Sin Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 said: Fellow PvPers, thank you for taking on the challenge of player vs player combat in The Old Republic! In the first week after launch there were over a million Warzone matches played, with nearly half of all players participating in Warzones. Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future. We are all really excited at the tremendous volume of participation we’ve seen in PvP thus far. Your interest and demand dictates what we’ll be delivering in the near future. I wanted to give you some insight into where we are with PvP development and where we are going. First and foremost here is what we are addressing as a top priority: Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January. Open World PvP on Ilum: The planet of Ilum currently allows for open world PvP even on a PvE server, but the mechanics and incentives of the planet are not in as intended yet. We’re working on longer term goals for the planet and for other PvP areas, but expect to see some interim adjustments in January - such as more respawn points to focus conflicts, restricting Companion Characters from the area, and revisions to rewards. Ilum will also become a major source of Valor. Valor buffs will increase and decrease based on the objectives your faction owns. These buffs increase the amount of Valor you receive per player kill. However they do not give anything in and of themselves, so players will still need to defeat other players for significant Valor rewards. Additionally, daily and weekly missions will require player kills to complete. Player kills for quests and Valor credit will have diminishing returns per player killed. So, the more players that are fighting other players, the better it is for everyone. Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on. We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations. Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in. This is not a complete list of everything we’re working on that’s PvP related, but we have to keep some surprises for later! Thanks again for all your feedback and please keep it coming. We read as much as we can then cross reference with metrics to take action on features and tuning the game to ensure an enjoyable and competitive PvP community. Gabe Amatangelo Principal Lead PvP, Operations & Flashpoints Designer Turkce meali.. sevgili Pvp ciler, swtorda pvp ye gosterdiginiz ilgiden dolayi tesekkur ederiz.. Oyunun cikis tarihinden sonraki ilk haftada 1 milyondan fazla warzone maci yapildi, nerdeyse tum oyuncularin yuzde ellisi bir warzone macinda oynadi.. Republic oyunculari icin kotu haber - Empire oyuncular alderaan ve voidstar wz lerinin 54% sini kazanmis durumda(butun serverlar dahil)... En cok oynana warzone huttball 39% yakin zaman icin ayni factionin birbiriyle pvp yapabilecegi yeni warzonelar eklenecek.. Warzonelara ve pvp ye gosterilen ilgiden dolayi dok mutluyuz.. sizin ilginiz bizim isigimiz.. sizlere yakinda eklenicek PvP upgradeleri hakkinda biraz bilgi vermek istiyoru,... Oncelikle ve en onemlisi sunlar: Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 oyunculara ayri warzone acilcak, low level oyuncularla lvl 50 ler artik mac yapmiycak. Bu uzun zamandir yapmak istedigimiz birsyedi ve artan level 50 sayisi yuzunden bu uygulamayi ocak ayi icerisinde hayata geciricez. Open world pvp on ilum: Su anda Ilum sistemi pve serverlarinda dahi open world pvp zone, ama ilum un mekanikleri tam istedigimiz gibi oturmadi.. Su anda uzun vade de yururluye gecicek hedeflerimiz var bu gezegen icin ve oyunun diger pvp bolumleiri icin.. ama ocak ayi icerisinde bazi ufak degiskliklere gidicez - daga cok respawn noktasi, companion larin ilum a sokulmamasi ve ilum pvp odulleri.. Ilum ayni zamanda iyi bir valor kazanc bolgesi olucak. Valor bufflari objective kontorlune gore yukselip azalabilecek.. Bu bufflar alinan pvp kill sonucunda gelen valor degerini yukselticek. fakat sirf objective kontrolu valor vermiycek, oyuncular her turlu birbiriyle pvp yapmak zorunda olucak valor gain icin. Ayrica Daily ve weekly ilum questleri player kill e gore olucak.. Her oldurelen oyuncu questi update edip valor saglicak.. Ne kadar cok oyuncu Pvp ye katilirsa okadar cok valor gain saglanicak. Combat Gameplay: Ocak ayi icierisnde cesitli ayarlar yapilcak ve zaman icerisinde daha fazlasi eklenecek. Ayrica daha fazla heyecan verici pvp olanaklari oyuna eklenecek, Ranked Warzone, PvP stats, Open world pvp loot, daha fazla warzone medal, guard ve target alma ayari.. Ayrica Team vs team pvp, daha fazla level bracket ve istedigin warzone a girebilme gibi seyler yakin zaman icerisinde eklenecek.. Su an icin pvp ile ilgili yapicaklarimiz bunlarla sinirli kalmayacak, ama butun listeyi simdi aciklamiyoruz bazi suprizlerde olucak.. Feedbackleriniz icin tesekkur ederiz ve feedback yazmaya devam ediniz.. Elimizden geldigi kadar okuyoruz ve uygulamaya calisiyoruz.. herkes eglenebilcegi zevkli ve mucadeleci bit pvp toplulugu yaratabilmek icin.. Gabe Amatangelo lead pvp, operation ve flashpoint designeri
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012,6047856,page=58#msg-6075887,6063125
Sin Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 bu onemli bi pvp update ve forumda goremedim turkce melaini ve halka hizmet aicisindan postladim... gene /troll modu acmissin arkadasim
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 troll modunda falan degilim valla ama bu isin kurali budur. halihazirda paylasilan bir baslik varken forum kirliliginden baska birseye neden olmuyorsun. hadi sordun ben gormedim yok bu haber diye, linkledim basliklari gelip hala laf atiyorsun bir de ahaha. oyun hakkinda izlenim topici varken sifirdan topic acip BU BENIM GORUSUM diye ofke kusan adam gibi ayni. deal with it.
Wolas Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations. aha şu paragrafı koysunlar oyuna tekrar dönerim .
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2012,6063125 burdan devam
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