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Gaming Groove röportajı (Jack Emmert ve Mike Crouch ile)

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Mesaj tarihi:
Update 3 ile arena geliyor, hadi gözünüz aydın.

Gaminggroove: Where did you get idea to go with the super hero route? How did the design phase begin?

City of Heroes: Two childhood friends, Rick Dakan and Michael Lewis, had an idea for a brand new type of MMORPG. They saw the success of fantasy games, but both thought that superheroes were a natural fit for the burgeoning medium. When Michael Lewis sold his video chip company, he provided the angel investment to found Cryptic Studios. Rick Dakan asked his frequent co-author, Jack Emmert to join Cryptic because of Jack's immense comic book knowledge. Michael got Rick in touch with a trio of ex-Atari developers: Bruce Rogers, Matt Harvey & Cameron Petty. Those three had been shopping around a technology demo for a sci fi MMP, but hadn't seen much luck. The five decided to join their efforts and to create City of Heroes.

GG: Are you planning on creating more class types and powers any time soon for the heroes?

CoH: We certainly are. Expansion 3 introduces an Epic Archetype -- the alien Kheldians. In order to play one of these energy beings a player must first attain level 50 with a single character. After that, he can make as many Kheldians as he'd like. The goal with these Epic Archetypes is not simply to provide a new Archetype, but also to immerse the player in the game's rich mythology. As players will see, the Kheldians are deeply intertwined with the history and villain groups of Paragon City. In following expansions, we hope to continue opening up more of these Epic Archetypes.

GG: How quickly has the server population expanded and did it meet or exceed your expectations?

CoH: Sales were about 30% above Cryptic's most optimistic projections. Admittedly, we are a first time developer, so we didn't know how our game would be received. NCSoft, however, had the utmost confidence in our product and believed that it would be very successful. And lo and behold -- it was! I never would have believed that City of Heroes would be a best seller for four months running. Never.

GG: Are you planning on spending any time rebalancing classes after Villains comes out?

CoH: We're spending time now trying to adjust the Archetypes! That's an ongoing issue for us. We hope to get the Arena out before City of Villains so that we can get an idea of how PvP plays out. As every designer knows, plans go right out the window once players get a hold of a game.

GG: Are any new ways of experiencing being added to the game that are different from the normal crime fighting and questing?

CoH: We just recently added a Badge system that rewards not just combat successes, but also exploration. Players who adventure through the nooks and crannies of the city can find out bits of background and earn a badge in the process. We're also looking ahead to the Arena, which will naturally satisfy those with a competitive urge. Lastly, we're going to expanding what players do outside of combat, but that's something that's still an expansion or two away.

GG: Are the developers involved comic book fans? What comics are they reading?

CoH: I'm a huge comic book fan. I read maybe 90 titles a month. I've been collecting seriously for over twenty years. In fact, I even worked in a comic book store for quite some time (in fact, I'll give a shout out to Showcase Comics outside of Philadelphia!). I've also read & played just about every super hero pen and paper RPG out there. I like to say that comic book ink flows throw my veins!

GG: What have you done to prevent cheating online?

CoH: I'm not really sure what "cheating" means, to be honest. I'll assume the question refers to "exploiting" -- which means that a player is obtaining experience points or other rewards in a manner that the designer did not foresee and doesn't want. I actually don't mind that at all. If a player can "trick" our game, more power to him. What I focus on, however, is those tricks that incentivize "unfun" behavior. If doing something incredibly monotonous and boring nets more reward than doing something fun and risky, then I've done something wrong as a designer. So I need to dis-incentivize the boring activity to steer the player back towards the fun stuff.

GG: Tell us about the upcoming expansions... What's coming up, and what will be in them?

