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Etkileyen -Savaş- Parçaları


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Abi ben öyle dememiştim ya oyun müzikleri falan değil :)

Şu tarz,mesela bakın nightwish - 10th man down sözleri:

Today I killed, he was just a boy
Eight before him, I knew them all
In the fields a dying oath:
Id kill them all to save my own

Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
Hold on tight, this aint my fight

Deliver me from this war
Its not for me its because of you
Devils instant my eternity
Obey to kill to save yourself

Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
Hold on tight, this aint my fight

"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hell
My path made up by their torn bodies
Man to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dust
Call me a coward but I cant take it anymore"

They wait for me far back home
The live with eyes turned away
They were the first ones to see
They are the last ones to bleed

"The ultimate high as all beautiful dies
A rulers tool, a priests excuse, a tyrants delight...
I alone, the great white hunter
Ill march till the dawn brings me rest
10th patriot at the gallows pole!"

Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
Hold on tight, this aint my fight

Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
Hold on tight, this aint my fight[signature][hline]Flamorph
Technology Blaster
City of Heroes Justice Server
Crosby,Stills,Nash & Young
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Cem Köksal'ın Man made of Iron var galiba bu konuda emin değilim ama bu şarkı olucaktı[signature][hline]Uzun bir süreden sonra sakallarını kesen sharky, 13 Temmuz 2004 01:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Eerrm bu daha cok boyle nasi diyim. Limp Bizkit in solisti gibi oldum yau..
No one knows what it`s like diye baslayasim geliyor her aynaya bakisimda.
Jarlaxle, 15 Temmuz 2004 10:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
Markası Asus sa normaldir.İçinde cd olmasa bile bazen efkarlanıp böğürmeye başlıyo.
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Grave Digger - William Wallace
Ablaze My Sorrow - Machine Supreme
Manowar - Battle Hymn
Virgin Steele - Through the Ring of Fire[signature][hline]"Story of SadButcher"

horacegoesskiing, 19 December 2003 13:31 tarihinde demiş ki:
...zayıf gelen iki dersim vardı resim ve beslenme dersi. şimdi dombili bi çizerim. öyle bi karakterim var yani...
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mADmaXimus, 29 Temmuz 2004 23:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
battlefield 1942 loading ekrarnında çalan parça

Bu sırada biraz konuyla alakasız olucak ama kusura bakmayın.Yukarıda adı geçen şarkının adı var mıdır veya kim yapmıştır?[signature][hline]Gilthoniel A Elbereth!
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
o menel palan-diriel
le nallon si di'nguruthos!
A tiro nin,Fanuilos!
Arian Elwing
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