Suark Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 t5 olmadan lp farmmı olur beya hehe nese göremedim ben onları yeni dönücem oyuna. ama millet blobdan baya sıkılmış nulliler gitsede pvp yapabilsek demeye başlamışlar. bilemiore artıh
Exodous Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 Zenginin parası yine züğürtün çenesini yoruyor. Biz yaptık dünyalığımızı kardeşim, sen anca konuş.
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 panpa o zaman beleş carrier varsa atın bi zahmet sdsfs yetemediniz olm işte, bi avuç düzensiz militiacı bile yapar t5 heh
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 16, 2012 "allaincetan bi mail" said: Faction Warfare First of, i know there have been many rumours about Nulli Secunda, but let me tell you what I know straight from the horses mouth. I am friendly as many of you know with Nulli Leadership. They are pissed about the way things have turned out for them so far. They came here obviously expecting to steam roll everything, flip the systems and make multiple billions each on the LP they farmed. That was not the case. Their killboard got decimated during this campaign of theirs. In regards to Zombies alone, they lost 2bil worth of ships and killed 200mil (the campaign so far is available for viewing on our own killboards). The didnt manage to flip enough systems to achieve T5 lp store which resulted in them cashing out at T4 which as we all know is no where near as profitable. To quote one of their members 'we should have worked out a deal. You help us get to 5, we cash out and then slaughter all the amarr guys to get you guys up' I want to offer first hand a congrats to all Zombies remaining active in the lowsec side of our alliance. Im sure everyone will agree that they did a fantastic job in stirring up trouble for the 'l33t null sec blocs'. Id also like to apologise for the strategic withdrawl closer to Hek but if we could have guessed the way things would have turned out then perhaps the upheavel of that minor relocation could have served us in better ways. ..............
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