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Project update e bakin beyler (#5)

10 gun kala pes etmis oldular, biz sictik ama uzulmuyoruz kezbanligini yapiyorlar simdi. ooffff offf

"Pulling the plug on kickstarter" said:

So as even our most optimistic fans are starting to realize, our Kickstarter isn't going to hit its target (barring some very wealthy miracles). This update will be entirely dedicated to explaining why we're not upset and why you shouldn't be either.

Right now, Reflex feels good. We think it feels good, pro-gamers think it feels good, new players think it feels good. We've succeeded in capturing the best parts of the arena shooter genre in a new, lean engine. Unfortunately, this is something that's hard to sell through videos and marketing bullet points.

The best way to get people excited about Reflex has always been to give them a copy to try for themselves. This has always been the approach we'd prefer to take. We want to grow the game alongside the community, we want to watch people's twitch streams, play their maps, download their frag films and jump on their servers to get our asses handed to us.

So to bring that scene together sooner, we're going to be shutting down the Kickstarter, focusing all of our development towards getting the game ready for Early Access. This work has already started -- that's why we've been a bit quiet the last few days. We've got a little bit more time than usual that we'd set aside for the Kickstarter and we're now cramming as much development into that time as we possibly can.

And we're excited about the change. It's much closer to the approach we've always wanted to take. So why didn't we do it this way in the first place?

Well, Kickstarter was our shot at full-time development with an unrestrained feature list. At least for the short term, Early Access will be a return to developing out of hours which means progress will be much slower. We won't be able to promise release dates and we won't be able to guarantee features without the financial backing we were hoping Kickstarter would bring. But this project page still works as a list of things we want to do (and will do as soon as we have the resources).

If you've pledged and are sad because you wanted shirts and custom melee weapons, we will be looking at ways for players to still get their hands on some of the rewards (with all proceeds going directly to continued development). Keep an eye on ReflexFPS.net / Facebook / Twitter / Greenlight for more info about that over the next few months.

So when can you grab a copy and start playing? Soon! We're currently spending every minute we have working through a todo list that is focused entirely on getting the game in players hands. We can't give any dates just yet but the game will be made available the moment we've squashed enough bugs and implemented enough features for it to be considered properly playable.

In the end, we don't regret hitting Kickstarter at all, regardless of the outcome. The support and excitement of the community has been incredible. We've seen Reflex on all our favourite gaming sites. We've made new connections with people in the industry. We raised a not-insignificant amount of money (even if we never get to see it) and of course we've learned that we're much better at making games than at marketing games ;).

We'd also like to thank everyone who helped get us this far: Our friends and families for sticking around when all our time was going into Reflex. Sonigo / Beckoning for giving us a whole stack of music to use for our videos. Everyone from our little pool of testers. Vo0, KovaaK, empish, the ZLive team and everyone else who has been streaming. Mew for performing all of the trickjumps that I couldn't. Everyone in #reflex for the crowd-sourced spell checking. Entik for his amazing work on our Kickstarter trailer. Our secret concept artist for bringing my design ramblings to life. Jas Purewal for the free legal advice when we had no money left. Ninemil and Fjoggs for pushing our editing tools to their current limits. All the press who decided to cover Reflex despite getting hundreds of "Our game is on Kickstarter" emails a week.

And of course, everyone who pledged, retweeted, liked, favorited, shared and spammed Reflex stuff -- we look forward to seeing you all in-game soon.

Mesaj tarihi:
okudum ben de bunu bugün, Daesu ile krtiğini de yaptık, biz cpm dünyasının polyanaları olarak early access için ufaktan heycanlandık, en azından hemen ulaşacağız early access'e çıkar çıkmaz, alıp tepincez, map yapcaz vs.
Mesaj tarihi:
van goghda resmini satamıyodu

baya yersiz eleştiriyosunuz yani olayı, oyun kötü olsun onu eleştirin bari. su greenlightı acıklasınlar madem nası oluyor. steamsiz çekilmez
Mesaj tarihi:
tmm abi gerksiz agro diyorum bende. ya millet cok takıldı buna ya ben umursamıyorum. su keko eril her seferinde aynı muhabbeti acıyor matahmış gibi
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben hala gayet umutluyum, ortada ki footage'lar gayet iyi gozukuyor su hali ile bile. Haritalarda texture varsin olmasin. Daha iyi bile oldu, daha erken oynayabilecegim gibi duruyor ehueh. Lafi uzatmadan durustce cekilmisler Ks'den iste negzel.

Hype devam ya bence, problem yok. (tu)

edit: Ha bide Van Gogh 1 resim satti hayati boyunca, ben ordaydim.


cCc ushUYoRuz KuLaKsIz_REiS cCc
Mesaj tarihi:
10 hours ago
Reflex is coming to Steam! Thanks to everyone who voted for us on Greenlight!


early access. dayz modeli
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