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Cube World

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
what we'll be doing next:

Fixing bugs: We have already gathered a big list of bugs and glitches reported by players.

Compatibility: Some players have DirectX initialization problems on their PCs. We will try to find out the reasons and solve these issues.

Performance: We will work on performance optimizations, both for client and server.

Remappable controls: We will make all controls configurable.

Scalable GUI: We will make the GUI scalable, so it works well with lower resolutions, too.

Multiplayer server configuration: We will add more server configurations options, such as a configurable port.

New content: We already have a few things in the making, such as new creatures.

Changes to the website: We'll restructure the site a little and add a new forum and probably a bugtracking system (if anyone can recommend a good bugtracker, please let me know).
  • 3 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

Here is an overview:

Maximum power is now scaled to 20 (from 100). Effectively, your strength won't be affected, just the numbers are scaled and items are available for a wider level range.
Each land now has a power level which determines the average power of creatures and dungeons. That way, players can choose difficulty by themselves.
The size of lands has been decreased. The average size is now 20x20 tiles (was 64x64). This enables players to explore new lands more quickly and also results in closer cities.
Naming and coloring of creatures and dungeons is now analog to items: For example, a blue "Undead +18" means that he has power level 18 and is likely to drop +18 items of blue quality. In contrast to before, players can now precisely see the power of creatures.
Dungeon missions aren't generated daily anymore and aren't adapted to the player level. Instead, players can see on the map if a dungeon has been cleared or not (indicated by a skull icon). A dungeon is cleared by defeating the boss and will remain empty for a couple of days.
I'm working on underworld caverns: The idea is to have a network of caverns below the overworld with secret entrances at the surface. The underworld will be inhabited by various monsters of varying power and will add another exploration factor to the game. Currently I'm experimenting with nice-looking entrances (it's tricky to get them right).
  • 7 ay sonra ...
  • 5 yıl sonra ...
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

oyunu onceden aldiysaniz milattan once alpha beta vs, Steam keyleri gondermeye baslamislar, ilk satildigi picroma.com sitesindeki hesaba gidip my games altinda.

Mesaj tarihi:

yapan adam eklemis iste senelerdir birseyler yavas yavas, dungeonlar ortamlar falan degismis gelismis boyle degildi daha basitti kac sene once.



Mesaj tarihi:

en basta beyaz seviye harici birseye dalarsaniz 1 shot atiyor hersey, da region locked itemlar ve xp olmadan leveling sistemi dandik olmus bence, level up icinde koca haritada artifact ariyoruz dogru anladiysam.

alpha halinde bortu bocek farmlayip level aliyorduk hic yoksa 1 shot yemeden oynaniyordu oyle baya, burda 5dk olmeden dayanirsaniz basari sdf 1-2 update edip ayar cekilmesi lazim.

Mesaj tarihi:

Light radius diye skill var şu an 4m demek onu artırcaz bir şekil.

Mage olarak başladım başlangıç olarak en iyi bu hepsini denedim, wand la fire ray baya etkili diğerlerine göre tabi ilerde ne olur belli olmaz.


Mesaj tarihi:

ilk bolgeyi %99 falan bitirdim ranger ile, mavi treasure seysi haric herseyi buldum, legendary olmayan bisi kalmadi, 10 kusur diamond oldu  vs ama betadaki mevcut sistemle yeni bolgeye gecmek = sifirdan baslamak, artifactlerin verdigi bonus komik, o acidan motive edici bisi yok 343463 biome onlarca saat dolasmak icin eskisi gibi. cikana kadar 1-2 girip artifact  dungeon'inda legendary famlarim anca, bakalim cikinca ne olacak.

yataklarda gece 3:20 ye kadar uyuyunca yeterince aydinlaniyor ortam.

1 tane cinnamon roll dusmedi 26 saatte lol pet tank kaplumbaga icin, diger butun pet yemekleri 3'er kere cikti.

Mesaj tarihi:

Ben ilk bölgeyi bitirmeden diğerlerine geçtim şöyle 3-4 bölgeyi talan ettim yarım yamalak, deniz olan bölgeler rahat her ada da bir şeyler var diğer mapler de arayıp bulmana gerekiyor, atla sala ada ada dolaş daha iyi.

İlk bi zevkli oluyor, sonra pek tat vermiyor dediğin gibi.

release olsun bakarız yine bi dediğin gibi.


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