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WoW Guide: Professions - Yeni Android uygulama. İşinize yarayabilir.

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Herkese merhaba,

Yeni android yazılımımız WoW Guide: Professions ı hizmetinize sunmuş bulunmaktayız. Umarız hoşunuza gider ve işinize yarar.

Google play Linki: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=techtasys.apps.wowprofessionguide

Here is our new free android application for "World of Warcraft" players; WoW Guide: Professions.

As you know, if you are a player of wow; leveling any profession skill can be very difficult and time-taking work.

Download it from "Google Play" : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=techtasys.apps.wowprofessionguide

-Our goal is to make this way easier, faster and cheaper.
-You can find too many instructions and tips for all profession types
-You can surf through the maps for gathering zones
-You can checkout the items you need through out the profession you leveling.

Also with in-game tooltips we have tried to make you feel the real gaming experience.

Wow Guide: Professions includes guides:

WoW Guide: Professions is completely free and can work off-line.(may need your network connection to show ads which still you don't have to be connected to internet to recieve any data about the guide).

***** Guide Features *****
✔ All item images with in-game tooltips

✔ All maps for gathering zones

✔ All recipe locations with maps
✔ All guides updated for Mist of Pandaria expansion pack

*WoW Guide: Professions is the beta version of the WoW Guide: Ultimate
**WoW Guide: Professions is an application built by TechtaSyS Technological Tactics Aid & Systems
***This application contains ads to keep the application free.
****For any further question or suggestion please contact us via [email protected]
Mesaj tarihi:
tunch said:

tahmin ediyim , wow loginimizle giriyoruz? :)

Hayır, uygulamamız hiç bir şekilde hiç bir bilginize ihtiyaç duymadan çalışıyor.

Uygulamamız zaten fark edeceğiniz üzere markettede bedava olarak sunulmuştur.
Mesaj tarihi:
deadwoll said:

Güzel düşünce olmuş, elinize sağlık. Note 2 alınca kurcalarım artık, IOS versiyonu yok değil mi?

Şu an için gerekli donanım yoksunluğundan dolayı sadece android uygulamalar yapabiliyoruz. iOS alt yapımız hazır, fakat 1 aydan önce başlayamayız yazılımlarına.
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