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Sony ps3 3D display bundle

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evet dün gece gördük ki böyle birşey geliyor eylül ekimde sanırım

ben tam böyle evde monitor tv falan ayrı ayrı oldu hepsini bi tanede topliyim derken iyi oldu

499 dolar fiyatı türkiyede ne olur bilinmez.tahminen 1.300-1.500 tlye falan alırız gibi en kötü

çok acımasız fiyat koymazlar umarım böyle bir fırsat için.

Jack Tretton just announced PS3 gamers can get into the 3D game for much less this fall when the company launches a 24-inch monitor and active shutter LCD glasses under the PlayStation brand. $499 gets the monitor, a pair of glasses, an HDMI cable and a copy of Resistance, while additional pairs of glasses -- which are compatible with TVs from other manufacturers and can be used to give two split-screen gamers their own full screen view -- are $69. That's a competitive package to be sure, but many will likely still need to be convinced slipping on the specs is worthwhile, and competitors like Vizio are slipping passive 3D glasses TVs in with similar price points and similar features.

Update: Sony has issued a press release (included after the break) with full specs: it's a 1080p edge LED lit LCD with two HDMI inputs, stereo speakers, an integrated subwoofer and claims to be the first display at this size with "quad speed frame sequential display technology". The glasses charge via USB and will be available at the same time as the screen this fall.
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topike mesaj gelmemiş sdfs

sanırım yalan oldu ztn bu.resistance 3 cıktı cıkıcak.

ztn o günden beri arada takip ettim hiç bi gelişme yok.gidip normal monitor alıcam artık
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