Divin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Leurocian (Designer, Ultima Online) publish 27 için hazırladıkları minor artifactleri ve golden balron paragon'u göstermiş aşağıdaki resimde.. Bunlar da uo.stratics.com'da verilen detaylar..Minor Artifacts A lesser artifact is basically an item where its theme is visible through its name, hue, and properties, but isn't necessarily the best of the best. Therefore, these items should very rarely exceed the maximum intensities and should very rarely have multiple maximum intensities. Minor Artifacts will have a chance of spawning in each attacker's backpack after a paragon creature or a leviathan is slain. This chance is computed and scaled based upon its fame level. Furthermore, the luck value of each attacker will also influence his/her chance to acquire a minor artifact. Here are the minor artifacts that will appear for Publish 27. Polar Bear Mask Bear Mask Cold Resist 21 Physical Resist 15 Night Sight Hit Point Regeneration 2 Self Repair 3 Luna Lance Lance Chivalry 10 Damage Increase 35% Strength 5 Swing Speed Increase 20% Poison Resist 5 Captain Quacklebush's Cutlass Cutlass Use Best Weapon Damage Increase 50% Hit Chance Increase 10% Dexterity Bonus 5 Night's Kiss Dagger Hit Slayer: Repond Hit Life Leech 30% Damage Increase 35% Swing Speed Increase 25% Damage Physical 50% Poison 50% Ship Model of the H.M.S. Cape A Minature Ship Model The Admiral's Hearty Rum A Bottle of Rum Candelabra of Souls A Candelabra Iolo's Lute Lute Undead Slayer Demon Slayer Charges (1600) Gwenno's Harp Harp Repond Slayer Reptile Slayer Charges (1600) Arctic Death Dealer War Mace Hit Harm 33% Hit Cold Area 66% Damage Increase 40% Cold Resist 10% Swing Speed Increase 20% Enchanted Titan Leg Bone Short Spear Hit Lightning 25% Hit Physical Area 60% Damage Increase 20% Hit Chance Increase 10% Physical Resist 15% Nox Ranger's Heavy Crossbow Heavy Crossbow Mage Weapon -15 skill Spell Channeling (no fast cast penalty) Hit Poison Area 25% Swing Speed Increase 30% Poison Resist 10% Blaze of Death Halberd Hit Fireball 50% Hit Fire Area 50% Damage Increase 35% Swing Speed Increase 25% Fire Resist 10% Violet Courage Female Plate Armor Luck 95 Defense Chance Increase 15% Physical Resist 14% Fire Resist 12% Cold Resist 12% Poison Resist 8% Energy Resist 9% Mage Armor Lower Requirements 100% Cavorting Club Club Self Repair 3 Damage Increase 35% Swing Speed Increase 25% Poison Resist 8 Energy Resist 8 Fire Resist 8 Cold Resist 8 Burglar's Bandana Bandana Stealing 10 Stealth 10 Snooping 10 Dexterity Bonus 5 Physical Resist 10 All other resists default Dread Pirate Hat Tricorne Hat Fencing 5 Archery 10 Dexterity Bonus 8 Luck 80 All resists default Phillip's Wooden Steed Wooden Horse Gold Bricks Stack of Gold Bricks Alchemist's Bauble Bracelet Magery 10 Enhance Potions 30% Lower Reagent Cost 20% Poison Resist 10% Bow of the Juka King Bow Reptile Slayer Hit Chance Increase 15% Damage Increase 40% Gloves of the Pugilist Leather Gloves Wrestling 10 Damage Increase 15% Dexterity Bonus 8 Physical Resist 18 All other resists default Orcish Visage Orc Helm Strength 10 Stamina Increase 5 Self Repair 3 Physical Resist 8 Fire Resist 5 All other resists default Staff of Power Blackstaff Spell Channeling (no fast cast penalty) Spell Damage Increase 5% Faster Casting Recovery 2 Lower Mana Cost 5 Shield of Invulnerability Order Shield Defense Chance Increase 15% Spell Channeling (no fast cast penalty) Reflect Physical Damage 10% Physical Resist +8% Related to Minor Artifacts (Ancient SOS and Fabled Fishing Nets) There is a 1 in 40 chance that any message in a bottle becomes 'an ancient SOS' instead of 'a waterstained sos' when opened. Essentially, 'an ancient SOS' is a level 4 treasure chest that will always contain a new type of special fishing net called 'a fabled fishing net'. When 'a fabled fishing net' is used deep in the sea, it will spawn a new sea creature called a leviathan. Like other special fishing nets, various sea creatures will also spawn, but in greater number. For comparative purposes, leviathans are equivalent to a paragon blood elemental in difficulty. Like with paragon creatures, possible minor artifact items may be rewarded to player characters who battle and defeat these legendary creatures. Along with typical loot, a leviathan always carries two kinds of ropes and a message in a bottle. It also has a 25% chance to carry a level 5 treasure map. Böylece fisherlara söz verilen yenilikler de gelmiş bulunmakta..(kaynak: uo.stratics.com)[/smal
