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Tarihin en kotu bulusmasi


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Cons said:

rahatsiz said:

Tarihin en büyük azabı: alman tuvaletleri

abi evet eski odada böyleydi benim. yontasın geliyor böyle çamurdan vazo yapar gibi.

kokusu öldürüyor adamı.

iğrenç anı

bi de amerikalı ev arkadaşı bir defa temizlemeden gitmişti. adam uçağamı ne yetişecekmiş. ben de üç dört gün sonra geldim eve. sıvamış bir de herif aceleden klozete filan. taş olmuş. en çok küfrettiğim zamandı. nasıl temizledim bir ben bilirim. ev de deli bok kokmuştu. iğrenç herif. o almanya maceralarını anlattığın sitene yükleyecektim tuvaletin halinin fotolarını o zaman görecektin sen.

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BabacumMostors said:

evropalarda taharat musluuu yok onun yerine "bide" var böyle kalkıyon tek ayağın üstünde pergel gibi dönerek bideye ters oturuyon sonra çıp çıp temizlenip istirip gidiuorsun

böuyle böyle temiz oluyor işte

bizim ki all in one olm!

o kola kutusu kılık alman tuvaletini geliştiren mallara sevgilerimi sunuyorum..

vay aptallar vay
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Roses are red violets are blue

do you clean your ass well after you poo?

I know that I do.

Why? You may ask.

Because I use soap and water when I clean my ass.

Oh It's so efficient and it comes with such ease.

and it gets rid of that stubborn, left over ass cheese

Ass cheese?! You ask, what does that refer to??

It's left over, uncleaned, residual poo.

So now just relax while I explain how I clean

Oh and I know you can't see it cuz I'm wearing a shirt, but I'm rather lean

What's the relevance of that? You might find out in a bit.

But for you just relax while I talk about how to clean ****

When you're done with your poo

Clean your ass with tissue

and wipe till it's dry

and no poo visible to the naked eye

to your gloved hand add some soap

and trust me, what comes next actually feels pretty dope

then scrub your ass till lather

and rinse off with water

just think about it, you use soap and water to clean every other part of your body

So why treat your ass any differently, even though you're one hell of a hottie

So please use my method to get rid of ass cheese

now i must admit that this poem has been a bit of a tease

Even though everything i said is true about how it is that i clean my poo

this was just my unorthodox way of trying to break the ice in hopes of better getting to know you

so i hope didn't scare but instead sparked your curiousity so that you may give me your number

Cuz if you don't then I'll have to go home watch hentai and have sex with a microwaved cucumber
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