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[!!!NO SPOILER!!!] AngeL,Buffy

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Buffy'nin ilk yarım saati cidden berbattı ama son 15 dakikası harikaydı bence. Göz yaşı klişesine rağmen çok güzel bir finaldi.
Angel'da da sonunda Cordy'nin basılması "Muhaha" ve "Obaa!" dedirttiği için güzeldi. Gwen'in büyük rol üstlenmesi de artı puan tabii. (Ve sadece Gwen'in göründüğü son sahneden bahsetmiyorum.) Cordy sıkmıştı zaten. İnşallah Wes beynini patlatır pompalıyla. Gerci Connor gelecek bölümün başında bir yerlerden zıplayıp Cordy'yi (ya da Cordy sandığı şeyi) kurtaracak gibime geliyor ama...[signature][hline]Hangi "de" ayrı yazılır, hangi "de" bitişik yazılır, bir okuyalım bilgilenelim, forumlarda da dikkat edelim.

[Bu mesaj Eraq tarafından 07 Haziran 2004 16:16 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
bence cordy ile basa cikamayacaklar, willow u cagiracaklar geri. o kadar coskun bir guce sahipken zor durdururlar onu.[signature][hline]nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère.
Mesaj tarihi:
bi cordy'yi alt edemiyorlarsa ölsünler bence..
abartalıcak bir güç göremedim, sadece insanları kullanmayı iyi biliyor.[signature][hline]XaGoN, 14 Şubat 2003 17:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
Hala GeoCities yasiyor ona hayret ediyorum

[Bu mesaj Bonecrusher tarafından 07 Haziran 2004 18:27 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
yanlız şu dikaktimi çekti wesley artık herkese pompalı tüfekle çıkışıyo...[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) :
jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden.
Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
Mesaj tarihi:
HellHound, 07 Haziran 2004 17:30 tarihinde demiş ki:
connor penissel bir bunye...

pis manada değil ama bu nedir böle???[signature][hline]Head, 25 July 2003 12:45 tarihinde demiş ki:
valla en çok kutluyoruz arkadaşı
abuzittin, 15 August 2003 14:22 tarihinde demiş ki:
ben büyüyünce frp olmak istiyorum
[b]KoC Icq
Mesaj tarihi:
gayet uckuruna bagli yasayan bunye anlaminda hehe

oole de yani
herif hangi kizi gorduyse dizide hepsine asik oldu
Faith i zaten gordugu gibi ruyalarina soktu
Fred de bilemicem :P

sen de yasa 16 yil iblislerle bak nooluyo

haa cordy de az degil tabi hehe, baba ogul ikisini de oynatti :P[signature][hline]Yattım, ağladım, uyuyakaldım
Ama once bu foruma baktim!

[Bu mesaj Volfied tarafından 08 Haziran 2004 16:33 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
"men created god" lafı hangi filmde geçiyordu ya?
(ne alakaysa şimdi)[signature][hline]XaGoN, 14 Şubat 2003 17:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
Hala GeoCities yasiyor ona hayret ediyorum
Dralnu, 08 Haziran 2004 12:20 tarihinde demiş ki:
marduk gelicek hepimizi s.kecek
Mesaj tarihi:
Bonecrusher, 07 Haziran 2004 18:24 tarihinde demiş ki:
bi cordy'yi alt edemiyorlarsa ölsünler bence..
abartalıcak bir güç göremedim, sadece insanları kullanmayı iyi biliyor.

Cordy nin bir gücünü görmedinmi?
The Beast ın patronu yani meteor yağdıran ve günesi karartan o diye hatırlıyorum yanlışmı? Angelus "The Beast ın bunları yapmaya gücü yetmez kesinlikle bir patronu var" dediğini hatırlıyorum[signature][hline]Fallen
Mesaj tarihi:
wesi harbiden "cool" yaptilar aam lilahla takildi onca sure :P varmi otesi sen git lilahi asik et kendien :P
gweeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn diesim gelmio deil :P
+ gunna acaip tilt oldum saten
"o zaman sen daha once hich"
"ozaman gel ben seni bi.."
hrr :P[signature][hline]
Frostfel Dark Elf Mystic On Bartz
Captain of the Amarr Battleship Vampire / Member of Dreamsmiths
"Who wants to live forever?"
Mesaj tarihi:
hayır anlamadım salak manasında da sölemedim

