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Star Wars Episode VII: Star Trek


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"People had been wondering how we lured J.J. away from Star Trek. Well, cat's out of the bag now: We never did."
―George Lucas
Star Wars Episode VII: Star Trek is the planned seventh installment in the Star Wars film franchise. Following The Walt Disney Company's October 30, 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm Ltd. from George Lucas, Disney announced that "Star Wars Episode VII" is scheduled for a 2015 release, to be followed by Episodes VIII and IX. Lucas will remain involved as a creative consultant on new Star Wars feature films. Screenwriter Michael Arndt will write the screenplay for Star Wars Episode VII, while J.J. Abrams will direct.
The film's story will be completely original and not based on any prior source from the Expanded Universe. The film instead combines the "Abramsverse" of the Star Trek series of 2009 onward with the Star Wars continuity. Future installments in the Star Trek series will branch off the same continuity, and will not follow a preset schedule or episodic title system.

In Episode VII, set circa 25 ABY, an alien entity travels to the Galaxy Far, Far Away from the Milky Way, and it is up to Luke Skywalker to seek help from its home galaxy to stop it. Spock discovers his latent Force power and Skywalker must help him understand it, as the crews of the Millennium Falcon and the U.S.S. Enterprise work together to stop this threat.

Contents [show]
Note: This synopsis is based on an early script draft, and will be laced with excerpts. At this point, for reasons that have not been revealed, the portions involving the Star Trek crew are more developed.
After the opening crawl, which has yet to be written, we pan down in the usual style to where we would normally expect to see a Star Destroyer or other ship, but we instead see a black hole. It is the Endor Gate, in the Moddell sector. After a second of viewing the swirling maw, we see the ship we expect. It is massive, more massive than the Executor.
A Corellian Corvette on patrol nearby comes in for a closer look, challenges the intruder, and vanishes in the alien ship's scanning beam. It has been digitized, and it will not be the last. The intruder turns and jumps to hyperspace.

The intruder arrives at the nearest inhabited planet with any notable amount of technology, Annaj. Using the image of the captain of the first ship it absorbed, it identifies itself as V'ger, and states that it wishes only to improve itself, and that the planet Annaj will assist in this endeavor.
A small fleet of ships attacks it, and none get within a kilometer before vanishing. It then does the same thing to the planet itself. An entire planet, gone. With even less trace left than the Death Star. It starts an inexorable path toward Coruscant.

A discussion in the New Republic Senate goes about as well as one would expect. Luke Skywalker walks out in disgust with R2-D2 and meets Han Solo and Lando Calrissian at a cafe nearby. They are soon joined by Leia Organa Solo and they discuss their options for going behind the Senate's back.
Luke explains that he has already had a vision. He must go to V'ger's home galaxy, and his friends cannot follow. With their technology, only a Force-user could survive the passage.

An X-wing and the Millennium Falcon travel to the Endor Gate, but only the X-wing enters.

Crossing over
Chekov: "Something on sensors… Fighter-class wessel, completely unfamiliar technology."
Skywalker: "This is Luke Skywalker of the New Republic. I don't know who you are, or where I am, but I mean you no harm, and my vessel is damaged. Requesting assistance."
Uhura: "His technology may be unfamiliar but his language isn't. Without the Universal Translator we couldn't understand him right away, but it wouldn't take long to learn."
Kirk: "Why not?"
Uhura: "The U.T. identifies it as a descendant of English."
―First contact between the New Republic and the United Federation of Planets[src]

The Enterprise meets Skywalker's X-wing. (Though just a concept composite, the director insisted on certain visual elements being added to this image.)
Skywalker is buffeted by forces beyond his imagination, and spit out the other side of the wormhole. We pan upward from his tiny X-wing to see the giant U.S.S. Enterprise looming over it.
Cut to the bridge of the Enterprise. Kirk and Spock are having a discussion about why they needed to come to the black hole formed by the destruction of the Narada a few years before. Spock has been feeling the telepathic call of thoughts of a higher order, leading to this point, but they have suddenly ceased.

Spock believes there is some entity out here and feels compelled to contact it, but doesn't know why, and the illogic of this disturbs him. Kirk has learned to follow his first officer's instinct, and whether this is a threat or a benign first contact Starfleet needs to know as soon as possible.

Their discussion is interrupted by Chekov's report of a completely unfamiliar vessel on the scanner. Uhura patches the visitor through, but in between contacts she notes that the universal translator is barely doing anything but cleaning it up a little. The alien is almost speaking English.

As the X-wing is damaged, they beam Skywalker to the sickbay and tow the snubfighter into the shuttle hangar.

