalır daha ne istiyosun ki . Zaten 15 saniyede değil süresi sadece 15saniyeden uzun sürmesi düşük ihtimal ...
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