Divin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Ayrıca paragon yaratık ne demek onu da açıklamışlar şöyle buyrun: Whenever a creature in Ilshenar spawns, it is granted the following enhancements: 1. Adds (Paragon) as the creature’s job title. 2. Removes all taming variables so a paragon creature cannot be tamed 3. Adds daemon target switching AI script to creature 4. Increases poison hit strength by one if it has a poison attack (no greater than level 5) 5. Multiplies creature’s maximum hit points by 5 6. Increases strength by 5%, intelligence and dexterity by 20% 7. Increases all skills by 20% 8. Modifies hit point, mana, and stamina base regeneration scaled on the difficulty of the creature. The more difficult the creature, the more regeneration it has. 9. Modifies speed of creature 10. Slightly increases natural weapon class 11. Bumps up - or decreases if negative - fame and karma of creature by 40% (doesn’t bump up karma if karma is 0) 12. Will possess extra loot scaled based on its fame level 13. % chance that a paragon will spawn with a treasure chest If it doesn’t normally possess a chance to spawn treasure maps, then it doesn’t spawn a treasure chest There are no guardians with these treasure chests Each chest will come in four different chest types, 11 different hues including the default hue, 8 colored ingot hues, Luna bank chest hue (white), and Umbra bank chest hue (black), and will possess the description of ‘recovered from (paragon)’ For example, recovered from a dragon (paragon). These chests will contain 20% of the loot normally found in current treasure chests of the appropriate difficulty level and will always possess a treasure map one level higher than the difficulty level of the chest Unless otherwise stated, these treasure chests will function as current treasure chests (i.e., they’ll be appropriately locked and trapped) Level 6 treasure chests will spawn ancient wyrms, balrons, blood elementals, poison elementals, and titans. They will always possess one minor artifact. Ilshenar da canlandırılmaya ve high-end pvm karakterler için yeni yaratık ve eşyalar böylece gelmiş olacak..
Anason Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 minor artifactlar uber değiller ama treasure map lere göre idare ederler. umarım söz verilen loot intensity side yükselir.
EagleEye Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 said: umarım söz verilen loot intensity side yükselir. yükseltildi zaten?
Divin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 t-hunter ve fisherlara bişey yaılmadı daha...
Asmodeus Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Yanlız farkındamısınız bir pub bitmeden diğerini hazırlar oldu adamlar eh ticari kaygı bu olsa gerek tabi. Ancak herşeye rağmen yinede oynanası bir halde tutmaya çalışıyorlar gibi gözüküyor, ancak WoW çıkınca neler yaparlar bilemiyeceğim.
EagleEye Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Bence bu haliylede piyasadaki en oynanabilir mmo Ama yenilik iyidir
Apache Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 freeshard mantığıyla allayıp pullayıp 3,5 özellik katıp koymuşlar[signature][hline]tksmtr! Krynn Online yakında.. geçici unhkar
Malibu Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 +1 Free Shardlarda bile olsa böyle amatör iş yapılmaz[signature][hline]Charles Rhadamantis
Anason Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 bi pubda yığınla şey çıkıyor, her bildirilen bugu kaldırmaya kasıyorlar adamlar şu anda dev teamde ultima:x 'in coderları var ve ben pub lardan hiç bu kadar memnun kalmamıştım
Rexar Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 yine eskisi gibi kıyı-köşe nöbet bekleyerek mi bulunuyor yoksa birşeylerin lootundan mı?
Anason Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 bunların paragon veya leviathan cinsi yaratıkları öldürdükten sonra çantana düşme ihtimali oluyormuş
Divin Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 islhy çok boş olduğu için biraz canlandırmaya çalışacaklar.. Paragon denen yaratıklar (balron, deamon, dragon, ancient wyrm,...) altın rengi olarak ilshenarda random spawn olacaklar. Onları öldürüp alabileceğiniz gibi onlarla birlikte spawn olan treasure chestlerden de alabileceksiniz. Her sandığın içinde bir üst seviye hazine haritası da olacak. örneğin 3. seviye paragon sandığında 4. seviye hazine haritası olacak.. Böylece oyuna 6. seviye hazine sandığı geliyor ve bu sandıklarda ancient wyrm balron gibi en üst seviye yaratıklar çıkacak ancak bu sandıklarda kesin minor arty bulunacak 1 tane. Diğer türlü paragon öldürerek çantaya düşürmeye çalışırsanız şansınız 5% olacak...
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