Skywalker explains that he has come from another galaxy, that an alien entity called V'ger is absorbing planets and every ship that tries to stop it, that it's going to reach the galactic capital within a week, and that they traced it to the wormhole. He elaborates that he is something called a "Jedi Master," and that a universal energy field called "the Force" gave him a vision that told him to seek help here.
Kirk is intrigued by the fact that this visitor appears to be Human, and that his language is so close to English. Spock himself admits to being puzzled by the mystery, but wants to pursue the alien that has been calling him.

The first Jedi mind meld

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy surround Luke Skywalker as he
sits on a bio-bed, patiently undergoing McCoy's scans.

(Closing tricorder)
Alright, Jim, I've done as
much to confirm that he's
human as I can do, short of
locking him in the quantum
dynoscanner at Starfleet
Medical HQ for a day. What's

Kirk looks pensive. This visitor is an enigma. At
this point there is only one option.

Well, Spock, if he's human
then he has a human brain, and
we both know one quick way to
get the truth out of one of

Spock raises an eyebrow at Kirk.

(To Kirk)
(To Skywalker)
If time is as much as factor
as you claim, then the most
efficient way to confirm your
story would be for me to probe
your mind directly.

Skywalker smiles. He had a feeling this was coming.
He stands before Spock.

I knew I sensed potential in
you. By all means.

Slow zoom as Spock's hand reaches toward Skywalker.

(Places his hand on Skywalker's
"pressure points")
My mind to your mind, my
thoughts to your thoughts.

Skywalker takes a step backward and raises his hand in
response. Skywalker was not expecting a mind probe to
involve physical contact. Force use in this galaxy has
taken a strange turn.

(Waving his hand in the mind
trick gesture)
Wait, you don't need to...

But it is too late. The mind meld has begun. His
attempt to slow Spock down with a mind trick of his
own has only strengthened the bond. This first-ever
"Jedi mind meld" has serious repercussions.

Lights explode, medical monitors fly around at random.

(To himself)
What the hell...?

(Shouting over the noise)
We have to separate them!
Dammit, Jim, this is a sickbay
not a sideshow!

Finally a burst of light separates Spock and
Skywalker and the effects subside.

(In unison)
I... understand.
Spock's mind has been opened to his full power. After reviewing some files with Spock, Skywalker theorizes that the mental abilities of Vulcans, Betazoids, Human ESPers, and other telepaths and telekinetics are either very primitive manifestations of the Force, or deeply degenerated versions. By interfacing the Enterprise computer with a scanner from Skywalker's X-wing cargo compartment, McCoy is able to build a subspace filter into the tricorder that confirms the existence of midichlorians in everyone he scans. Spock demonstrates remarkable control over his power from the very beginning.
Crossing back
"Granted, I've done some fascinating things with this... Force... so far, but I still don't see how we can get the Enterprise back through, even if we can work in concert. Holding a ship together through a wormhole is different from holding a coffee cup."
"No. Only different in your mind."
―Spock and Skywalker, on returning to the GFFA
With Spock's intellect, combined with Skywalker's natural Force ability and Spock's own new powers, they are able to navigate the Enterprise back through the wormhole. They discover on the other side that astronomical readings put them over three million light years away from Earth, but also 500,000 years in the past. The fossil record proves humans evolved on Earth, and that's not far enough back for this galaxy to have seeded them, making the existence of identical humans a paradox.
The Millennium Falcon lands in the shuttle bay of the Enterprise and the two crews confer on how to stop V'ger. Skywalker notes that no ship has gotten within a kilometer of V'ger, but no ship in their galaxy has the teleporter the Enterprise used on him. Scotty points out that V'ger is already too far away for the Enterprise to catch up even in months, let alone a week, and that while computers and transporters are ahead in the Milky Way, shields and weapons from the GFFA are almost as far ahead as propulsion, and V'ger absorbed that knowledge as well.

And Kirk, ever the tactician, points out that two ships will have a better chance of assaulting V'ger than one. So the crews agree on a trade. the Enterprise will analyze the technology of the X-wing and the Falcon and the Enterprise crew will put a transporter pad on the Falcon.

"This ship is an engineer's dream."
"Why, thank you."
"Aye, a real fixer-upper!"
―Mr. Scott and Han Solo, on the Millennium Falcon
While the crews work together to exchange technology, Skywalker tries to give Spock a crash course in Force use.
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Friends, I am thrilled to announce that I'll be starring in the Star Wars reboot directed by JJ Abrams. I'll be playing Master Ceti Maru, a member of the Jedi High Council. The new film, entitled "Star Wars: Galactic Empire," is greenlit and will begin filming sometime early next year. It is truly a moment for The Star Alliance. Thanks to all my fans for their decades of support.
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