Suark Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 evet siside böle bişi varmış, söylentinin kaynağı sağlam BS modülü, baktığın yönde 100km ileriye jumplatıyor seni. 30 saniye timerı var. "Long ramp up time, at end ship is jumped instantly 100 km directly forward. Ship maintains direction and velocity. Ship is affected by warp scramblers and warp disruption fields" yazıo bide aynı yerde drone region bounty değişiklikleri falan var ilgilenen için.
DERT3 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 telekom pastebin e de el atmış bir zahmet spoiler olarak belgeyi koyar mısın_?
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 12, 2012 uzun baya, içinde mermi isim değişiklikleir drone bountyler falanda var [+] - new item [-] - removed item [*] - changed item (x => y) - group changes [+] - effect or attribute has been added to item [-] - effect or attribute has been removed from item [y] - effect is implemented [n] - effect is not implemented Items: [*] Dual Giga Modal Laser I [-|y] overloadSelfDamageBonus [+|y] overloadRofBonus [-] overloadDamageModifier: 0 [*] Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I [-|y] overloadRofBonus [+|y] overloadSelfDamageBonus [*] Crippler Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 195000.0 [*] Defeater Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 185000.0 [*] Enforcer Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 175000.0 [*] Exterminator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 225000.0 [*] Siege Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 215000.0 [*] Striker Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 205000.0 [*] Domination Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 950000.0 [*] Drone Controller [+] entityKillBounty: 500000.0 [*] Drone Creator [+] entityKillBounty: 1400000.0 [*] Drone Queen [+] entityKillBounty: 1850000.0 [*] Drone Ruler [+] entityKillBounty: 1250000.0 [*] Matriarch Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 1700000.0 [*] Patriarch Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 1550000.0 [*] Spearhead Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 800000.0 [*] Supreme Drone Parasite [+] entityKillBounty: 1100000.0 [*] Swarm Preserver Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 650000.0 [*] Annihilator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 65000.0 [*] Atomizer Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 110000.0 [*] Bomber Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 102500.0 [*] Destructor Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 57500.0 [*] Devastator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 72500.0 [*] Disintegrator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 95000.0 [*] Nuker Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 117500.0 [*] Strain Annihilator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 270000.0 [*] Strain Atomizer Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 360000.0 [*] Strain Bomber Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 345000.0 [*] Strain Destructor Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 255000.0 [*] Strain Devastator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 285000.0 [*] Strain Disintegrator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 330000.0 [*] Strain Nuker Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 375000.0 [*] Strain Violator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 315000.0 [*] Strain Viral Infector Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 300000.0 [*] Strain Wrecker Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 240000.0 [*] Violator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 87500.0 [*] Viral Infector Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 80000.0 [*] Wrecker Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 50000.0 [*] Dismantler Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 22500.0 [*] Marauder Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 21000.0 [*] Predator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 19500.0 [*] Ripper Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 16500.0 [*] Shatter Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 15000.0 [*] Shredder Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 18000.0 [*] Barracuda Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 13000.0 [*] Decimator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 7000.0 [*] Devilfish Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 12000.0 [*] Hunter Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 10000.0 [*] Infester Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 4000.0 [*] Raider Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 9000.0 [*] Render Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 6000.0 [*] Silverfish Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 11000.0 [*] Splinter Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 5000.0 [*] Strain Barracude Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 37500.0 [*] Strain Decimator Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 28500.0 [*] Strain Devilfish Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 36000.0 [*] Strain Hunter Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 33000.0 [*] Strain Infester Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 24000.0 [*] Strain Raider Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 31500.0 [*] Strain Render Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 27000.0 [*] Strain Silverfish Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 34500.0 [*] Strain Splinter Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 25500.0 [*] Strain Sunder Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 30000.0 [*] Sunder Drone [+] entityKillBounty: 8000.0 [*] Crippler Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 138750.0 [*] Defeater Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 135000.0 [*] Enforcer Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 131250.0 [*] Exterminator Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 153750.0 [*] Siege Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 146250.0 [*] Striker Alvatis [+] entityKillBounty: 142500.0 [*] Alvus Controller [+] entityKillBounty: 375000.0 [*] Alvus Creator [+] entityKillBounty: 881250.0 [*] Alvus Queen [+] entityKillBounty: 1218750.0 [*] Alvus Ruler [+] entityKillBounty: 768750.0 [*] Domination Alvus [+] entityKillBounty: 543750.0 [*] Matriarch Alvus [+] entityKillBounty: 1162500.0 [*] Patriarch Alvus [+] entityKillBounty: 993750.0 [*] Spearhead Alvus [+] entityKillBounty: 487500.0 [*] Supreme Alvus Parasite [+] entityKillBounty: 712500.0 [*] Swarm Preserver Alvus [+] entityKillBounty: 431250.0 [*] Annihilator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 45938.0 [*] Atomizer Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 76875.0 [*] Bomber Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 74063.0 [*] Destructor Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 43125.0 [*] Devastator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 51563.0 [*] Disintegrator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 68438.0 [*] Nuker Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 79688.0 [*] Strain Annihilator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 202500.0 [*] Strain Atomizer Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 270000.0 [*] Strain Bomber Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 258750.0 [*] Strain Devastator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 213750.0 [*] Strain Disintegrator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 247500.0 [*] Strain Nuker Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 281250.0 [*] Strain Violator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 236250.0 [*] Strain Viral Infector Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 225000.0 [*] Violator Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 62813.0 [*] Viral Infector Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 57188.0 [*] Wrecker Alvum [+] entityKillBounty: 37500.0 [*] Dismantler Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 15750.0 [*] Marauder Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 14625.0 [*] Predator Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 13500.0 [*] Ripper Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 11813.0 [*] Shatter Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 11250.0 [*] Shredder Alvior [+] entityKillBounty: 12375.0 [*] Barracuda Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 9000.0 [*] Decimator Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 4875.0 [*] Devilfish Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 8250.0 [*] Hunter Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 7500.0 [*] Infester Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 3000.0 [*] Raider Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 6375.0 [*] Render Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 4500.0 [*] Silverfish Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 7875.0 [*] Splinter Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 3750.0 [*] Strain Barracude Alvi [+] entityKillBounty: 28125.0 [*] Strain Decimator Alvi
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