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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
adam ne yazmış.

@Mert: I see. You did indeed. But I must say I didn't see what you meant at first. Now that you posted your comment I see your answer actually is the same, although more like a comment. Nistor should decide if he wants to change correct answer to your answer (and see what he does with the bounty of course). He could even choose to make one answer correct answer and award the bounty to other answer.
Mesaj tarihi:
Joker said:

adam ne yazmış.

@Mert: I see. You did indeed. But I must say I didn't see what you meant at first. Now that you posted your comment I see your answer actually is the same, although more like a comment. Nistor should decide if he wants to change correct answer to your answer (and see what he does with the bounty of course). He could even choose to make one answer correct answer and award the bounty to other answer.

Haci olay bu iste. Yani ayni cevap vermissinizdir de uslubunuz farklidir, digeri daha makul gelmistir adama.

Hepimize olan ve normal sayildigindan mutevellit, su kadar alintiyi yaptigin, benim bu kadar cevap yazdigin zamana yazik.
Mesaj tarihi:
di said:

Joker said:

adam ne yazmış.

@Mert: I see. You did indeed. But I must say I didn't see what you meant at first. Now that you posted your comment I see your answer actually is the same, although more like a comment. Nistor should decide if he wants to change correct answer to your answer (and see what he does with the bounty of course). He could even choose to make one answer correct answer and award the bounty to other answer.

Haci olay bu iste. Yani ayni cevap vermissinizdir de uslubunuz farklidir, digeri daha makul gelmistir adama.

Hepimize olan ve normal sayildigindan mutevellit, su kadar alintiyi yaptigin, benim bu kadar cevap yazdigin zamana yazik.

bilmem ki gayet net ve sade yazmıştım oysaki

Mesaj tarihi:
adam 2 çözüm yolu sunmuş, resimli kısım külliyen yalan altta 3 satırda anlattığı doğru oda benimkiyle aynı.

adam dosya uzantısı yazmamış. bunu başka nasıl anlatayım yağlı boya tablomu çizeyim.
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