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Kapalı Hesaplara 7 Gün Bedava Süre

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
theCio said:

şifreyi unutmuşuz questionın cevabıda unutmusum bır sure deneyınce

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falan dıyor sımdı aklıma geldı bır questıon cevabı o olabılır ama denıyemıyorum bu bloke olayı bır sure sonra gecıyormu?
Mesaj tarihi:

ooo meyıl gelmiş


World of Warcraft is celebrating its fifth anniversary, and we’re inviting you back to Azeroth to take part in the festivities. Your account has been selected to receive 7 days of FREE game time - simply click below to claim your time and rejoin the adventure.

Claim your 7 days!

While you’re back in Azeroth, you’ll be able to enjoy the following new additions to World of Warcraft:

Claim your 7 days! Claim your 7 days! Find the Night Elf Mohawk to get your Mohawk Grenades... and help make Azeroth look “goooood.”

As a thank you for joining the Battle.net community you'll receive a new World of Warcraft in-game penguin pet: Mr. Chilly.*

It's never been easier to form groups with the New Dungeon System! With cross-realm grouping, instance teleporting and new rewards, all of Northrend's spoils could be yours!

Battle the newly updated level-80 version of the fearsome dragon Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh.

Answer the Call of the Crusade in Icecrown and take on all-new dungeon and raid content.

With the new Quest Tracking Feature, many useful options have been added to help you in your adventures.

And more to come... including the epic final confrontation with the Lich King himself.

We hope you join us for the World of Warcraft fifth-anniversary fun!

- The World of Warcraft Team.

*Received when you merge your World of Warcraft account with a free Battle.net account

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