CoH: Expansion 3 is on the horizon. In addition to the Epic Archetype mentioned earlier, we're adding a brand new villain group, as well as a new zone. Naturally, this means there will be new missions galore. We're also hoping to get a new chat system in this update, as well as several other quality of life issues. And players will also get their long awaited mission difficulty slider. Perhaps most importantly, we're moving the storyline of the game ahead; players can take part in a world changing event whose conseq
Mesaj tarihi:
Arena kral olur cidden ama daha var heralde[signature][hline]Xaenin d-r-a-c-o-n-i-a-c

CoH : Cursus Novatron
Xaenin Aurion
Alexi_Septimus, 30 Eylül 2004 17:10 tarihinde demiş ki:
O kadın öksürdüğünde portal açılıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
Hmmm çok güzel, simdi de benim yorumlarım:

Yeni epic AT için önce en az 1 hero'nun L50 olması gerekecekmiş. Bu da korkarım L50 olan heronun diğer AT denemelerini terkedip jedi path gibi sadece epic üzerine odaklanmasına yol açacak gibi görünüyor. Bunu açıkçası çok sevmedim. Şimdilik çok eğlenceli olan oyun, ki pek çok kişinin alt'ları var ve pek çok tür de keyif deneyim kazanıyor, ileride herkesin 1 tek hero'ya yüklenip her ne pahasına olursa olsun onu L50 yapmaya ve epic AT açmaya çabalamasına sebep olabilir. Daha fazla exploit daha fazla bug abuse ve power play demek. Etrafta bir sürü, sürekli grind halinde, fire/dev blaster görücez arkadaşlar.

İyi haber, gerek CoV'da gerek pub3'de gelen arenada kimse PvP'ye zorlanmayacak demiş. Harika!! Aksi takdirde köşe başı sotecisi, 13 yaşında kımıl zararlılarının tacizlerinden başımızı alamazdık. Oyuncularının çoğunun amerikalı olduğu düşünülürse başımıza gelecekleri tahmin etmek zor olmasa gerek. Avrupalı oyuncu sayısının bir an önce artmasını diliyorum.

Anlamadığım ise şu oldu
We're making a couple of tweaks to powers so that no Archetype is too powerful
PvP dengesi adına powerlarla oynanacak ve template'lerin canına okunacak mı demek bu şimdi? Resmi forumlarda hasten'in L6 power için fazla güçlü olduğu ve nerf göreceği (zayıflatılacağı) üzerine bir tartışma var. Herkesin sahip olduğu hasten işe yaramaz hale getirilince ne olur tahmin etmek zor ...

Bekleyelim görelim. Paylaştığın için teşekkürler DA.[signature][hline]COH:
AdaSu Science Balster AR/Elec.Manup.
Usta Science Dark Melee/Regen
Baloncu Natural Defender Force Field/Radiation
Mesaj tarihi:
Devvo öncelikle ellerine sağlık çok iyi olmuş bunu buraya yazman.

Bende oyunun tadının kaçmasından korkuyorum. Hatta badge olayı ile bir miktar bu oldu gibi. Bu oyunu düzenli oynayan diğer arkadaşlar gibi bende en çok arkadaşlarımla vakit geçirmek ve aksiyondan kopmamayı seviyorum. Ama kalk git badge ara, orayı gez burayı gez, lvl bilmemne olki falan gibi zorlama yapılacak olursa oyundan soğurum. Badge lar şu an için çokta oynayımışı değiştirmedi ama giderek zorunluluk haline gelmesinden korkuyorum. Yeni AT de umarım tadımızı bozmaz.

Aynı zamanda bu en kısa zamanda lvl 50 olmamız lazım demek :)

Ve arena : işte bu gerçekten iyi bayaa eğlenebiliriz.

Devvooo seni istiyorum!!!! :D[signature][hline]COH :

[Bu mesaj KapIKulu tarafından 18 Ekim 2004 12:29 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
İste iste ama üzülürsün, pvpde babam olsa tanımam, swg oynayan arkadaşlar bilirler. :-P Hatta Enako (unity100) vardı kulakları çınlasın, yerden kalkamamıştı kapıştığımızda. :D[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
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