sadece çok ilginç bir terim gibi geldi

pek rastlamadığımdan ötürüdür

konu bölme konusundaki üstün başka bir çaba[signature][hline]Head, 25 July 2003 12:45 tarihinde demiş ki:
valla en çok kutluyoruz arkadaşı
abuzittin, 15 August 2003 14:22 tarihinde demiş ki:
ben büyüyünce frp olmak istiyorum
[b]KoC Icq
Mesaj tarihi:
I'm a freak in modasi gecti be abi
benden caldilar o lafi, 2001 yilinda 2002 yilinda kullandigim imzama bakin anlarsiniz :P

ben en cok Lilah ya uzuldum, Charisma Carpenter mi yoksa Lilah yi oynayan hatun mu deseler dizide kalma babinda lilah kalsin derdim, naapiyim allahin Cordy sini, kartlasmis, karakteri giciklasmis.

Ve evet, Connor ve Cordy den NEFRET ediyorum, yani elimde olsa pataklicam bunlri gunde 3 rekat :)[signature][hline]Yattım, ağladım, uyuyakaldım
Ama once bu foruma baktim!
Mesaj tarihi:

Charisma Carpenter o bölümlerde hakkatende hamile yannız :D

Stephanie Romanov (Lilah Morgan)

Stephanie Romanov
shares a laugh

In her role as Lilah Morgan, Stephanie had one of the most captivating storylines which started in the Season 3 finale Tomorrow and continued throughout Season 4 until her unfortunate and untimely death at the hands of Cordelia in the mid-season episode Calvary.

"I love the chemistry between Lilah and Angel. There's always this really great tension; were they going kill each other or were they going to make out?"
~ Stephanie

Lilah may have enticed Wesley to her bed but her main agenda was always bringing about the downfall of Angel. Many of the scenes that Stephanie appeared in on Angel included lead actor, David Boreanaz. "David's great," Stephanie tells the crowd.

"Come back and I'll do a Lilah look for you."

Lilah Morgan is the antithesis of Stephanie Romanov. Where Lilah is ruthless and scheming, Stephanie is genuine and warm therefore was it hard to play such a character and did any remnants of Lilah rub off on Stephanie? "It's not hard to play Lilah, it's great to play Lilah," Stephanie enthuses, "What was most important to me early on was to make the evilness of Lilah ambiguous so you couldn't point out how good she was or how bad she was. It's like all the true evil, you can't quite see it and you don't exactly see it coming. And as far as elements of me in her, not really. I think what's so fun for me is I said things as Lilah I have never in my whole life said to another human being. I remember filming one morning saying to someone to, 'Shut up, just SHUT UP!' I've never told anyone to shut up in my life. Whoa! So I think that's all good, the sense of fun with Lilah, I've always been a good girl and I got to play the bad girl, it's kinda huge." As a breather, in between Stephanie leaving the stage and David joining it, fans were treated to an excellent display from a group of young girls who are part of an organization called Babes With Blades. They travel the world reenacting and demonstrating routines of martial arts and choreographed fight scenes.[signature][hline]This Cat Scratches Free.

Mesaj tarihi:
David Boreanaz

David came on stage to an energetic and enthusiastic welcome. Before he took questions he took the time to thank and personally applaud all the fans for the love and support they had showed over the five years of Angel being on the air. The obvious topic that almost everyone wanted to hear David's opinion on was the end of an era, the Angel finale and how it felt now that it was finally over. Rumors were rife that Amy Acker took the news particularly badly but it must have been an emotional time for everyone, "Well it was hard and yeah Amy was crying a lot," David tells the audience, "The tears were falling. You know when you work for a show for that long a period of time, you know a lot about each other, you become a family and it was tough, it was hard. I kept fighting it, 'I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry' - I won't go there. We ended up shooting in an alleyway which we kind of started the show in an alleyway and some amazing things happen in that alleyway. Kelly Manners, who was the producer of the show, and I just hugged and cried and it was very emotional. It was 4:30 in the morning so we were all tired I think because of the exhaustion of the scene. I'm really proud of the way they ended it. It was a very emotional time."

