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Harvard Law School

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Mesaj tarihi:
Geçen seneki sınıfta 22 ülke vatandaşı kabul almış, HLS sitesinden:

"Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Ghana, India, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Sudan, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, UK, and Venezuela"

Tabi bunun içinde Çinli/Koreli ağırlıklı olabilir ama en azından 100% değil :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Her nedense yukarıdaki mesajı editleyemiyorum, ama şunu da belirtmek istedim:

Başvurduğum alan hukuk, applied mathematics olsun mühendislikler olsun bunlarda Çinliyi Hintliyi anlarım da Hukuk da bias olması için çok bir sebep yok diye düşünüyorum. Hukuk bi Alex (STEM) değil.
  • 1 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
28 Ocak'tan bu yana bir gelişme yok, geçtiğimiz Pazartesi yine bir sürü insanı harcadılar, 400 kişi filan hold da insan kaldı sanıyorum ben de onlardan biriyim. Sınıfta kaç boş yer kaldı vb. bilemiyorum tabi ama yakında büyük bir dalga halinde kalan yer kadar doğrudan acceptance ve geri kalanları da Waitlist ve Reject edecekleri tarih gelecek, tarihi verilere göre bugün-yarın diyebiliriz. Wish me luck hesabı.
Mesaj tarihi:
Waitlist e aldılar. Geçen sene verilerine göre 6 Mayıstan itibaren waitlistten admission offer lar gelmeye başlıyor ama o en erkeni olduğundan hakikaten yazın bir teklif gelirse dahi o saatten sonra vize yetişmez diye düşünüyorum, dolayısıyla çekilip Eylül de yeni dönem için başvurmayı düşünüyorum. Fikirlere açığım, siz ne yapardınız?


Thank you for applying to Harvard Law School. After reviewing your application, the Admissions Committee is offering you a spot on the wait list for the class of 2014.

I have attached answers to the most frequently asked questions about our wait list. Simply put, Harvard Law School maintains a wait list of applicants who are interested in enrolling at HLS this fall. Should space become available in the entering class, we will review the wait list and make offers of admission.

If you are able and interested in accepting an offer of admission from Harvard Law School over the summer, you should remain on the wait list. If at any time you decide that you do not wish to remain on the wait list, please contact us immediately so that we can remove you from the list and avoid delaying the admission of another candidate.

If you’d like your application to remain under consideration, please reply to this email indicating your desire to remain on the waitlist . In your response, please specify if there is a date after which you would not be able to consider an offer of admission (note: we keep an active waitlist up through the start of classes in September). Once we receive this information, your status will change from “waitlist offered” to “active on the waitlist.”

If you have any relevant, new information, which is not part of your application to date, we invite you to send this information to the Admissions Office. For example, if you have been enrolled in an academic program, you may wish to provide a final transcript to LSAC.

If you wish to send additional information to the admissions office, please do so via postal mail. Our mailing address is at the bottom of this email. We will not open or accept email attachments.

Thank you again for your interest in Harvard Law School.


Josh Rubenstein

Assistant Dean and Chief Admissions Officer
Mesaj tarihi:
Bence her türlü başvur vize olaylarında elinden geleni yap olmadı olmaz ama en azından denemiş olursun harvard law schooldan bahsedıyoruz farkındaysan.

Bitirdiginde daha davaya girmeden türkiyenin sayılı avukatlarından olucak adam. Bize beleşe bakarsın artık? :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Önerilerinizi bekliyorum arkadaşlar. Ayrıca tarih belirtin demiş, yani seçenekler:

- Çekilme ve Eylül de tekrar başvurma
- 1 Haziran gibi bir tarih belirtip o tarihe kadar aldınız aldınız demek
- Hiç çaktırmadan aynen waitlistten devam etmek.
Mesaj tarihi:
bunu bize sorma bence, yani zaten mezun olmana o kadar zaman varsa, hocalarına vs deneyimli adamlara sor ya önemli bişey bu

beklemek sana ne kaybettirir ki madem 2014 de gideceksin
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi bizde de var ki bu kullanım "X yılı mezunları" nın yandan yemişi işte, önceden böyle kullanıyor adamlar, neyse konu çok dağıldı, evet ne yapardınız?
Mesaj tarihi:

Because some admitted applicants have not yet finalized their plans for enrollment or their plans may change, we maintain a wait list to fill spaces for the September 2011 entering class should any become available.


Please consider carefully whether to keep your name on our wait list.

If you are reasonably certain that you would accept an offer of admission to HLS, you should consider staying on the wait list. If you remain under consideration, but reach a point later in the summer when it is no longer possible for you to accept an offer of admission, please let us know.

We ask that you not include your name on the wait list if you doubt that you would or could accept an offer of admission to HLS – doing so could delay the admission of another candidate. Please do not remain under consideration if you know that you will not or cannot accept an offer of admission.

If you stay on the wait list, it is wise to make alternate plans for the fall. It is best to proceed as if you will not be admitted to Harvard, but remain flexible in your ability to accept an offer from us for as long as possible.

If your address or other relevant contact information should change during the time you are on the wait list, please immediately notify our office in writing so that we have the correct contact information should we be able to make an offer of admission.


The fact that your application was selected for the wait list means that you are clearly a strong applicant to Harvard Law School. If, however, you believe additional materials or information would strengthen your application, you are welcome to send additions to your file.


The probability of being admitted from the wait list is a function of the total number of offers, the yield on those offers, attrition, the number of spaces that become available, and the strength of an application in relation to others that remain on the wait list at the time spaces are filled. These highly variable factors can change quickly and unpredictably.

Although we would like to provide you with a probability of admission from the wait list, our experience is that such attempts are certain to prove misleading. Events that appear improbable one day may occur the next, and some apparent certainties may never occur. The size of the wait list varies over time, and the proportion of candidates admitted from the wait list in past years varies. If there were information that would be meaningful in trying to predict the outcome of your application, we would gladly provide it.

Öhö öhö bolded kısmı çerçeveletip duvara asıcam.
Mesaj tarihi:
Mortis said:

as çocuklarına gösterirsin ilerde giremessen bile


Abi bekle neden wait listten çıkıyorsun? Sıra gelirse vizen şak diye çıkar, vizeye vakit kalmaz diye Harvard Law'un wait listinden çıkmak nasıl bir kafa? asdadf. Bu sene wait liste kaldıysan seneye de kalırsın bu arada muhtemelen. Aynı bok.
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