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deathbringer's will

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Mesaj tarihi:
bu sapik trinketi ninjalamayi basardim ama hakkinda zerre bilgim yok.

google'da falan da arattim ama her kafadan 1 ses cikiyo, kimin ne dedigi dogru bilemiyorum.

1-proc rate ne kadar? raidden sonra dummyde 10 sn falan deneyebildim ve direk procladi.eger darkmoon gibiyse proc sansi baya op olabilir.

2-sansima agi boost veren sey procladi, guildden biri dedi str falan da veriyo diye, lan ben naapcam str, rogue'um ben.dogru mu bu?

3-bunu alamadi diye aglayan ret pala mal mi degil mi?
Mesaj tarihi:
Şöyle bişiler var wowhead de adam oturmuş denemiş


By nbuubu 14 days ago (Patch 3.3.0)
Just got this trinket tonight, in our first clear of ICC's first wing. Wanted to test the proc rate.

I sat my hunter in Org simply autoshotting the target dummy. This card procs 100% on hit, as it always starts from the first autoshot. As a hunter, the only transformations that happen are 600 AGI, 600 CRIT, and 1200 AP.

Started the stopwatch as soon as I started autoshotting. First proc was instant, 1200 AP.

Next Proc at 1 min 48 seconds. 1200 AP.

Next Proc at 3 min 42 seconds. 600 AGI.

Next Proc at 5 min 35 seconds. 1200 AP.

Next Proc at 7 min 23 seconds. 1200 AP.

Next Proc at 9 min 21 seconds. 600 Crit.

Next Proc at 11 min 10 seconds. 600 AGI.

Next Proc at 12 min 56 seconds. 600 AGI.

So with a 30 second duration, it seems to have a slightly under 2 minute internal cd, if I'm reading that right. Or it could be something high, like a 25-50% chance to proc on hit (and I just got lucky every time I started), with a 90 second internal CD.
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Buda classlara göre proclar

elitistjerks'ten alınmış

DK: Str, Haste, Crit
Druid: Str, Agi, ArP
Hunter: Agi, Crit, AP
Paladin: Str, Haste, Crit
Rogue: Agi, ArP, AP
Warrior: Str, Crit, ArP
Mesaj tarihi:
cok sagol

raidden sonra giremedim oyuna wow crit. error verdi, tekrar yukluyorum simdi oyunu, aklima takilmisti

yani 2 dakkada bir 30 saniye bufflancaz.

baya iyi bence cunku sanmiyorum 30 saniye buff veren baska triket var.

death's verdict'le baya iyi gider
Mesaj tarihi:
Strength of the Vrykul
Granted 600 strength by the form of the Vrykul.
30 seconds remaining

Agility of the Wolvar
Granted 600 agility by the form of the Wolvar.
30 seconds remaining

Power of the Taunka
Granted 1200 attack power by the form of the Taunka.
30 seconds remaining

Precision of the Iron Dwarves
Granted 600 armor penetration rating by the form of the Iron Dwarves.
30 seconds remaining

Aim of the Tuskarr
Granted 600 critical strike rating by the form of the Tuskarr.
30 seconds remaining

Speed of the Gorloc
Granted 600 haste rating by the form of the Gorloc.
30 seconds remaining
Mesaj tarihi:
Paladinde ArP yok zaten, biraz üstte bir arkadaş vermiş tüm procları classlara göre.

Todesengel said:

Buda classlara göre proclar

elitistjerks'ten alınmış

DK: Str, Haste, Crit
Druid: Str, Agi, ArP
Hunter: Agi, Crit, AP
Paladin: Str, Haste, Crit
Rogue: Agi, ArP, AP
Warrior: Str, Crit, ArP
Mesaj tarihi:
FreEmoon said:

Paladinde ArP yok zaten, biraz üstte bir arkadaş vermiş tüm procları classlara göre.

Todesengel said:

Buda classlara göre proclar

elitistjerks'ten alınmış

DK: Str, Haste, Crit
Druid: Str, Agi, ArP
Hunter: Agi, Crit, AP
Paladin: Str, Haste, Crit
Rogue: Agi, ArP, AP
Warrior: Str, Crit, ArP

iyi bak trinkete, trinketin kendisinde var zaten 155arp, senin yazdıkların class a göre procladıkları.
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