David Boreanaz

I had this episode that I pitched in my mind where James and I had to dress up as women! It'd be cool. I could wear a pair of heels, baby!"
~ David

On a personal note it is curious to see how David would have liked the show to end and what he would like to have seen happen in a potential Season Six. "Well, I think what they planned, the way that they ended the series is....", David is suddenly interrupted by a multitude of voices pleading with him not to give away the storyline of the finale (Flashback Weekend happened before the last episode aired the following Wednesday).

He sees this as his opportunity to play a little and comes up with a finale of his own, "You know it's... I'm not going to give away the ending but I will say that there's a big tank, a demon tank with big huge teeth and it chases me around. I have this ongoing nightmare of Godzilla chasing me and Joss found out about it! I can't beat him up! Erm... what was your question again? Oh yeah, I can't talk about Season six, I think the best thing about this show for me has always been I didn't really kind of think of it as going on into the next season. I would prescribe to the show when I got an order to do 22 episodes that's it. When 22 episodes were done I considered the show over until we get the order. That was pretty much my proclamation to myself as an actor because Hollywood is very discombobulated and excuse my French, f***ed up. So if it had gone to a sixth season I would have let the writers continue with it."

David enjoying a good
time with the fans

David knows how to ridicule his most famous character to. A lady begins to make comment on how much Angel broods and before she even has time to finish her question David hangs his head and begins tapping his head with the microphone. He pauses, looks thoughtful and then continues to 'brood' banging his head against the microphone all the time. As the crowd begin to laugh at his very amusing stature, he tells everyone, "This is how I got cast," (tap tap tap), "I give good brood!" Finally he allows the lady to continue with her question, which basically asked if the real David is like the broody Angel or more like the giddy Angel we witnessed in the presence of baby Connor. "Well, there's a big side of me that nobody really knows. It's funny because I'm in an interesting spot in my career right now and in my life and there's some big plans for me going on. It's exciting because I have the opportunity to kind of not be so close to fit a project in a hiatus where I had two months left to do something which was very hard to do because Angel took 9-months to shoot the show. So in a way it's bitter sweet for me in that it's opening up to do other roles and challenge myself as an actor but for the fans it's horrible because you guys are great and we love telling stories for you of course, at the same time it's just that give-and-take kind of weird. But there is a big side of me that nobody really knows and I'm excited to share that with all of you in the future and that's I'm really kind of silly and stupid and off the cuff. I'm really not that broody in person like the character."

This is how I got
cast," (tap tap tap),
"I give good brood!"

One of the projects David has in the pipeline includes a trip across the water to UK shores to appear in the very play that Alyson
Mesaj tarihi:
Volfied, 09 Haziran 2004 14:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
Ve evet, Connor ve Cordy den NEFRET ediyorum, yani elimde olsa pataklicam bunlri gunde 3 rekat :)

Gıcık olunmayacak gibi de değiller ki! Connor geldiğinden beri hiç bir işe yaramadı. Konuşan hamburger ("Angel oğlunu yiyecek!") rules derim.[signature][hline]Hangi "de" ayrı yazılır, hangi "de" bitişik yazılır, bir okuyalım bilgilenelim, forumlarda da dikkat edelim.

[Bu mesaj Eraq tarafından 09 Haziran 2004 18:37 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Quote ve edit tuşlarını yanyana koymasalardı keşke.

"Ayrıca o bakış da 'keş bakışı' değil, karizma bakış." Sokaktan geçen 10 dişiye sorsanız 6'sı böyle der. Çünkü ağzının yarısı sırıtıyor. Hepten somurtsa keş bakışı olurdu. Tabii eğer, "Adam ağzıyla bakıyor, diyorsun yani?" derseniz de itiraz etmem. :)

[Bu mesaj Eraq tarafından 09 Haziran 2004 18:40 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:

yemisim David i

Ben de Devil diye dizi baslatiyom
Devilus karakteriyle baslicam

Daffy diye bi disi vampir avcisiylaa iliski yasicam

gayet kes bakisi hehe[signature][hline]Yattım, ağladım, uyuyakaldım
Ama once bu foruma baktim!
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