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New Hero Announced - The Saboteurs


Öne çıkan mesajlar

yeni hero biraz cilgin, yaziim skilleri. cok bakmadim ben de anladigim kadariyla.

1. skill
onunde duranlara dmg veriyo gibi bisey, bi de yere ceset atiyo, cesetleri yiyosun, ceset olayi 3. skill icin onemli.

2. skill
AIDS, veriyosun adamin birine, dot tickliyo ve cevresindekilere yayiliyo.

3. skill
yedigimiz cesetler belli bi miktar healliyo, ve max 16 charge veriyo, bu chargelara gore minyonlar cikariyoruz, minyonlar cok komedi asdf.

aoe dmg veriyo, boyle dalga gibi cember adamdan cikip genisliyo filan, bunda da cevrede enemylerin harcadigi manaya gore charge aliyosun, chargea gore de dmg artiyo filan biseyler.
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OOOOooOOOoooOOO rexxar geliyomuş

"We currently have a test patch out with new features, as well as another immediately recognized hero, Tundra. He is a Legion strength hero who has a couple of pets that help him gain vision and slow enemies. This hero will be fully released by week's end!

With 2 new heroes that is just the beginning as we continue to bring all your favorite heroes to the game, ARGGG matey. *hint hint*"

fuck yea
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